You just won the Powerball -- Jackpot of 448,000,000 million dollars!

You just won the Powerball -- Jackpot of 448,000,000 million dollars!

Post what your new girlfriend would look like

Other urls found in this thread:

Exactly the same as she looks now




> Post what your new girlfriend would look like
> new girlfriend
> girlfriend



Its either 448 000 000 OR 448 million, not both you fag

I'm 30. My girlfriend is 19.
So probably a young girl like her. Someone to spoil a bit and turn into a baby maker. Then do something high risk and have her 'accidentally' die. Then hire workers to take care of the 10 children. Find another 19 year old. Rinse, wash, repeat

>i wouldn't spend it all on the perfect interactive sex bot
where do you think you are op?



Kek wtf is a girlfriend faggot, you mean fuckable sandwhich makers



Why would I have a girlfriend, i'm not gay

Wow cool bro




That's empirically not true. Studies have actually proven that women in general aren't 100% straight.



the dream

I like big breasted gooks tbh

>That's empirically not true. Studies have actually proven that women in general aren't 100% straight.

go back to /r/theredpill you "alpha" chad

Same as my current girlfriend

Money < Love

That's to say that, the average woman is gayer than the average man and that no woman approaches 100% straight.

This. Plus a few extra of course

What will you both faggots do when you came and the arousal goes away and theres a fucking transexual who tomorrow will shave his beard, sleeping next to you?


get hard again


The study has been accepted for publication in the Joirnal of Personality and Social Psychology and is accepted as legitimate research. Fuck off.

I like beards though...

>implying she wouldnt drop you in an instant if she found a rich dude to take her away you fucking cuck

hey I know that

And if you don't like that study, here's another study that demonstrates the same thing:

b.. but.. why find another 19yo?
>why not just groom one of the daughters?


absolutely no female will touch my dick in fear of them claiming they were raped or beaten by me and fear they'd poke holes in the condoms to get pregnant and trap me



That much money can afford twins


Something like this

>A cultural Marxist paper

Holy shit

Personally, I would lay incognito with my wealth, date around with a new found confidence, travel, find someone who is guininely interested in me and I in her, and avoid gold digging hoes.

Rather have love than a good fuck. Maybe cause I find fucking better when you're in love.

cabaret panda from mfc
or miss alice

>not wanting 448 trillion dollars

Ssh man, you're onto a good thing here.


Rather have one hottie than 2 ugos like these

probably the same one i have now, the same one i've had since i was 15

I see your point user and I can respect that

Now unless she's already a 8.5+/10
Then you're an idiot


Don't like that study? I refer you to

when you score an actual gf one day in the grim, distant future of warhammer 40k, please report back to us how fun fucking the same girl is after the 100th time

I would also do a lot of philanthropic work, try to improve the quality of life of as many people as I can in the world, and try to stay as anonymous as possible as I do it.

Get at my morals.

she would look the same, id keep her bc she is goodlooking and not afte the money but me, couldnt wish for more then

>lying on an anonymous internet board about being a "true nice guy"
>get at my morals

Ok, let's start

My wife staring at the Pacific for the first time in Cabo San Lucas (We were riding atv's through the beach and desert that day which is why she's not wearing beach clothing)


No, I've actually given this thought before and decided I would go down this path. Most people think of what they will buy if they win the jackpot. I've always thought of who I would help.

And exactly, it's an anonymous board, who would I have to prove anything to by sharing my thoughts? That point favours me as much as it does you.

I had a similar experience with my wife, user, except in the Pacific Northwest.
>tfw there's nothing in the world that can replace the intimacy/camaraderie of a committed, long-term relationship.

She'll never steal all your money

>calling plain sea different names

Since we're all fantasizing here, I'd hafta go with something like this...
>pic very much related

"Pacific Northwest" refers to a geographic region of the United States, not to the ocean, you ignorant knuckle-dragger!


This body is insane

It's a geographical region of the United States you fucking retard.

Agreed 100%

>new girlfriend
>implying I won't keep my current gf
>implying any other gf would cook or hunt


With that kind of money, I can fund all sorts of genetic experimentation!


>underrated post

i would be fucked all day for like a month, sucking cock daily
delicious big cock ngggnnnn
must fap now

I think you mean ocean

Also he was talking about where he was at the ocean not they ocean you dumb dumb

am I a fag for not wanting a money grabbing whore as a girlfriend?

just go to amsterdam, fuck 10/10 whores who are pros at the game.
find a decent woman and chill out.

would have pic if I could get the pussy


Got to admit it though, that's a Nice looking cunt

I would fuck every pornstar and Instagram whore I always dreamed about starting with her



And her while she wears the dog collar

Then her





I'don't honestly propose to my current gf before I told her I'd won. If she says yes I know it wasn't for the money and I get to follow up with also we're rich af now.

Names homey?

The same with a feminine penis.

I'd still be single.


dont care if she's been blacked, i would do what i can to make this happen
