Was Darth Plagueis still alive in the beginning of The Phantom Menace?

Was Darth Plagueis still alive in the beginning of The Phantom Menace?
Did Sheev put him to sleep off-screen in the middle of the film?

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Now delete the thread

the plaeguis novel is no longer canon, so we don't know anything about what happened to him except for what palpatine told anakin, and palpatine it's a known liar

Everything before the buyout is more canon than what came after.
The creator of the universe doesn't even own the rights anymore.
It's all fan fiction.

What lie has Sheev told throughout the six star wars kinos?

That's the dumbest thing I've read so far ITT.

the power to save padme?
his whole freaking identity?

>the power to save padme?
He had the power to save her, just not the knowledge.
>his whole freaking identity?
Was he not Sheev Palpatine?

we don't know if plagueis really had the power to create life and save people from dying so we don't know if that was a lie or not. and how did he lie about his identity? he simply never told anyone HEY IM A SITH LORD

Who gives a fuck about non-canon characters ?

Supreme Leader Snoke, the mysterious villain from the smokey smoke is not Darth Plaeguis.

That respons was gold,

I love/like you senpai.


Keep the thread.

I love this thread, it beats capeshit and other garbage thread.

He's canon, moron. Episode 3 where he was mentioned is canon.

>Was Darth Plagueis
Who cares? Disney will never use that shitty character anyway.

who cares about a single mention

sheev maybe just made up the story and lied :)

You are very correct.

Also Darth Plagueis did nothing wrong!

>shitty character

Go fuck yourself shitty pleb, back to 9gag.

Plagueis is a shit tier anime character fuck off

He is canon because he was mentioned in Tarkin. He was just a story in episode 3.

>but muh fan fiction novel
Plagueis is shit, and will never appear in movie. But hey, maybe they will name drop him in some shitty comic.

He trusted sheev.

One of the best things disney has done his de-canonize the EU. Glorified fan fiction is exactly what the EU is and has always been.



No, you fuck off.
Fucking pleb, go fuck yourself.

>Plagueis is shit
Says you. I don't care if he's fanfiction. I still enjoy the character.


Thank you based Disney.

Thats a shame, i really liked Darth Plagueis and his book. Its was one of EU book worth reading.

Well time to move on then.
Former EU is non-canon now, or it was always had been non-canon. But nevertheless it was a good book.

Also: Farewell and RIP Darth Plagueis.

>EU book worth reading.
Shatterpoint and Dark Rendezvous

Me too and the book.

>caring anything about post 1999 star wars

Wew lad...


Along with Darth Plagueis, Labyrinth of Evil, Bounty Hunters Wars, right senpai?


Sheev Palpatine also know as Darth Sidious, born in beautifull and peacefull Naboo to Consinga and Maggie Palpatine in the House of Palpatine, was a good and a smart son, pupil, senator, chancellor, emperor, sith lord and at last but atleast a good man.

May the force be with Sheev.

Tales from the Mos Eisley cantina, bruh

Tales from Jabba's Palace is better senpai

>Episode 3

I don't think so lad

>mentioned once in passing by a known liar

>single mention
Sheev converses about him numerous times in pic related.

>debating canon when nothing you've seen in any Star Wars movie actually happened in the first place or, if it did, everyone you've seen on screen is long dead



>Star Wars
>Empire Strikes Back
>Return of the Jedi

>Literally everything else including movies,videogames,novels,animated series,comic books,toys,coloring books...etc

Do you think there's a board of Disney executives whose sole job is to decide what is and isn't Star Wars canon now?

Or does Abrams just clap his hands and everyone else has to follow suite?

Hey Plagueis, why the long face?

Any literate star wars fuck knows Pablo Hidalgo controls what's canon and what isn't.


>After The Walt Disney Company's acquisition of Lucasfilm, Hidalgo was assigned a job within the newly formed Lucasfilm Story Group, whose main purpose is to create and maintain one cohesive canon, thereby eliminating the previous hierarchical canon.

Kennedy claps her hands, and everyone else has to follow suite. Story group pretends it was all part of the plan while trying to figure out how to do what Kennedy told them to do.

>Being stupid

>mfw a human being gets paid to do this

>being this patrician

fixed that for you fampai

Shut the fuck up

CARLO- ah fuck it

>this fucking thing is canon

Deal with it

If I wrote a star wars movie would you consider it cannon?

No probably not. How is me writing a star wars movie any different from disney writing a star wars movie?

they own the rights fagboi

this is how

You're not multimedia company that payed $4 billion for the rights.
You also have no Pablo.

You piece of shit!!! You wanna fight?!!

so is almost every episode of TNG no longer canon?

I would pay money to watch a 12 Angry Men-like movie of Sup Forums shitposters deciding the official star wars canon in some conference room.

Cause Plagueis is a Muuuuun

Nigga what


that would be great

> Legends: Yes, he killed him right at the end of the movie

> Canon: Seeing as Jew Jew Abrams and Kathleen Kennedy had no fucking clue who he is, is uncertain what his story is

>Being retard

I dont understand. What evidence is there for that conjecture?

Heresay and speculation are fine.

>i love democracy

>make fiction movie
>fictional movie is canon (as in, really happened in relation to the story, even though it really never happened)
>make fiction novels, games, and comics expanding on said movie. this fiction is considered canon
>many years later, new people make a new fiction movie continuing the story but erasing the old fictional canon
>all of it is fiction, but we must take as gospel what we are told is canon, or in other words, of all the things that didn't really happen, this really happened because we said so

It's all fucking made up, who gives a shit.

When your fictional shit starts to contradict your other fictional shit, something needs to be done.

This. All of this just to get rid of a cartoon rabbit. Autism is stronger than The Darkside.

>hear "Darth Plagueis"
>"lel thats gotta be some shit Palpatine made up to deceive Anakin"

FFS Lucas

So what was done about the prequels then? They're still canon.


TFA just pretends that the prequels never happened

no they are not

Yes, they are.

See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Star_Wars_canon

How so?

Roddenberry wasn't alive for most of the shows run

By not mentioning any of the people or events from the prequels

The only thing that comes close is a reference to a clone army, but since the Clone Wars are mentioned in Ep. 4, one does not need to know the outcome of the Clone Wars to understand the story

Not much reason to mention.

There is the line
>first the sith, then the empire, now the new order
Basically laying out the bad guys of each trilogy. Sith isn't a word ever mentioned in the OT even if it's novels and original drafts


I don't even know if these are supposed to insults anymore.

It does not work like that you little shit.

yes it does fagboy

fixed version

what is it about her jaw/skull that makes me want to punch her in the eye?

I'm afraid that in your anger, you killed her.

ur a fuccboi


she looks vaguely similar that that faggot Justin that used to fuck with you in elementary school with his little clique of fuccbois. Youre over it now though because you heard he ODed on heroin last year.

Maybe that's just me?

>He had the power, not the knowledge

Bravo, Lucas