Weed story thread Sup Forums make me proud

weed story thread Sup Forums make me proud

>weed story

High school summerfag detected

I smoked a bowl and thought my heart was going to literally explode this one time
the end

>be me getting high
>suddenly have munchies
>pig out on all the munchies
>wake up a little later from high
>get high again

One time I injected 4 weeds and passed out 20 seconds later.

>bought weed
>got high
Thats all there is to it


>be me
>7th grade
>My friend Tyler has weed he got from Jamal
>we smoke it lmao
>weed lmao
>Weed motherf**ker lmao


I once went on a great journey to the pantry... To get Cheetos

Dude Jamal always had the good buds. Never buy off that wannabe gangbanger Carlos. Fucking mexican weed is worse than ditch weed.

>Got robbed $600
>Met an old highschool friend after many years, he was boss status in his city. Mailed me pounds of weed
>Got ripped off again
>Got really high
Not many stories with weed really

Alright I got one for you.
It'd been a few years since I had smoked and I convinced my gf to do it.
Matrix 2 just came out on dvd.
We get high, fuck around a bit, watch Matrix 2 getting high again.
Suddenly Trinity dives out of the window and turns around shooting at the agent.
Everything goes into slow motion.
My eyes widen, heart beat picks up, I'm freaking out.
Look at gf and start speaking in slow-motion, WTF?
She looks at me and bursts out laughing, can't stop laughing.
I snap out of it and realize time didn't slow down, the movie went into slow-mo and I thought it was the weed.
GF keeps laughing and suddenly can't handle it anymore, vomits all over us, the floor, the couch, and the cat.

Carpet stunk for weeks after that.

>Be me.
>Smoking with my dad, listening to "Bullet and a Scripture" by Street Light
>Get really excited about how hard Street is going,
>Heart starts beating super fucking loudly.
>I'm having an anxiety attack, but it feels like a heart attack.
>Look at my dad and tell him to take me to the ER because I thought I was having a heart attack.
>Get to the ER.
>They tell me to piss in the cup.
>Totally forget and piss in the toilet.
>Oh well.
>Sit it waiting room chugging water.
>20 minutes pass, come down from my high.
>Shit, I'm fine.
>Tell the doctors I'm going home and they aren't getting my piss sample.

The day hip-hop music almost killed me.

Every time I smoke weed I freak the fuck out and think I'm dying but I still continue to do it lmao

fix your shit bro

That's what you get for smoking weed with your dad

Freaking idiots need to stop smoking sativa strains and switch to indica

>be me living in my first place
>get joint off friend after not smoking for a good 5 years
>get high
>laying on couch in front room under comferter watching dark knight while wearing plastic batman mask
>suddenly a whirl and police lights outside flashing through curtains
>bolt up freaking the fuck out
>start spraying febreeze everywhere
>run too bedroom, into closet, hide there with blanket wrapped around me, febreeze bottle, and still in batman mask
>trying my hardest to control my breathing
>i know they can hear me
>i know they're walking around the house
>i know they're sniffing and investigating windows
>i know its only a matter of time till they call the drug dogs
>quietly standing in my closet wrapped in a comferter with my febreeze and batman mask
>eternity passes me by
>realize there's never been a knock
>slowly creep from closet
>down the hall crouched low, leaning against the walls, becoming one with the shadows
>i am the batman
>peek out window
>cops still there giving some fucker a ticket they pulled over
>laugh to myself
>stand upright and open curtain thinking ha ha of course they can't smell it
>cop and guy getting ticket look over at my house
>standing there in boxers, comfert drapped over my shoulders, wearing batman mask
>still holding the febreeze

>be me at friend's house around 3pm(we'll call him M)
>we've another friend(let's call him E)whose father is a cop
>we chilling at M's house and E calls us telling his father is out
>we go over and smoke a lot whith a bong
>later E says he's father is not really out, he's gone to the mall and will be home in about 2hours
>it's been at least 1 hour since we are smoking, we have 1 hour before angry cop comes home
>I tried telling them we should go out for a walk they don't listen to me
>at this point I'm literally shaking and hearing my heartbeat really loud
>they go inside and keep playing the guittar
>i hate being inside when high
>stay outside pretending to be on the phone talking to my dead and walking in circles
>after more than 30 minutes outside pretending to be on the phone, still shaking, the angry cops come home
>i keep on the "phone" as he's inside putting some groceries away and I have no idea what I'm saying
>eventually i "hang up" and have to cross angrycop and his angry wife
>I'm walking with really red eyes and have already lost the abiliti to control my legs, do freaking out and being so high
>I say "what's up" to the cop and his wife pretending to be normal
>I'm actually in mars right now
>we all go to the backyard and they keep playing the guittar
>at this point I can't keep my head up, I keep falling as if I'm sleepy
>finally we decide to go home and I'm fucking lost(i don't live there)
later that night we met again to play some poker and E says his father found me ^weird^ lol I didn't think i'd survive that(I know it sounds stupid but I guess I freaked out

>be me
>high reading this
>write this shitty comment
>keep scrolling

wicked right dude? you finish summer reading yet?

They test the kids too much these days to require summer reading. Shit went out in the 90s.



Somebody make this a best of Sup Forums screencap

>Be summer 2014
>drove from Illinois to Colorado
>bought an Oz of shatter
>smoked from sun up til sun down
>camping at 11,000 ft
>watch meteor shower in a field
>stoned af entire trip
>drive home with half Oz left