Post your tats Sup Forumsitches here's my fresh ass steealers tat

Post your tats Sup Forumsitches here's my fresh ass steealers tat

did you just use felt tip pens to make a fake tattoo to look cool on Sup Forums?

my gf's tat

fuck u bitch it's real

>bosstin life
That gave me clinical depression.

you took obvious bait newfag

Obvious bait is obvious but still made me a little butthurt.

4/10 bait. Needs improvement

Here's my newest one

Didnt know whether it was steelers or stealers so you combined them both and thought youd pass it off as a typo if somebody called you out on it

LOL the thumbnail make you look like a wigger with a high top fade.


Stupid facial hair
juggalo confirmd

Shit bait, no one could post this on Sup Forums thinking they would be anything but ridiculed


Dats sic bro

Timestamp OP.
There's no physical way that this can be real

My grandpa he is a bit weird but this was him in his prime
I love him tho

why would you want a tatto with a lan socket?

Oh look a 12yr old with ink
So kawaii

That steeler's tattoo is almost as shitty as that team.

Because I thought it looked cool, and I spend all day fucking around with meshnets and distributed computing shit

wow ...u must attract flies...........because You are SHIT.....

Could you type that bolder?

It's hard to read it with all these Super Bowl trophy's in the way.

I can't wait to get flamed for liking Korn. Come at my, fagets

This is the kind of kid I beat up in high school

why would anyone where a hat like this?
>hes not even a nigger

Only one

This tattoo was shit 15 years ago. Fucking cut yourself.

be nice.......or he will hunt you down on facebook and put really negative stuff on your one needs that........

Here's mine

anyone can see this guy means business.........just as soon as he cashes that welfare cheque.......he's gunna fuck You up....

Why would you post that?

dont like?

Good point. Sorry OP. I take it back

because its been posted 10000x before...if this guy has a gf..........I'm gunna donate a 100 to habitat for humanity



Wtf are teachers doing? Cuz they're obviously not doing their jobs

Is this Justin Bieber?

there is enough senseless violence in this world.....I love You Man.....I got to get more beer.dont let this 404.I"m counting on You Bro...

>there is enough senseless violence in this world.....I love You Man.....I got to get more beer.dont let this 404.I"m counting on You Bro...

>>there is enough senseless violence in this world.....I love You Man.....I got to get more beer.dont let this 404.I"m counting on You Bro...

Why ya all playa hatin so hard dam bunch of nerds

Got my first tats the other week

Forgot image

I hope no one in this thread is serious. Fuck.


I fucking love you, korn is my fav band, don't worry we all have our likings, heres my weaboo tattoo

the goatee looks like a fag optical illusion

Yall just hatin, me and my step kid



thanks pizza too.


Did someone start a cringe thread and not tell anyone?

Because our girlfriend is a whore?

Your gf looks kinda young?

good life choice brah.......looks sweet as shit, and totally gangsta......I will never laugh at You again............I also lied.

lucky kid, dont got your genes

This guy is tougher than a 2 dollar out....


My First One

i like it, great movie

Did anyone notice the fact that ops 'tattoo' switched shoulders?

>rapesaburger fan

Is this a ylyl thread?




cool tat... except for the autism puzzle pieces

Agreed. Should be something cool like sonic rings.


> sonic rings
> not chao

It's like you don't even know how this works.

my sleeve, got more pics if anyone want

good taste user

what anime?

can someone guess who?


I actually quite like that

kek, that hero has been homosexual in european myths

fuck thats shitty

Wanna be thug but is skinny faggot/10

lookin good big dawg

Not a tattoo / 10

Hahaha is that you Josh Thomas? I went to school with your ass

You look an awful lot like this guy I picked up for $20 to give me I remember it, you used way too much teeth and couldn't quite get it all down your throat. Gave you a 3/10 and laughed at your sorry ass all the way home.

Yea it's NES.



Dude so this is totally this kid I went to school with, his name is Josh Thomas.. I can't make this shit up. If that's you Josh or someone shit posting your pictures, either way your still a redneck faggot.

Way to go user. I've thought about getting that one done before.
I have a Majora's Mask tattoo but I'm too lazy to show you guys.


Wigger manlet


Rural wigger who complains about Mexicans stealing jobs while collecting welfare

You suck

You fucking rule! I would buy you a beer if I saw that.


Oh look, no one is surprised the condom slipped off because you're too small.


Banjo Kazooie?

Nice fat girl tattoo. Do you have an infinity sign on your ankle too?

Not my preferred style but it's really well drawn and you gave a shit so bravo.

Heh. Pitfall Harry?

White trash and shitty tattoos! What an amazing world!!

There are a couple good ones in here, but yeah it's all white trash for the most part lol.

Fighting Irish just got done


Baby tattoo on face, Deadpool shirt, cap... Yeah, we have a class 5 homosexual

Well i was talking about OP, before i saw the others. There's some great ones here, and then there's a lot or shit.

It looks like a midget trying blackface for the first time.

You had better have a PhD to justify that.

do you have tattoos?

Damn, you got that in your friends kitchen, that's fucking awful dude

You look like a ftm two years after Hormone replacement therapy post op