Women cause a lot of problems and unnecessary frustration

Women cause a lot of problems and unnecessary frustration.
I am 55 years old and I have some sociopathic tendencies.
One of my character traits is that I never have romantic or sexual relationships. Ever.
The idea never occurs to me unless someone else brings it up. No wives, no girlfriends, no boyfriends. Ever.
So I am an unbiased observer. And I can see that women are completely fucked up.
I am so fucking glad that they are not an integral part of my life. They are fucking insane.
I have a few women who are friends of mine, but they will never be more than that.
I have lots of male friends, and I get along with some of their girlfriends and wives. But not all. I simply cannot and will not tolerate a cunt. No way. There is nothing worse than a woman who is a cunt. Nothing.
They can all die as far as I am concerned.


So can you fap?

OP here.
And I have a question: why do all women make the same stupid mistakes when they drive? They all tailgate, and they all yack on the phone while they drive. It makes me fucking angry.
Stupid fucking cunts.


I can, but I don't. I have no desire to.

Typical asshole white trash response.

Cool story.

Again, you're fucking stupid.

Being gay doesn't mean you can't fap, retard.

and no one gives a fuck! who are you? NOBODY that's who!

Man, I wish I was as cool as you think you are

100 shekels says your Jewish

Not having sex with anyone doesn't make you gay you fucking waste of space


Ikr i have been hit by a car 3 times in my lifr and everyrime it was a female driver one ran a red and hit me while walking across the ped crossing

No sex drive? Cool of you do not I am curious what do you do on your free time?

You type as bad as they drive

Did person in pic live, just curious ...

And I guarantee that all if those stupid cunts were convinced that it was not their fault right? It's a scenario that has been played out a billion times

OP, you're not a sociopath, you're an asexual. Main difference between the 2 is that one is egotistical, lacks empathy and generally ends up in some of societies most powerful positions while the other is a genetic failure.

Please start getting to bed a little earlier junior high will be in session shortly you faggot

>implying your fucked up hormonal imbalance & admitted sociopathic qualities make you an objective observer

nothing you do will ever be objective

Hey, nobody gives a fuck. Also you sound like a homosexual. Is that one of your "traits"?

Weird because you type like every other under aged, edgy faggot that gets on this board.

I just live my life without any if the bullshit. I work, I hang with friends (when their wives give them permission, which is insane), I work on my house, my cars, I do whatever I fucking want

It's more than that though. I worked in a mental institution for nine years, and I was a pet hobby for several of the psych doctors. I know what I'm talking about

What's wrong OP? Did you go through a bad break up?

It's okay, you can talk to us about it.

Closet homo detected here, and no nobody gives a fuck

I am objective because I have no stake in the process.

You sound like a fucking moron.


Perhaps you are the expert on underaged faggots.

Sounds a bit pathetic... tell me, do you cry? You will.

so you are a virgin?

No asshole. I have never had a romantic relationship, so I have never had a break up. You fucking moron.

Fuckin checked!

No, I do not.

No, I had sex when I was a teenager several times.
I quickly discovered it was not worth the price.

Continue Sup Forums bro I will gladly beat back all of these junior high/living in moms basement faggots

You're all fucking idiots. I state that I do not have sexual relationships and you call me gay, as if I have sexual relationships. Fucking morons

I'm not trying to be an ass, but labeling an entire portion of the human race based on observations that have credibility primarily only in your head doesn't seem very healthy. Chill out, surround yourself with better people.

What would you like me to add?
I will add that since I do not view anyone as a sexual possibility, I don't treat mean and women differently. Everyone starts out the same.
It's just that the women are so fucking crazy they stand out.

I have lots of friends, but if you think that women think or behave the same as men then you haven't been paying attention. Women are fucking ridiculous. Emotional and annoying, and illogical

>>I hate what I cannot have.

Again, wrong

>not fucking women

Dont be like that, we're trying to help. When did you find out you're a fag?

so you're an angry, lonely wizard?

I have been married many years and I agree OP one bonus I do have is kids who are my whole life

And I will add that before I figured this out, I was always very confused about women's reactions to my disinterest.
I didn't understand what they wanted. I knew they were after something, buy I had no idea about the romantic aspect of being friends with them

I don't totally disagree with you, but I don't think I agree to the extent that you're describing. You sound pretty hateful in your speech, if you hold onto that you're just going to be pretty bitter.

Here's you

No asshole. Fucking men is gay. Not fucking men or women is not gay.
Go back to watching Fox News

Clorox is cheap and will solve all your problems. 1/2 cup per finger of whiskey and you shouldn't even feel it.

I'm not angry or lonely. This is my nature. I am perfectly happy. Probably happier than most

i dont know man. here you are bitching and whining about women on a chinese cartoon board. sounds pretty lonely and angry

It's been 55 years of people who cannot possibly understand my situation or my nature all telling me what to do, or insisting that I must be gay, or offering some sort of condolences.
It's fucking ridiculous

Thanks for that laugh. Fuck, I needed that.

I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that you're not 55. Nothing about your diction, syntax, or prose suggests that you're a man in your twilight years. You sound more like someone young and insecure struggling to figure a few things out.

Women in the West are shit these days. They're shit in the East too, but in a different way. The reason? Everything they would normally need a man for, the government provides. If she gets knocked up, welfare. If she lets herself go after marriage and her husband gets sick of her shit, alimony and child support. If she gets sick of her husband's shit because he's a faggy beta, she can divorce him for no reason in some states and take more than half of his shit. Or cheat on him and then take his shit. All without legal or social consequences.

But it's not all women. It's not even most. True, every last one of them is *capable* of that degenerate madness, but all they really need is to find a man who doesn't put up with their shit that they want to please for them to magically figure out how to act right. Once a woman's rotten inside, though, there's no saving her.

So if you're saying that all relationships with women are doomed to fail...no. Not even close. It's just that women who figure out how to act and then manage to hold on to a shred of decency in the face of incredibly abundant corruptive influences in our culture are exceedingly rare. We call them unicorns for a reason. And it's not like men do much better--so many Americans are either pussies, chumps, retards, or betas that it's no wonder women mistake Chads for "real men."

If you're not into women, that's entirely different. If you're not into women but not into men either, well, invest in a Fleshlight I guess.

Women are worthless these days because men are also worthless. Thirsty betas make shit-tier whores think they can get away with murder, and the legal system is flagrantly gynocentric.

I'm venting about my frustration dealing with cunts. It's therapeutic

Not gonna lie user you are smart as fuck. How many married people you know are truly happy? You are a wise old fag

As soon as you incorrectly decided I am not 55 I stopped reading. Go fuck yourself

Not a fag. People in gay relationships have as much grief as people in straight relationships

thats sad. youre supposedly 55 and venting on a board like this

what you need is some good sex to get that bitterness outta you, you just need a woman, but that seems impossible for you - i think women drop their standards a little once they hit retirement age, still got hope bro

Ok OP here.
I'm gonna watch whatever the fuck I want to on my TV, then go to bed whenever I want. Or maybe not. No one gets to decide for me.

Victim reporting in, i was walking to work one morning where a car held back for me at a cross walk, i get to the middle of the cross walk and next thing i know im on the hood of the car, slowly on my way into the intersection.

Fuck women man

Again, another fucking moron.

Why wont you just fuck a man and get it over with? Are you gonna spend your remaining 30 years writing poorly put angry texts or you're gonna be true to yourself?

well heres where your inexperience with women shines through. that kinda shit only happens on tv - no wife tells her husband when to go to bed or what to watch on tv kek

I know you had the right of way, but why did you walk in front of a moving car?

My keks... are you 12?

Graham Mackie Sr. I presume

Why do i always have to ugh with my morning coffee, fuck

No condolences you are actually strong as fuck hang your head high. You are the strong most of these teenager are bound to be in their mom basement for life or cucks for life

Lol... you probably haven't had many relationships yourself. I'm not op, but I know when you're in a relationship, there's a mutual satisfaction that comes from having a similar schedule with your significant other. This isn't to say it's a good or bad thing, but it involves compromise and reworking your life schedule so you can spend time together. If you spend your entire relationship playing video games, watching TV and generally doing only things you want to do, you won't be in a relationship long.

It is easier being single though.. single people tend to die earlier than their married counterparts.

HAHAHAHAHAHA, oh FUCK, that's...that's great.

I take it back, you're not a young man--you're a bitter "nice guy" who thinks that women are obligated to fuck you for opening doors, pulling out chairs, and saying "have a nice day."

Or a troll, but either way it's now painfully obvious that you're a buttflustered chode with raging insecurity issues because you can't get laid. Or get a date. Or a phone number.

Have fun becoming a wizard, meth-addict, or trailer park dad.

>strong as fuck because he cant get laid


This should help, user.

I agree, but they are needed. The whole survival of the human race. They are only meant for dumping our loads.

can you give some examples of how women cause problems?
ive personally seen women do inhumanly evil things to people...

Jeez proves that you are junior high. Kys


hahaha nice thanks dude

This is a pretty pathetic attempt at trolling, you gotta step your game up nigga

shut up and just fuck men or something

>artificial placentas
>apparently they've been researched for forty years or so
>they're viable but not commercially feasible

What do you think will happen when all men need to do to have a kid is pay a woman for her egg?

surprisingly thats when i first got laid

poor OP is still trying to achieve that milestone - never give up Rudy, never give up.

54 year old geezer chiming in here; I think he has a point. I don't deny your claim that all woman you've encountered are hard to understand, but as an old man with sociopathic tendencies, I also was perplexed by the opposite sex.

As an unconnected, objective, but admittedly subjective observer of life, I have come to the conclusion that because i cannot understand woman, and because they act different than I, they are all just inferior beings to the greater, male gender.

Makes you wonder why women can't just BE like men. Its so easy from my perspective but, the obvious explanation is that they're just lower than us men, and too lazy to ever consider our needs. Their close mindedness sickens me, and at my age, it almost physically effects me.

But again, as an objective observer, with no stake in the games they play, all the women on earth, half the population, is insane.

It's not me. Its the rest of the world

make half of men feel like women, eventually they will start to act like women and then it's back to square 1

Trolling's all about the other person, though. About pissing them off, making them frustrated, and fucking with them mentally and emotionally.

That wasn't trolling. That was me stating an opinion, expressing amused resignation, and then moving on with my life.

I don't care if the same user posts this shitty b8 for the rest of his life--I don't come to Sup Forums to change anyone's mind or win arguments. I come here for amusement, and as I indicated by typing "HA" about six times, I found that confirmation of faggotry amusing.

>I stopped reading because you disagreed with my initial premise; that I am 55.

You don't reason with a person like that. You spend as little time interacting with them as possible, because any time you *do* spend on them is time wasted.

What do you think will happen when all women need to do to have a kid is buy some pre-ejaculated sperm from a sort of bank that holds said sperm and....oh...

OP is busy having dinner with his agreeable wife, and then watching TV

We'll cross that road when it's here. Still a long way off from what I've read. Even without the need to procreate, they will still be preferred over jacking off.

Fag lol

>what are hormones
>what is brain chemistry

Unless medicine advances to the point that actual, biological gender-changes are somehow a thing, men will only ever be able to ACT like women. So, at worst, we'll really be at square 3 or 4 because at some point trolls have to give up the game and move on.

That said, once women are no longer necessary for propagation and the ability to just opt out altogether is realized, I think gender dynamics are going to get fucking weird. Especially if "companion AIs" are a thing, and men can just buy and customize housewives with guaranteed loyalty and sanity. I can kind of imagine there will be clinics where you can get tested for compatibility and have a selection of "recommended" donor candidates with a dossier on what you can expect from the resulting offspring. Actual relationships will probably be rare in that world, becoming increasingly or decreasingly common with whatever's popular at the time.

Idk OP i used to think that until i met my fwb and shes probably the best friend ive ever had. Like one of the boys but actually gives a shit about me, willing to talk about real shit and not just distractions like sports and politics. Also sometimes we fuck.

In other words im way happier with my carefree slut fuck buddy than when i was caught up in that bitter red pill bullshit like you are. 55 fucking years old? Pity.

Lol, that's the thing though--women don't just want to reproduce. They want a man who'll work his dick off, fuck them them right, and not just give them children but help raise them...and who they can show off to their girlfriends. "Women don't want to win, they want a winner."

Dudes get married for children and sex, right? If children are now cheaper (all pregnant spouse charges replaced by artificial placenta fees), give you sole custody, and have all their defects corrected before they're ready to leave the tank...yeah, I can definitely see a market for that.

Men will still want to have sex with women, obviously, but by the time artificial placentas are commercially feasible I think there will be other options to consider.

>That wasn't trolling
Well if that's the case my opinion of you is even worse now because you clearly can't read. I agree that the OP is too extreme for his hate of women but hes said many times already he's not attracted to them much, so your whole previous reply didn't make sense given that context


Why should I care?