New trap thread

New trap thread

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has any one hear ever actually fucked a trans bitch if so what was it like

oh boy, it's me!


That mouth looks like it begs for some sweet cum, daddy would love to feed his little girl.

post more body writing


Sugardaddy posted it. Getting a bit jealous of the attention you're getting lol.


Does hormone therapy shrink the penis?

yes twice once bad the other really good she fucked me it felt good

that video gets me so hard. Want to see your little slutty mouth more, holy shit!

fuck who is that

I need to rape that mouth

you shouldn't, I'm gonna be giving you all the attention I can when the rest arrives lol

Goes by "BeerTrap"

used to date one but the sex was few and far between because she hated having a penis and used to get upset when she got hard

the thing which surprised me was how feminine she naturally smelled because of the use of hormones

wtf why, that looks painful as shit

who're you


I had sex this guy before I started HRT, and then again a couple years later and he commented on how he thought my penis used to be bigger than his or something.
I didn't notice it at all, but apparently it did shrink.

Good to know. Gotta go. Kik me when everything arrives.

Sound please omg

from what a transsexual told me is that if you use hormones and neglect the dick i.e not wanking regularly, then they start to have problem with staying hard


And to answer, it feels good. As a bi guy I get to choose what I want and traps are fun provided you hook up with one that isn't shy. Shy ones tend to make sex feel lame. But for the most part in my experience, sex w traps is amazing

it's not
will do
sound ins't supported on Sup Forums
that's correct, lack of blood flow causes atrophy

Um, I really like this one.
I wanted to come up with something smart ass to say, but I can't.
This is a rather hot one!

is there any way you would want another sugar daddy?

My god do all white people have non existent lips

I can't stop looking

I miss wearing lingerie all the time. Even if it took forever to put on I loved the way it made me feel


As someone dating a current MTF trans, the hormones do start shrinkage, especially in the nuts. My lovers were almost non-existant a year after starting hormones. She also started with an 8 incher and now has 7, it's less thick too. Oh well, though, since I'm the top.



That's a lot of foreskin

something about a useless cock is a turn on for me.

also transsexuals who have had an orchiectomy make me rock hard

not really, the entire ocncept of people spenindg money on me that I wont financially pay back is kinda upsetting to me



Pic of my ass .

Nice booty

almost flat, really impressive

If you touch it a little bit, it gets hard behind all that lace ;)


I like that she has a big dick, it's a guilty pleasure. I like blowing her, admittedly, but it's more out of passion for her rather than me liking dick. Hers' is the only one I like

Wrap thread

Rap thread


Well thats unfortunate.
Didnt even noticed that you shared your kik in the same post, i really need more sleep. Wtf
I think that takes care of the Problem. You will give daddy some pictures of his slutty girld wont you?







I wish he were still around, he was so perfect




Woah moar!


Damn. That shit good!




Shave then 11/10


for fucks sake, you've posted these like 4 times today already, get a god damn life

fatties cant be traps or attractive

>on Sup Forums





Any of you cute girls in Pittsburgh?


should I stop?

vids ?

>fatties cant be traps or attractive
I beg to differ.


Not yet. Some day.


All the ones from the front sort of kill the illusion so I'm not posting those


But that means my pose options aren't varied really.

Just found... Omigod.

Just black your face out then

Oh my face is covered but I don't really have the body for trapping.


are you UK cause holy shit id love for you to suck my cock and ride it

I have some from when I was much heavier, stroking my tiny cock, but I'm not trapping in them.

Why would she hate getting hard? I get that trans want to be "real" girls but having a dick and cumming is pretty awesome too considering that reassignment surgery will pretty much fuck up sex completely for the receiver.

would you guys find a black trap attractive? asking for a friend

Let's see that tiny cock