Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums

Can anyone help me? I've tripped on LSD thousands of times, and visited Mollie on far too many occasions.

However, I took 4 White Smileys (ecstacy), and I'm getting the craziest visual change, sound is all out of whack and everything, even my brain loops are how LSD usually goes down, but I haven't taken any Acid. I'm certainly not complaining about this groovy little trip but I'm curious to know if anyone else has ever felt like this? Is this a placebo trip? If someone who took these pills had never done LSD before would they get the same trip as I'm having right now?


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drug thread?
and enjoy your trip user! i have nothing to answer you with but here's something trippy

Could possibly be 2-cb

hyper persisting perceptive disorder. get used to it

Thanks for the wicked gif bro, definitely getting mad cid visuals, not like normal for ecstasy or mdma!

Yeah, sounds an awful lot like a 2c compound. Enjoy it, because these are some of my favorite trips.

i've got a big folder, you want me to dump?

na had trips on 2-cb a few times, I'll upload a pic of the pill, probably shit quality picture i cant even tell right now.

Ive gotten a trip the first time i smoked weed after acid, its only ever once happened to me.

pleeeeeeease!! seriously :)

Dropbox ?

It obviously isn't ecstasy, user.

Don't get me wrong drugs are awesome, but taking something when you don't know what it is is stupid and irresponsible.

it sounds like you ate a bunch of meth. which would show up as the same as mdma on a test kit.

2cb faggot

Any DMT smokers here?

I've tested it with a kit at home and it's all indications for mdma, that's what leaves me confuzzled?

sure thing
m too stoned to do anything but post, but it'll all go into this thread


see my post here...




that's a wicked pic user

MDMA is a stimulant and given how it affects the brain you could be having a series of partial or focal seizures

source: am epileptic and psychoactive drugs mess with my brain a lot

You probably never had a lysergic acid trip.


thank you
space is nice

talked about it in some other thread, but high on XTC guy is still here too ^^.. The girl i was Skyping with is sleeping now, her sleeping face is in the corner of my screen... Im kind of getting more jaw movements and the feeling is dropping down now, rolling a joint atm.. Anyone got some ideas for me to do? or some nice tunes? its all good =D


>psychoactive drugs mess with my brain a lot

No shit.

what kind of music are you into user?

thats LSA faggot...not LSD.

>>hallucinogen persisting perception disorder

eh that sounded stupid

more so than normal, like it's almost amplified but really disproportionate

I've never tried meth before so I'm not too sure what it's like, but I assume that it's not a hallucinogen... What I'm seeing right now is mad Acid visuals which i wouldnt think is a meth-esque thing?

forgot to attach rip

pills could have had MDA in them, which would give visuals.

in higher doses, mdma will metabolize into MDA... so that could also be a possibility.

MDA is a stronger serotonin releaser than MDMA, so take less of it, and keep the intervals between rolls longer.

if someone took the pills who didnt do acid, the visuals might be a bit different, but yes, they would have visuals as well. yours are just going to be stronger and more lsd like, since you have tripped a lot

Abandon thread

Im a professional singer myself,
but currently im going nuts on this:

Possibility you were sold 2CB instead of Ecstasy, especially if you say they were white.

Not an awful drug, but can make you trip

That one used to be my screensaver xD *X


listen to this. very loud. and i mean very


I was actually about to say the same thing. Either MDA or 2c-x

Test b4 ingest or buy from the internet pal

This was my favorite thing about mushrooms.

i haven't heard fox stevenson in ages, damn

its noth meth the guy who said reagent tests dont check for meth is fucking retarded, you took a lot of MDMA which metabolizes into MDA after like 200mg+ doses. MDA is a lot like LSD + amphetamine, what you are experiencing is completely normal when you take a lot of MDMA. Lots of pure shit info in this thread.

when i did research i wound up at the beach, the sand in my toes and rain on my skin was amazing


Hahahahahaha this shit makes me kek so hard, i have no idea why, thx for the smile user *x

yeah, 2c-x is going to be a lot different than mdma though. only one close is 2c-b and that would have op tripping real hard if he ate 4 pills...

(seriously though, why the fuck do you take 4 pills? that must be the worlds lowest dosage)





i love fox stevenson but his stan sb project was better then his whole new career


This. Could be anything (test your shit) but sounds like MDA to me.
In australia atleast, a MDA pill will make the rounds. Per mg, it is stronger than MDMA and produces different effects (what they are depend on the consumer, some people say sedating, other more stimulating etc.) but it generally will produce visuals (more prominent on the comedown), have a slightly longer duration the MDMA, although it less euphoric. It is for sure my favourite drug, however the next day can be a bit rough.

Never heard of him til i went to this DnB festival.. I was high on shit and he was there signing stuff, so i just gave him my hat and let him sign it.. gave his shit a listen the next day, i've been addicted since!



That was most likely MDA not MDMA. Literally the same thing but more visuals. No big deal.

savant (when he sings) has a similar voice, but his style of production is more aloof and diverse. if you're willing to listen to some odd shit you'd like him. he sings the most on Protos, it's got an 80'a sci fi cartoon vibe to it

*will make the rounds and people either love them (mainly in small doses, some users wouldnt be able to tell the difference between MDA & MDMA and think they are just highed dosed MDMA or people that eat a few in a night and have a bit of trip claim they are dipped in acid.


I'm so high this is great, how are all y'all doing on this very fine night?

im feeling pretty good bro, been smoking all day and i'm ready to get comfy and nap



I put it on, liking it so far.
Here's a pic of the girl sleeping in the corner of my screen through Skype as a reward.

Fuck yeah man, I would sleep but I still got a 8th to smoke so I'm up for the next few hours lmao


hey OP . Once i rolled about 600mg of 82% MDMA crystals, and it was really trippy, the comeup was really hard cause i almost vomit and thought i was going to fade away. Then i started to listen differente, to see people blinking, and of course to hug everybody and make tons of friends, btw i was at a drum and bass hardcore party ;) . The comedown was not too bad, but i really fucked up my tongue and mouth

Im high, i forget

fuck m8, why you gotta smoke it all today
she's cute, thank you user

You should see her naked

this is getting bad



Cause why not homie? I got a lighter, a bong, a few friends, and a lot of weed. I see no reason not to smoke lmao

Yeah I'm from Australia, and I think MDA is making its rounds again, at least through my neck of the woods, I just can't believe how similar this feels to being on LSD

true shit, if there's friends about then hell yeah. i picked up some nice medicinal today. plug moved really close to me, been tight as hell




Dude fuckin dope. Yeah I've got an 8th of some tight ass Blue Dream. One of the guys here has never smoked though, so I'm gonna get him fuckin' baked lmaooo


I don't wanna start a new thread, but this sleeping girl cute as she may be, isn't very talkative when she's sleeping! Anybody have shit they want someone to share a different perspective on? Or anyone wanna ask me a question? This feels like the hangout to be for me atm.

first time i greened out was on a guy's last batch of BD, shit was cash though. would love to have it again

i feel the hangout vibe, stoner threads are always comfy. what do you enjoy doing while you trip? nature is always the best place for me to be

Daaamn, yo you every listen to Psychedelic Rock? Like the 60's and 70's stuff?

I've got this nice creek over by my pad I like to go out and just sit next to the water and listen to some tunes

it's not something i'm knowledgeable about, but when i hear it i always dig it. you have any suggestions? i'm always looking for new jams

do you ever just sit and listen to the water? even when i'm sober, if i sit and listen to the wind blowing or water flowing it always begins to morph into vague words

Dude Strawberry Fields by the Beatles is fucking amazing. but if you want something more modern look up Gooey by Glass Animals (Pro tip, Don't watch the video its fucking weird)

If only it were slightly larger than a postage stamp

Yeah fam, all the time. I was on vacation like two weeks ago and I was over at Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. The fucking ocean is absolutely euphoric

I barely ever really trip. When im on XTC i just get really talkative but people usually tell me it's like im not even on it, apart from the obvious pupil change. Besides that smoking weed just keeps me a little sedated but usually doesn't even do much for me anymore. Apart from a small visual pulse in the room from shrooms, ive never even had anything that remotely comes close to a visual trip. Never took any other hard-drugs besides MDMA/XTC/Speed either.

I like nature, festival and good organized party vibes though :D I'm a tall decent looking guy and a sucker for hot women, so usually you'll find me chasing ass or dancing my own ass off when im on shit.

But today felt like fuck it, ill take drugs alone, at home, skype with this awesome girl and not even tell her about it. And in the end this night has been absolutely cash aside from the fact that right now she's not here to talk to me anymore and i'm on a slope down still feeling like i need to bleed my heart out on here! The music you suggested is still keeping the vibes up though. Where are you from user?

I'm from Missouri fam, wbu?

can we see her naked?

Amsterdam, come smoke some kush yo