I need help guys, i have a drug test tomorrow and the last time i smoked weed was at about 6pm eastern today...

i need help guys, i have a drug test tomorrow and the last time i smoked weed was at about 6pm eastern today, any advice appriciated

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stop smoking weed faggot

Here you faggot


That's pretty recent. Eat a shit ton of poppy seeds. Like pounds. This will clean your system of any drug related compounds. It's the only way, I've tried it anf it works.

Best wishes.

You're fucked. Literally nothing you can do.


Hurt yourself so hard that you need to go to hospital.

You could ding the guy does in Gattaca and use someone elses pee transported in a bag, or find an excuse not to go.

drink lots and lots of water. Google it

You stoner faggots...

B-but it's not addictive! Yeah, that's why you couldn't stop smoking for a few days even though you had a drug test coming up that I imagine failing will result in fairly significant consequences.

Good job, you degenerate junkie. You've fucked up your life. No more money to watch Seth Rogan movies, eat Doritos and giggle like an idiot.

refuse taking the test

Stop doing drugs you fucking faggot. You don't deserve a job

>Get someone else to piss in a condom
>keep condom next to Mr. Pee pee in your undaroos
>when time for test, snip reservoir tip with a nail trimmers, from side
>mime the whole thing, you're being watched. Flop that rubber out with, or under your willy, depending on how watched you are

Good luck. Poppy seeds won't clean you, just make you test positive for opiates. You could try to sabotage the sample with a few drops of cleaning solution, but good luck smuggling it.
More info/ideas if necessary

You could have not smoked....roody poo

go buy fake pee, but make sure its the good kind

All these people saying not to smoke because he knew it was coming
You realize surprise tests are a thing, right?
Like so they have no chance to purge it.

If you know that you COULD get tested why fucking risk it?

Fucking this!!!
>cocaine every day
>surprise drug test
>holly shit wat do
>quick google search
>umm this looks suspicious
>don't have time to think run and buy 5 combo
>clean as a newborn

This. If you work somewhere that has surprise tests, they are required to notify you that they drug test. They can't hire you, not tell you, and just randomly spring a test on you.

OP had to know he could be tested, if he didn't know this test was coming up. If you're working somewhere where you're getting tested, don't fucking smoke.

drink as much water as you possibly can. It will dilute your piss

Learn a hard lesson and stop sucking the cock of your addictions, faggot.


>can't stop doing something even though you know doing it will adversely affect your life
>not an addiction

Update your resume.

Drink 50/50 vinegar water mix every few hours. Take an aspirin right before you go in, like 20 minutes. Drink a lot of tea and water, stay away from fatty foods. Start chugging my dude. Good luck.

Can stop, chooses not to because heck yea pot

>I can stop smoking whenever I want, I just don't want to!

Better try to dilute. You're fucked. You should probably get clean piss and make a delivery system.

lol, kiss your ass goodbye.

Nice video

>surprise test
>at least 24 hours notice

Pick one and stop being a degenerate in whichever order you choose

>can't practice self control for the sake of self improvement

Oh, so you're a nigger.