So killing a scumbag pedophile is bad but killing a decent pregnant woman is fine because you got paid to do it

So killing a scumbag pedophile is bad but killing a decent pregnant woman is fine because you got paid to do it

makes sense

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Never work for free, user.

a life for a life, retard

it was paid with a life.

Doesn't matter who they kill or whyt, all that matters is that they do as the faceless god tells them to.

Are you retarded? No god tells them, they work for the manyfaced "god" aka death.

They are ASSASSINS! If a fucking guy pays them money to kill someone they do it. The manyfaced god shit is just some philosophy to give their order more edge.

>babby's first moral dilemma with the real world

Adorable. Wait till you see politicians for what they really are.

Yeah it doesn't make much sense.
It only makes a bit of sense if you see their group and the world as divided entities, when from the world an input to kill someone comes (be it someone paying or asking to drink the kool aid) they do, because it's as if the system (god) it's asking them to kill.
They don't do shit on their initiative because they don't make input, just execute.

>If a fucking guy pays them money to kill someone they do it.

Except they don't want money, they want something of more significance. Perhaps they'd demand money from a person like Littlefinger or Tywin because it's so precious to them, but that's not mainly what they want.

Trant did nothing wrong. He paid for those whores.

Man they really suck live.

There is no sense

I think it is because they are just assasins with no other purpouse in life than take lifes for money, so killing someone because of revenge is wrong in their eyes.
Also, wasn't Arya supposed to also be a warg?

Is that how the payment scheme works?

What the fuck it should air in 4 hours?

only in the books, in the show Bran's the only warg

Yeah, in the books she wargs into shit so she can see after they blind her.

They cut tons of interesting shit then have entire episodes like this one where nothing fucking interesting happens for 90% of it.

Why is Arya even sticking around in this church of retards? What does she gain from it?

In the books its a sliding scale based on what you own and what you want.

Pretty progressive of them desu.

Neither of those characters are motivated by the money though.

No clue.

She looks like she's already competent enough to do her own assassinating.


People keep mistaking her for Ted Cruz, she wants a new face user.

She wants access to the higher level magic face swapping assassination techniques but they won't give them to her because they know as she is right now she'll just bug out back to Westeros to clear off her hit list.

She even tries to get Kindly-Jacqen to give her access to the faces for her current mission but he shoots her down.

Idk, if she becomes and emotionless robot like these tards won't she stop caring about the people on her list? Didn't she sign up so she could become a better killer and get back at the Lannisters?

How is Waifu such a good fighter?

>Night's Watch
>No women allowed
>Place is crawling with bitches

Did this also happen in the books?

gurrlll power, like a lot of the show has deteriorated into.


She hid Needle from them. That right there is going to cause her trouble with the Faceless Men.

So are there only two faceless men in that entire temple?

The pacing in the story is terribly slow and then falls off a cliff randomly. The writers know they are shit, so killing every complex character is their shitty solution. They keep wasting episodes on stupid shit, and now they have 5 left.

That and killing Waif and then escaping back to Westeros

>they don't take money
>they take money

Good argument point.


He already sort of acknowledges arya will never be a full follower/no one.

Why kill Waif though? Seems a bit much
With the way the writing is now though it wouldn't surprise me in the least


aw shit, the episode leaked then?

pretty sure leaks said she's gonna try to run away, fleeing braavos entirely. which reallly fucking annoys me since they stretched this fucking storyline for so long as it is

Yeah it did. It might've been the dumbest shit I've seen for a long time.

Death does not judge. Death comes for the good and the wicked indiscriminately. The Faceless Men serve Death.

Training, presumably. Why don't you ask the same thing of male characters who appear? Or do you simply take for granted that he must have a fucking past before he appeared on screen as you should?

Way to miss the point, retard. Their primary motivation is not money, but they might demand it from a person that has deep emotional ties to his wealth. The "price" is something of emotional significance.

so what does hold the door reference

someone pls spoil me

You're all dipshits.

When they say 'a life for a life' they mean that you're paying part of your life(like another user mentioned, a sliding scale). You worked your life to gain certain things, achieve certain things.

They're basically asking you to give up your life to take another.

Like if Tywin(if he was still alive) wanted someone dead(not that he'd go to the many faced god, he'd just hire some random knight) to kill someone, they'd take most of his fortune. That is his life, he worked his life to achieve most of it.

A life for a life.

Yes. There are many different prices depending on the hit. Essentially, the price always balances out in the end, making certain hits virtually impossible to pay for. For instance, if you wanted to assassinate a King, it might cost more than the amount of gold it would take to just hire an actual Army. Or a rich nobleman that wanted to kill a rival might have to give the life of his first born, or maybe 5 of his best knights to pay for the hit.

learn to internet faggot and go download the leak

HOld the DOoR



can someone explain to me why the white walker wants to kill the tree man?

hold the door also bran's a time traveling asshat

That's kind of how assassins works.


Night's King touches Bran in a dream and then all the dead can enter their sacred grove, hodor is holding the door against 1000 skeletons, while Meera screaming hodor hold the door. While this happening Bran is still in the dream back in winterfell. but little Wylis collapses and starts to repeat hold the door until the word becomes hodor.

The children of the forest(tree man) allied with the first men to drive them back thousands of years ago.

because he, bran, and azor ahai (Jon) are the only ones that can pretty much stop him

so its just a revenge killing?

>Yes. There are many different prices depending on the hit
I think as I understood it the price doesnt depend on the hit but on the person who orders it. A king would need to sell half his kingdom to kill a beggar, but a beggar could kill a king by giving up his eyesight etc.
The price is always so high that its possible to pay but also to realy hurt the person ordering the hit.

With this kind of pricing model along with the stipulations, its a wonder how theyre still in business

Oh I forgot the part a bout where treeman fucked his wife and she had to get an abortion! Then treemans brother killed their second cousin who was pregnant with treeman the thirds baby!

Does that sate your shitty soap opera fetish, fuck wad?

It helps to have magic and a literal god fronting your operating costs.

That's a better way to describe it.

Presumably they have the power to stop them and they would like to be not stopped.

Are you stupid?

What's the significance of that though?

It sure shit has more significance than showing warts on someone's dick.



so can bran time travel then? like if he made hodor hodor
why does little finger teleport to castle black?
why did the jolly green giant looking bitches make a white walker?
why did richard e grant only have one line in the episode?
so many questions im L O S T

cant tell if trolling

Hodor was the rightful king of the north and the writers killed him off this episode

so why didnt they stop them? he just went back to winterfell and died

>when someone asks you to hold the door

So Hodor was predicting his death the whole time?

what if tree man is future bran?

Jaqhen has an annoying stupid face


He's hot AF. Dat voice doe!!!

I guess so. We might as well find ourselves in a time paradox or dream sequence.

Bran's still a fucking tosspot though


he teleported to moles town dipshit
yes, they explicitly said this, are you actually retarded?
haha dick
oh you liked lost. fuck you, the rest a yall know when i durn to ya

Dont worry, Hodor's a standup guy
He wont tell anyone

>hire a beggar
>tell him to faceless men to assasinate king X
>he gets blind but rich after rich after that
would that work?

More importantly, why did they change the face of Night's King?

Is it even worth it to go through all this fucking trouble just to learn how to "wear" other people's faces?

All this fucking work and suffering, and she can't even kill who she wants to, she has to kill people "assigned" to her. If she's going to do the stealth thing why even need that stupid face changing magic?

Meanwhile she has a million chances to kill Tywin Lannister and she didn't.

God damn her arc is stupid.

The old actor was some regular dude who couldn't do stunts.

What the fuck does that mean?

No it isn't. The price is that you have to sacrifice so.ething precious to you.

Poor people have to give up something personal and so do rich people. Like, Tywin might have to give up a lock of Joanna's hair that he kept and not pay a dime, whereas a poor person might have to give up his only gold dragon that would've paid for his beloved daughter's HPV vaccine.

The actual monetary value means nothing to them, just what value the payment method holds to the buyer.

ice nigger goes full ninja on 6rh episode.

They got a new actor, he has a different skull, thus his face looks different because it is.

It's likely a different faceless man every time and the waif is just a character they play when training.

The Faceless men are not charity workers

The people come in and pay the iron price to have someone killed the faceless god okays it and that person is killed.

How come Bran didn't warg in the past to prevent the white walkers being made?

If he could warg Hodor in the past to do something in the present/future then there's no reason he couldn't.

If he couldn't then this simply implies there is literally zero free will and everything is already predetermined. Everything they do is already guaranteed to happen. What's the point?

what annoys me is that she's clearly gaming the system just to get the power. it's like joining a guild in skyrim, doing the quests and unlocking the new ability. she hasn't given up her identity, her kill list, or her sword. it's meant to be a complete sacrifice of one's self to join, but she's going to cheat god successfully


Still face magic would be a huge help, and aryas characterization is already screaming "assassin"

I thought it was stupid that she got her sight back. She would have been a lot more interesting as Daredevil Assassin.

That's a huge fuckup by d&d. People already love the design of the previous one and the new one looks not as cool as the old one.

Syrio killed Meryn and took his face.

A faceless man was given Trants face and sent back into the red keep as a spy for the faceless men.

When he was in Braavos beating up little girls, he was actually recruiting, and beating them to see who was tough enough.

Arya had killed another faceless man.

Seems like they can magically tell if someone lies, so they would kill the king but make you still pay the price not the beggar.

Its literally all so she can betray them, which is obvious because she needs to leave Braavos to get revenge. Its pointless in the long run, might as well had someone else pick her up and teach her on the road.

That said, they were super fucking vague on what everything meant. She probably didn't expect to not be able to get revenge at the end of it

the entire last season wasted on her stupid arc could've been done successfully in a montage

also by the time she actually learns the shit, everybody will already be dead and there will be no need for her to get revenge

hell half the people on her list or more are already dead just because of the tribulant times

she didnt think this through

Smh desu senpai

I don't see why it is important. The beggar wants the king dead because it will bring him money. It is still a valid contract.