Whatever the fuck happened to him?

Whatever the fuck happened to him?

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being a druggie dope

Is his right earring a safety pin?


He never had dubs.

>net worth: 400 million dollars

The flick where he had mini usbs glued to his head and people being #madatmort ruined him to be perfectly frank. You'd think railing amber heard would nullify all that but apparently he's a fuckin moron.


Whatever the fuck happened to him?

cancer or gay aids



he knows he gonna get cucked in the whitehouse so badly its gonna be renamed the blackhouse

>Moves to Australia
>Starts to look more and more like Russell Crowe with each passing day

what happened to brendan fraser?

holy shit

He spawned a qt daughter. His work is done. Leave him alone.

Lobotomy and shitload of psychiatric drugs.

Tim Burton started reabsorbing he's energy.
Soon they will be one again.

Was it autism?

He's turned into a major cokehead

Does anyone else think that Bill Clinton resembles Michael Douglas a lot?

What did she mean by this?

He get's to fuck that. There is no justice.

He's method acting as a pirate with scurvy.

he worked with kevin smith, thats what happened

Is this shopped? JUST fuck my wife's shit up


On his own fucking paradse Island too ffs

This is what happens to a mans face who is in the throws of a crystal meth addiction

Too much drugs ruined his teeth.


>tfw you will never be amber heards tonto man



He never could reconcile what he believed himself to be (a guy who will go to the top, have the world's respect as a stand up guy that everybody in society looks up to) and what he believed he must be (a freak le quirky actor guy who has interesting and weird friends and stories)
So he used and still uses drugs, alcohol and avoidance of his basic duties and responsibilities to his family (not monetary, but being a good role model, etc) and marries the first le quirky bisexual golddigger blondie so people can still say that, cool dude, he hits that.
Because no matter how weird or interesting he likes to be seen as, he really really obsessively cares about what people think about him and that they like and adore and respect him.

he literally got meme'd by time. will happen to most of us










He moved to Europe. A gypsy bit him in his arm and he slowly turned into one of them.

I was looking at a funny picture of Jack Depp and then I noticed the 2 fours and the 2 zeros just when you called

Johnny Depp becomes every character he plays. And they stay apart of him and warps his mind. That's what happened.

She's going to be in a movie with Kevin Smith's daughter.

Honestly it'd be pretty easy for him to unJUST himself by just losing some weight, fixing his teeth and getting a haircut

>There is no justice.

Good. You've made a step toward growing up and getting what you want. The next step is to figure out how to take advantage of the universe's unfairness and lack of "rules."

lamo it is. what the fuck are trying to prove doing that?

tfw all this time I thought he was British, but it's just because he's that messed up

>There are posters RIGHT NOW that are STILL #MadatMort

>figure out how to take advantage of the universe's unfairness and lack of "rules."
Do you mean rape? I hope you mean rape.

whatever didn't fucking happen to him..

What was his best performance?

I don't think it's rape if she's retarded and your step daughter and you marry her after

i don't think he's ever been in a good movie

>diamond covered safety pins in ear


I can vouch for this



oh it happened it just took a little longer than expected

It happened now thouh

Too much Tim Burton

Your reading comprehension is really, really poor.

>2 minutes with a halfway decent barber
>dress him up proper
he'd look fine

Isn't she in every one of that hack's films

Unfunny SMR's detected.
