This dick weed is online

This dick weed is online.

Saying obnoxious shit, truly living up to the piece of shit that he appears to be.

martin shkreli is a based god, get cancer.

>poorfag confirmed

he's not even a bad guy
he hasn't really done anything wrong
he said if anyone can't pay for the mess he price hiked that he would pay for them if insurance wouldn't



>edgelord confirmed

lol and you believe him? his candy ass is going to be so popular in prison

what is it like being a poorfag?


you one of those butthurts that got their ass handed to them on stream by martin?

Everyone here likes him because no one here listens to the media.

Isn't that what Sup Forums used to be known for?



I bet you're the fucker who shot Harambe. He just wants to bring him back.

his phone line is real busy.

How poor are you?

Martin Shkreli is not a bad person. He's actually a very nice person and extremely generous. He gives out his medication for free to the people who need it and makes insurance companies pay NOT consumers. He doesn't take home a salary from his company, and his company LOSES money every year because they give out so much for free.

he literally did nothing wrong. His twitter is funny as fuck

martin shkreli found the thread.

he's not going to prison

>his company

ie. the company( or rather the companies) that essentially disowned him.

Nah, Sup Forums is really full of whingy little shit cunts these days if you actually like this narcissistic prick.

You damn autists need to get your assburgers in check, change your life goals and learn to critically if you think this person is someone to aspire to be.

Hurr durr i don't listen to media because I am a free thinker and I make up my own mind based of my own biased disclusion of information because I make up my own mind.

lol i dont like him cause hes a good guy, i like him for the lulz, you b8d fuck

>not aspiring to own the one and only copy of a 1-press wutang album

You edgy.

Then my message doesn't apply to you really does it?

>i like him for the lulz

What a renegade

nice dubs

Shkreli is funny as fuck. AIDS is for heroin addicts, nigs, and butt fuckers. Plus if pharm companies dont make money they cant do R&D for new drugs so in the end we're all worse off. So basiclally if you wanna bitch you shouldnt have gotten aids.

don wunna cut miself on ur edge o fuk i cut miself

oh my u r so edgy huuuurr
I really wish people would get over this meme already


Shkreli is actually ok. He went into a detailed explanation into exactly why he did what he did and it made sense to me.


Hitler went into detailed explanations of why he did the things he did, and that made sense to a lot of people too.

Does it make it right just because someone can provide their logic to something and a few people agree?

>Shkreli is funny as fuck.

Garnering likeability from the lowest common denominator, which would prove well for the "crisis management" PR strategy that he himself said is/was to dissolve the image that "the media" is attributively (and purportedly) responsible or at fault for.

Fundamentally, the moments of "making it right",in regards to his image, are primarily by way of snarky,on-liner retorts (which look to be rather rehearsed or "advised" by his "team" taking part in the "crisis management".

According the Martin Shkreli, the queen is *the* most important piece in chess.