Why is this the fucking daily show now?

why is this the fucking daily show now?

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the daily show was successful so if they copy it they will be successful too

it's literally a plan without flaws

Jost is probably the worst anchor of all-time.
He's literally a derivative of Seth Myers in every way possible, who also sucked.

Michael Che making Colin Jost uncomfortable is really the only reason to watch the show anymore, with the only exception being skits where Cecily Strong is dressed up like a whore.

Because The Daily Show itself is currently on life support.

>He's literally a derivative of Seth Myers in every way possible, who also sucked.
Except he's bet-her

last episode they opened with 5 or 6 back-to-back cracks about trump

some were funny but damn, just calm down and get some new ideas plz

Michael Che is actually funny. Jost isn't funny and gives off the vibe that he writes his Trump jokes thinking he will change the world by telling them

They simply can't do enough damage control. They're in a hyper frenzy.

>Weekend Update = a weekly staple since the 70s
fucking millennials
... no wonder even cape shit movies have to be dumbed-down

Libcucks are in fear of the God Emperor.

i think op was referring to how it's being abused in an effort to make the candidate that they don't like look bad

>>Weekend Update = a weekly staple since the 70s
Literally no one said this. Which words are you putting in whose mouth?

>... no wonder even cape shit movies have to be dumbed-down
As if they were ever 'high brow'?


Weekend Update was only good with Norm and sometimes with Jimmy and Tina

>As if they were ever 'high brow'?
That's just it, they're NOT; they're comic book movies. But with today's inattentive viewers, the new cape shit movies have to be dumbed-down further.

Name an example of capeshit that is smarter than today's market.

Cecily Strong has a pretty nice body (by female comedian standards anyway).

>how it's being abused in an effort to make the candidate that they don't like look bad
Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and so on ...
So, nothing's changed then.


>Dennis Miller: Conservative
>Kevin Nealon: apolitical
>Norm Macdonald: Conservative
>Colin Quinn: Conservative

don't just resign yourselves to the current situation. SNL could uncuck themselves again

Spade had his moments too

4u? nah.

>don't just resign yourselves to the current situation
The fuck am I supposed to do? Write Lorne Michaels a letter?


I love that a throwaway joke that Spade did is the reason that Eddie Murphy refused to go back on SNL for decades.

>didn't get the point of
>had to be explained by
>**i don't get it** please show me example

special kid needs special attention here!

You're just being intentionally obtuse to shit up the thread. Please remove yourself.


>annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.

>not quick or alert in perception, feeling, or intellect; not sensitive or observant; dull. 2. not sharp, acute, or pointed; blunt in form

says the person who didn't get the point of LMAO

I thought he/you was using greentext to 'imply'. I realize my mistake. You scorn youngsters for ruining the capeshit industry. Now prove that you're not a complete idiot, and name exactly one past example that is better.

4an obtuse person? LOL. what for?

All right, senpai. Enjoy watching your old 'good' capeshit on VHS.

>watching SNL


who the fuck still watches this and why?

i think this about tv in general, but hey.

this segment has been around for a long time, op

the thing that bugs me though is that at least jost can deliver his lines while che doesn't seem like he belongs on television. He's not a performer.

thats how they did it in the olden days, son, sure why not.

Because neo-liberals have to be told what to hate.

the only part of SNL worth watching anymore is their political parodies, which tend to still be pretty good.



SNL gave us the best Trump webm ever

because the writing sucks worse then ever and jost is the head writer so its the shittiest aspect front and center
Ive finally figured out what I hate about to after not being able to put my finger on it. Aside from the "DUDE ITS 2016 LOL REPUBLICANS" stance, thy take every joke and beat it to death. Once its said, instead of dropping it they keep repeating it like a dozen times to make sure we get it

Also Dennis Miller.

Although they were before my time, from what I've heard and from what clips I've seen, Chevy Chase and Jane Curtain were both great (the latter both solo and paired with first Dan Aykroyd and later Bill Murray).

I haven't watched SNL in almost 6 years who the fuck are these people?