2 years ago today gentle giant Michael Brown was gunned down. Share your favourite pics of him out of respect plz

2 years ago today gentle giant Michael Brown was gunned down. Share your favourite pics of him out of respect plz


Academic and future astronaut Michael Brown



Hang on let me check and see if I have any shits left to give for this.



He was so young


Fresh out.

He was a good boy. Please have some respect

dat nigga in the back look roasted

>a good boy

Full of life


Black lives don't matter.

chyeah nigga I was hella fayded

He dindonuffin



They stopped sending chimps to space a long time ago dude

This is my favorite picture.


how is any of that relevant to his death?

Gentle giant. Rip.




those niggers that burn, rob & loot every motherfucking last one of em deserve to be shot like the rabid dogs they are

Suddenly the narrative changes. You liberals, I swear.


Fucking kek lost

brain, learn how to use it




>Read below "That is the true sadness of Michael Brown"

That is just a glimpse at the destructive nature that resides within the black community that no one wants to talk about. People just want to divert and blame the problems to racism, expecting only outside sources to make their lives easier. These outside sources then reply by throwing methods that are thought to help them rise from their shit status. The problem is that the true issues doesn't get fixed so these people just become/remain dependent on these helping methods instead of using them to become self reliant.

Fuck that nigger

Rip dude

Could you make that one a bit smaller?

That's not the first time she's supported criminals.

All of the detailed facts put Michael Brown in the position to do what he did and be killed for it. His parents failed in every way possible and the reason he was the person he was can be directly traced back to that.

Dead nigger, good nigger.

hello orangutano

>Justice for TRAYVON!!
