How was shit like this possible over 120 years ago?

how was shit like this possible over 120 years ago?

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aliums. no way ancient humans figured that out

People weren't little faggot bitches about manufacturing.

Seriously thought though, how were gears possible thousands of years ago.

why would you need a gear that big?

>what is sand casting?

Because 50 men would be working on it.

Not 1 man and a machine


Massive steam equipment?

Factories were a thing back then.

Ships mainly

why not just use a gear train that is case hardened and ground to multiply the torque instead of a giant ass unwieldy gear?

You ever seen the prymiads how stupids are you Op. "ALIENS "

now i want to watch a documentary on stuff like this



Never been in a factory before have you? You would be surprised at the size and cost of machines both back then and now.

i like the face of this machine
‘must kill all humans’

its 2016. why would i ever need to go in a factory? i dont work as a wage slave


>asking stupid questions about industrial gear

Because it was the dawn of engineering? I don't know, why didn't they just use a nuclear reactor to power their light bulbs


because it doesn't work that way.

>implying you're employed in any respectable field that could come up with any logical explanation on why a giant gear would be needed.

Number of your post decides which godzilla you fuck.

It's a photographic trick for political reasons. They used it to dupe russia into building even bigger gears.

White Men were in charge not dark skinned sandwich makers....

How was shit like this possible over 2,100 years ago?

I think you are correct user.


Something to do with maths.

There was a time when you could learn about this stuff on the History and Discovery Channels. Now it's all pawn shops and alien bullshit.




>i know nothing
>let me type 3 words and pretend like i know what i'm talking about

kill yourselves you worthless blithering zeroes

guaranteed you unequaled autists couldn't pitch a tent to save your lives

Netflix has a series called the wonders of the industrial world. Great series.

you said it man.

>can't pitch a tent
I don't need to, I have women do it for me


It was put together in 4 pieces and its cast iron retard.

i duno man they prolly carved a circle out of wax by hand using a straightedge around a point then carved gears into it using a stencil then cast it with a very fine sand and bronze

i dun... i dunno nuttin much about computahs, other...other than the 1 i got at home my mum put a couple games on it and stuff

Perhaps one of the better comments ive ever read.

I miss old History channel. AHC or military channel is still good.. obviously doesnt cover this sort of thing but they actually play documentaries.

gi jooooooooeeee

Thanks user, gonna check that out when my dinners done cooking.

>implying you work


is that a lot for a press?


Just a small part of machines like this.

you dont need more than twenty tons to get a bushing out of a control arm for your average car as far as i know

Not really.

im fully erect. i bet its german. tell me its german

so btfo you don't reply back

very carefully, thats how

This is a good series, and its got mr weasley as the host


Because back then men were men and not crying little faggots jerking off to catgirls

We didn't care about people's feelings or "diversity" We didn't care about people's pronouns, we didn't fuck around with race quotas, we didn't care about social justice.

We worked, fucked, fought, drank and killed when needed.

We only cared about getting shit done.

Nope. Huelett unloaders. Used all over the Great Lakes to unload ore. They were operational into the '80s. Google them there is video. You will blow a load.

i sell shit made in factories, but all those factories are in china being manned by peasents doing the dirty work. im an american


yea... sure

Amen. Well said user. Have a Marilyn.

found the trump supporter

Satan dubs checked

Because white dudes were in charge and the country wasn't trying to shoehorn in muslims or blacks

Utterly fascinating, as was the detective work to reverse engineer it (including building two different portable versions of novel and new scanning machines to ship to it rather than the other way around due to fragility.

They think this one may be a 3rd or 4th generation descendant of an original designed by Archimedes himself.