How'd I do, Sup Forums?

how'd I do, Sup Forums?
also general self-harm thread

Other urls found in this thread:

like a 4/10.

If it were a sport you wouldn't make the cut


bit pointless

I'm new to it


1: Timestamp.
2: If this is you, you did it wrong. Down the road. Not across the street.

there's always next time, i guess.

just cutting, not attempting suicide via cutting. attempting suicide via cutting wouldn't kill me and I'd just end up in a psych ward. also this is from earlier, I've cleaned up now

that's what I'm thinking
try again tomorrow

assuming you're not trolling, you should probably cut somewhere less conspicuous. Youre dooming yourself to wear long sleeve shirts for the rest of your adult life.

like where though, my thighs? my forearm was all nice before I sliced it up, not sure if I give a fuck though

Well just fucking cut yourself everywhere

>posting an edgy bait thread
Kill yourself attention whore

will do
tempted to slice my face up idk
maybe tear out an eye

getting there

Attention Whore/10


Just fucking do it
The world already has enough special snowflakes
Can't you go to tumblr?

yeah but how though


I mean clearly you did a terrible job as you're still shit posting on Sup Forums thread/

You're not dead so you failed you little attention seeking faggot. 0/10

i think you cut the wrong way

lol woah


youre right down there pussy

Faggot. Clearly a pure display of incontrovertible niggery.


OP is faggot/10

it was a mistake to make this thread
I'm out

Yeah but then you're 31 and everyone keeps asking about your scars even though it's obvious as fuck. Just to humiliate you. It never goes away. Good luck getting a respectable partner or job. Must not matter too much if you're set for life working fast food and the grease burn scars will eventually overtake your arms


I've had my scars for 10 years now.
No one cares, they aussume it's from work.
I never done bitch scratches though. Half inch deep were the small ones.

6 months clean and still counting....

That's gays aides
Cutting is retarded and I will always regret being a retarded bitch and cutting myself like a retard

sharper blade
faster strokes
x-acto for max dmg
really build the adrenaline up

pic related?

7 yrs since I stopped

pic very related

Actually 7 yrs.
I never done it due to depression or attention as I always cut on my biceps.
I done it for pleasure, I love pain



Better than being an attention seeking faggot

Keep telling yourelf that

how should I kill myself though

Nice maggots op

has your answers. You want something from the top of the list. The ones that require no apparatus and have a ninety-plus percent success rate are throwing yourself in front of a train or off of a ledge. Make sure whatever you do will work and leave no room for pussying out halfway through! It's the last thing you'll ever do, how pathetic would it be if you can't do it right?

I want to shoot myself but I can't get a gun so I'm leaning towards jumping from a height or hanging myself

I rate 5/7 yes.


Good luck! I sincerely hope that you succeed and I never see you again. Try to land on your head if you jump from a height; I wouldn't want to live those last couple of minutes as my broken body bled out. Similarly, when hanging, you can either go for strangulation or breaking your neck. I'd recommend you ensure you'll fall at least six feet before the rope catches you; you'll die much more quickly.

might just stab myself in the throat and chest idk
wish I had a gun
so many ways to die though

Come on you can go deeper whore

not op newfag

next time
first time using a straight razor ok

^^ this...and where the hell do you see maggots?

>newfag here

Remember kid sideways for attention
Long ways for results

Hahahahah, Dead

Talk about your old boyfriends dick and how big it was then shave off my pubes and punch me in the face.

Oh darlin make me push my dick and balls back between my legs.... and call me an ugly woman then take my picture to show all the people you work with.....


I don't care.
As I said everyone thinks it is from work,

No working out since birth tho kek

why just try, be a complete hero


get a real razor and cut to viens faggot.

Almost a year clean

Go hard or go home faggots



I dont know what's more cringe. the fact you just went to tumblr and Google to rip some images off to post here or the fact your trying this hard to fit in.

>not knowing coldnessinmy heart
>beeing this new
>actualy thinking someone wants to be a cutfag

I think you just played yourself

My advice is to not do that. You'll regret it then you'll feel like you need to do it again, it's a shitty downward spiral. End it before it begins.

>standard reaction

Try burning yourself instead, like heat up a knife,

Feels better and doesn't look like you havea velcro rash like you have done

What is it with white people and self-mutilation?

>Shins: i ride alot of downhill so i can lie about it
>upper thigh: always hidden
>fingers: you can always make a lie about it
>back: No one will ever ask about it

I know the feels my dudes

shotgun to head, 1,7 minutes? lol.

but why do you want to die?

he's joking about that layer of fat inside of the skin.

clean? is it an adiction, like narcotics?



why dont you just jerk your weiner

yes it is.....actually it is more addictive than alcohol or marijuana

le trole! XD

You want praise for your self destructive pathetic behavior. What an attention cuck. Never come back to this site

Fucking loser. Get some psychiatric help. Self harm scars make the prettiest of girls look like damaged goods bc they are clearly mentally inferior. If you were ugly and have them...shoot. Worthless. Get help now. Don't cut again.

Cigarette burns for days.

>Cut casually for 7yrs
>Went from hot guy 16 /fit/ to 22 chub and bald 6’2 97kgs
>dumped out of 5yr relationship and was made fun of for my weight gain by her
>Motivated as fuck gym ery day
>now 85kgs in 12 weeks feelsgood.jpg
>Go out to club, petite hot girl approaches
>”You’re left handed”
Points to my scars on right arm, (barely scratches honestly, but still first person to ever take note)
>holds her arms up, she cut along the road DEEP and elbow to wrist, was hospitalised ect ect, was 6 yrs ago
>Hates herself for it, can’t cover it with tattoos
>Bond with girl on so many levels,
>go back to hers, fuck
>Didn’t get her number and doesn’t have fb
>never seen again, feels like I lost a soul mate

Back to lonely feels
DLC edition:
>She once worked in a brothel as a ‘manager’ so didn’t do the dirty work
>cheated on her boyfriend with a 50yro for money

How many std’s do I have

Moral of the story: don’t cut yourself, you look like a little bitch if its not to end yourself
>inb4: I like pain
>Take up boxing/gym/downhill riding, dont be a faggot

Still throwing 80kg bars on my shoulder all day though cunt

This whore had a belly button ring
>bc it's like soooo cute
No one would touch this slut with a 10 foot pole. Totally hideous monster

Fucking loser.

That's flesh... retard

If you say so.

top kek

but why

Hey my dudes, I'm a newbie a gym, why the fuck am i abysmally weak

My overhead dumbell press is 48kg (total) x8 reps :(

user if you wanna talk I'll give you my kik