ITT: The best movies of their respective genres

ITT: The best movies of their respective genres

>Best serial killer movie

took me 10 years to master the "pin thread" move

ITT: overrated movies

>best heist movie

inb4 best capeshit

>Best superhero movie

(It's not my personal favourite, but I can acknowledge when a movie gets it right)

>Best serial killer movie
>Deus ex FBI guy that tells him where the killer is based on his library record history
>Best serial killer movie

>better than silence of the lambs

Does not compute.

>best japanese eel porn movie

wow the best everything was made after 1990!
epic taste guys!

Now japanese eel porn I can get into

Can I get a print out of eel porn smiling?

best Star Wars movie

best epic

Man, these Jap porno DVDs have some aesthetic as fuck visual design.

Silence of the Lambs
>Agent Starling kills Buffalo Bill
>Happy ending

>John Doe murders David's wife, gets killed, and David is arrested
>Sad ending

Yes, Se7en is better.

2d2d2d2d2d2d2d2 activated

Hannibal escapes though. It's not all happy.

third nuke when?

best coming of age film

>Best sci-fi action movie

Hannibal is a mary sue who dindu nuffin anyway so happy ending

Best Western

>Lector escapes and goes on a killing spree
>Happy ending

This is an only-1990+ thread.

Fuck off with this old shit lmao

Best film about corrupted wealthy guy: Citizen Kane
Best riot film: Battleship Potemkin
Best love story: Vertigo
Best film with the name consisting of numbers only: 8½
Best film about Joan of Arc: The Passion of Joan of Arc
Best mafia film: The Godfather
Best film about space: 2001: A Space Odyssey
Best film about bicycles: Bicycle Thieves
Best film about Tokyo: Tokyo Story

Best mystery movie


Replace best film by worst film except maybe for 2001 and Godfather and you're all set

>So what? Are you that pretentious that you only consider movies made from the 70s and before worthy of being "the best"?

Best Film Noir.

sorry, but no

best rain

Best Triad movie.

>Best Bible movie

Best dealing with loss film

Best body horror movie

The Last Temptation of Christ is better

>Either of those movies better than this

best sci-fi, and best neo-noir

what about videodrome? or the fly?

>Preferring ugly-as-sin Willem Dafoe as Jesus instead of based husbando Jim Caviezel
>Preferring modern English language instead of historically accurate (or as near as possible) language

Pleb detected

It's either this or Once Upon a Time in the West.

opinion disregarded

Best animated musical

Best Swayze movie.

sorry, 9/11 dubs confirm. Those VD and the Fly are close seconds, though

average age of thread: 14

Best Batman movie

Sorry, we were looking for the South Park movie.

Best fantasy

I liked the pacing in GBU better. Plus based Tuco.

When I see The South Park Movie on Broadway, then we'll talk.

Best horror movie, period.


Is it? I've always thought it was mediocre but I'm not really into cine noir

Damn straight

Best kino

Also not a bible movie

>Best serial killer movie

>not unbreakable
>not super
>not even fucking mystery men
*best superhero movie I've seen

Second half of that movie is sooooo slooow though.

The only complaint I have against this film is that Morgan Freeman doesn't fit the role of Ned at all. Looking at how other characters interact with him, it's clear that Ned was intended to be played by a white actor.

ummmm, try again sweetie

Best buddy cop movie


>best film

McCabe and Mrs Miller, Rio Bravo, Stagecoach, The Searchers are better

Best found footage movie

Objectively wrong. It's either pic related, The Maltese Falcon or Chinatown.


What this has over Se7en is that it didn't reveal the killer which turned out to be literally redit tier. The horror before the reveal was 10/10 though. Same with Zodiac but that one is really too long and bogged down with some stupid shit about the case.

MoM was perfect.

Objectively best space kino

Came here to post this

more like I fell asleep for 2001 seconds while watching it haha

>John Ford and John Wayne shit



The only really decent thing about Batman Returns was Catwoman.

die in a fucking fire scum. Zodiac is literally the worst Fincher film without a doubt.


>worst Fincher film

That's not Benjamin Button.

nah mate Benjamin Button was actually okay and is all forgiven because he tried something new but Zodiac was more of the same Se7en shit.

The Third Man isn't even American. Film noir is a distinctively American style/ethos.

>he tried something new

He literally tried to remake Forrest Gump.

But Forrest Gump wasn't his film.

>all the epics made in recent years after fellowship woke up the jews that there might be some money in it were awful
>genre goes back to being dead
Don't mind me, just waiting for death.

That's only a little over a half hour, while the movie is 2h 41m

>Rio Bravo
And now for our demographically approved singing interlude with our demographically approved chick bait stars.
It's not a bad film, and Dean Martin really does a good job, but it's not perfect or best anything.

hello ____reddit

>Fall asleep for half-an-hour of movie's runtime
>Literally nothing of importance is lost

Best supernatural basketball comedy.

Psycho>Silence of the Lambs>Zodiac>RedDragon>7



Best war movie

>McCabe and Mrs Miller
my negro

Holy shit are you retarded?

you're right but comfy fags don't want to hear it

>implying silence of the lambs is about Buffalo Bill


you guys are wrong