It is time

It is time.

I'm gonna text my ex gf. Last time she 'broke up' with me we got back together after.

It's been a few months and I miss her. Only 1 problem; what do I say? I don't wana fuck this up

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Be genuine
Tell her you still have feelings for her and want to start over

You're already fucking up.
Don't be a beta.
Don't text her.
Move on.

"Wanna date again?"

>"do you have battletoads"

How do I say that with what words though?

>ayy yo bitch wanna fuck

I don't know her
You tell me

fuck you OP, dont do it. im in the same situation as you are.

dont fuck it up m8, it will affect me

this desu

"Do you miss me?"

>She thinks she's an artist and her shit sucks (from an objective standpoint, I actually kinda like some of her stuff)
>uses tumblr
>is a 'real' feminist
>kinda chunky
>likes dogs
>smokes weed

Thats something to work with


But post the conversation here,kek.


I will if you cucks help

why would you want to date someone that was once yours and now has been fucking other people?
she'll never be yours again in the same way after having been split open by some other dude or dudes.

Never EVER go backwards in life my friend. Besides there is so much ass out there.

"You know baby, you ain't gonna find nobody that likes your shitty art besides me. How bout we get back together again so we can smoke weed and play with my dog like we did back then hun?"

How did that even happen?

She wasn't mine from the beginning, why would I give a fuck if she's slept around so have I

don't be such a pussy

>she'll never be yours again in the same way after having been split open by some other dude or dudes.
what if she fucked other dudes before she knew him?

Just dont write her you dibshit. Youve got no future with her, anyway.

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Do want to go all out and be blunt with her
Or do you want to off slowly and try winning her back after hanging out together for a while?
Generally what way do you think would work best for her?

Fuck off.

it does not matter if you had. she is the one who broke up with you because she wanted some new big fat cock in her pussy. she got that extra cock and some guy got to use her like trash and you're the poor fag that wants it back.

Sorry to be harsh but you are acting like a serious fucking loser.

Hello you stupid cunt

>Reply to Thread No.698727713
that was before they met. do you like to date women that fuck other guys after you shared intimate moments with them?

hey honey,
as you are studying arts we both know that in your relationship the man has to bring in the goods.
So please lets just not talk about all this nonsense and lets break it to the ground.
Me, you on your knees, ready for a good ol money shot shower, as youre not good for anything else you useless piece of shit stoner kike.

What would she respond better to? Probably the longer way. But I'm probably more likely to fuck up the longer it goes so idk

Hey exgf, I'm a beta Cuck that is asking autistic kids on the Internet to help us get back together.

Thank me later, faggot.



Go with what has the more promising results
Going all out may be a bad idea, maybe you just miss being around her and not actually being in a romantic relationship with her
You should try the slow way to, if not more, vaccinate of her

>do you like to date women that fuck other guys after you shared intimate moments with them?
no, i dont like even the thought of it.
it's what holds me back of doing i still fucked her after she got fucked by another guy.
im the one who broke up btw

*vaccinate yourself


I never broke up with a chick and tried to get her back so I can't speak from experience.

But I never once went back with an ex. there are so many other women out there.

BTW, i'm 39 and got married at 36 so I had quite a few relationships. I certainly had 2nd chances with exes that I did love but I knew I could never go home again, so to speak and just moved on to the next one.

>I never broke up with a chick and tried to get her back so I can't speak from experience.
well, i didnt either, so this is new for me.

i just decided it would be better to break up because im afraid to commit.

did fuck with another woman, some days ago and even she said i act like im not over my ex.
you are clearly right, but i still miss her somehow.

it takes time to move on. if you weren't sure about her to begin with then it is wrong to try and rope her back in again. maybe you fucked and made a mistake but now you have to own it. its better for the both of you.

Just dont.

Want my charizard up to ask?

the thing is, im never sure about anything i do. not even my feelings.

well, i hope time is what's needed. it's been three months now since breakup, and the thought to randomly meet her in the streets still hypes me up.

too late

>thats the reason why i deleted my ex number in first place

You're a fucking retard OP. You should at least first masterbate before you make this decision. Whenever I think about texting an ex I jack off and usually remember what a insane bitch she was and how much I enjoy single life. Remember it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows and also remember she had a part to play in it too. People don't change especially just months later. Fuck this fucking hoe. You fucked up OP. This will only hurt in the end. Cum in your hand and rethink your life.

Want to see what I said to my ex of 2 years when she tried to hmu? Btw we also have broken up and gotten back togther twice.

shes probably never going to respond anyway

>Cum in your hand and rethink your life.

I want an answer ;w;

No you dont nigger. Stop thinking about her and start thinking about yourself.

>Tell her you still have feelings for her and want to start over
>How do I say that with what words though?
>I still have feelings for you and want to start over.

Stop thinking about wording and grow a pair. In this instance, honesty is the best policy.

Man the fuck up and move on. She's prolly already been dicked down by 3 dudes by now who were 10x better than you anyways.

I'm not the OP xD
But i love those threads, with tinder too