Let's see how stupid you are #2

Let's see how stupid you are #2
White to move and win

Other urls found in this thread:


A1 to a3

This doesn't mean anything

Queen H8
Black king has to move to F7
Rook H7

C3 to H8, he will move his king to f7, then you move rook h5 to h7 bam checkmate

Rh7+ is not checkmate since Black can play Ng7

Queen to H8 check
(king to f7)
Rook to h7 checkmate

then QxG7 checkmate

Or he could just take the queen
Queen C3 to space F6 and then move from there
You can't win this in one move it will take a few to win

oh fuck, no it isnt cos king to e6 is the escape

Instead of moving the rook to h7, move your queen to h7. Thats checkmate

Qxg7+ is not checkmate, Black can play Ke6
Come on man

>playing memory "games"

Literally who cares? Play an interesting game.

Fuck its not because his knight can block...

then knight moves to block. Take knight with queen, GG

Queen to h8
Black king moves to f7
Queen takes h7
Black knight to g7
Queen takes g7

He can moves his King to e6 then

OP said one move... it's not there.

Qh8 Kf7
Rxf5 gxf5

There's no way you can win in one move.

Move * damn phone

t. 10 year old

C3 to H8

This is the shortest forced mate

nope, queen protected by bishop

>juuh elics

OP here: have you guys even check the file name? I'm upset

C3 > H8
G8 > F7
H5 > F5
G6 > F5
E2 > H5
D6 > E5
H8 > E5
E8 > G8
Just played this against my father this game can still go on forever

>D6 > E5


Of course it isn't. Is this your first troll thread?

C3 to H8 then H6 to H7 then H8 to G7

He can move his King to the previous location of the knight (e6)

Easy... Qh8+, Kf7, Rxh7+,Ng7,Qxg7#

fucking put the queen in the corner dipshits checkmate

Queen H8
King must go to F7
Rook takes on F5
Pawn must take on F5
Bishop H5, checkmate

Queen to G7

Woops, you're right.
Stockfish says 1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.Rxf5+ gxf5 3.Bh5#

"Easy"... Qxg7+ is not checkmate



Well, didn't even think about using the bishop . Guess I still have a lot to learn.

I already fucking solved it in 3, autists are just arguing about nothing.

As I pointed out here....

Crazy fucking simple mate in 3. If you guys missed this, work on your tactics a bit.

Indeed you did. Well done, I didn't see it.

Move w queen to h8
King of dindus must flee to KFC on f7
W queen moves g7
dindu ded

Knight stabs queen

knight e6 to g7


Qe5 pxq
rd1 pxr

Mate in 3, fucked in 3. Whatevs

English please


challenge me faggot

1.Qh8+ Kf7 2.Rxf5+ gxf5 3.Bh5#.
Too easy. Try this

C3 to h8

SOme scrub got there first

Same guy, nevermind he can just move to that blue square

queen to h8
his king has to go to f7
castle to h7
I don't think it can be done in 1 move


If you lose that bullet your mother will die

wait that's wrong he can block with rook, then you have to take and so on.
there's got to be a neater way


You sunk my battleship

OP here: is that all you got?
f7 Rf5
c7 1-0

1. Queen h8
1. King f7
2. Rook h7
2. Knight g7
3. Queen g7
3. King e6
4. Queen f6
4. King d7

now I'm lost

guys, it´s solved
Move on, please

damn, this is right

In case someone is interested, there are two paralell games started (they only made one move each) in the chess thread in tg.

Chess Grandmaster here. You dont need Grandmaster for this one tho...
Correct play:

Dh8+ , Kf7
Txf5+ , gxf5
Lh5# -> GG

1. It isnt checkmate on g7
2. Black doesnt need to play Kg7

Qh8 - Kf7 - Rxf5+ - gxf5 - Bh5#

L? How do you say bishop in your language?
Also, would you play a game or two with a fan?


Where are you from, fake GM?

Probably norway
Dronning = queen
Løper = Bishop

Oh and rook is Tårn which means castle



How retarded can you be to not only be able to search for another line when you fail, but posting your failure and ignore all the fucking right solutions already given?

What can I say? It's a talent.

black knight to g7 dumbass

Queen to H8
Black has to move king to f7 to get out of check - can't take queen because bishop at B2.
Castle to H7

>pawn at A1 (because only one piece can be in any one position at any time) move to empty space at A3
It means something. Just not victory.

It's more about the journey than the destination, user.
You don't play CoD to eventually get a golden skin and then never play again.
There are finite positions in CoD, too. Just more than in Chess. Your assertion that because there is a winning response to every play makes the game one of memory is incorrect. By that logic life is a game of memory and everyone is really bad at reading the rules.

CoD is almost as shitty a game as chess, though.

QH8,KF7,RxF5+,GxF5,BH5 mate

Better is to take the other pawn like this
Qh8+ Kf7
Rxf5+ gxf5