I need help lawfags

I need help lawfags.

So about a year ago I was arrested and charged with a misdemeanor sex offence. I was bored one night and needed some company. I was 20 at the time and decided to go on grindr to meet someone, after talking to some people I met a guy who's profile said they were 18 and we decided to chat a bit and so on. Well we eventually decided to meet up and that's when he told me he was actually 16. I didn't care because we had already made plans and what not, age of consent is 16 anyway. Well what I didn't know was that the age of consent in this state was actually 18 ( I lived in a different state my whole life and just moved to this one). When I headed over there, he tried to sneak out and his parents caught him, they called the police and I was questioned.

I confessed to the crime unknowingly and was then taken to jail. I was released after 4 days, and then 2 months later I pled guilty to a 2 year deffered imposition.

Unfortunately I am now required to register as a sex offender. It's been a year and I just want to get on with my life.

I need help Sup Forums what do? Who can I sue where can I take this, because North Dakota wont allow me to even appeal for getting off the registry. Supreme court this shit? I get I fucked up, but I don't think the punishment fits the crime. I've even been evaluated by two different sex offender therapists. They both refuse to make me go through treatment because I don't need it.

halp Sup Forums

Leave the US? Literally just go to Romania.

I thought you wernt allowed to leave/enter the US when you have a record

Shit country is shit. Move to a less shit country.

Was he hot

yeah. Turned out he was 15 though, turned me off a lot.


Had a girl lie to me about her age by one week


SVU kicked down my door

it should be fucking super illegal to lie about your age

you got this OP

Yeah, they dindn't care Sup Forumsro I'm still a sex offender.

You poor thing, how dare that minor make your dick hard and ruin your life. Never watched "how to catch a predator" I take it

dick fags come in after the fact and don't read either

so you didnt even fuck around with the kid? you just met someone who said they were 18?

thats fucked

Come on. Out with it. There's more to this than you are telling us.

OP those cops were cunts

that jackass wasn't a victim

why was a "kid" on an "adult" app?

Move out of America. It's shit anyway.

he confessed he coulda probably fought it and said he was selling him weed anyway this thread is gay

OP you got off easy if that was my son you would be in the ground bitch

Honestly his only mistake was confessing

My argument was the fact the bitch lied and I had proof she lied

always fight it OP

dont take it like beetch

You committed a crime and now you have to face the circumstances of your actions, seems like you are blaming anyone/everyone else but yourself, you need to face the fact you are a pedophile and others have the right to know, the first step to recovery is admiting you have a problem

op confessing was fucking retatded. doesnt matter if he lied. you coulda done the same damn thing but you were foolish. what goes around comes around but you're really making it difficult for karma to give you a leg up holy shit

clearly this guy knows what he is talking about.

yup coulda said "no that cant be him the guy im meeting is 18 look" and proceeded to show them evidence...

That could have worked if OP didn't know.

OP said that the boy revealed his true age to be 16 and carried on the date despite that fact. I'm no lawyer but ye..

And i quote directly from OP
>Well we eventually decided to meet up and that's when he told me he was actually 16. I didn't care because [we had already made plans and what not]
Re i just wanted to fuck a child so i did it anyway

You are fucked sir.

How hot was he though, rate him out of 10 and describe what he looked like

Anybody that is saying this would have worked is either an idiot or unfamiliar with US laws. Ignorance is not an affirmative defense for statutory sexual misconduct.

fucking child molester, you should rot in prison