What's wrong with Norwegian infrastructure?

What's wrong with Norwegian infrastructure?

I thought they're first world and could at least maintain roads with all those oil shekels

mountains n shit

>best infastructure


And they call themselves white

It's not bad either

Is it bad?

It's old,

Doesn't mean it's bad

it's old to the point where it is starting to fall apart. It's about to get really bad.

>Du Ole? Skall vi bruke oljepengene på veiene våre?
>Nei for faen, vi skall bruke dem på dritt fra Sverige!

t. cheng he

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Yes its bad, not africa bad but "wait arnt we a first world country?" Bad

A huge problem os that no one wants to maintain old infrastructure. And replacing it all woud be literally impossible

>namibia has better infrastructure than poland

Infrastructure includes everything, not just transportation. The high volume broadband that it takes up is why the US is rated so highly

Norway has crappy roads, like really awful, literally falling apart.

Otherwise it's fairly good

Trump will fix everything

> Paraguay below Pakistan, Benin, Honduras

Are there no roads in Paraguay?

In all the countries I have traveled, the USA has the best infrastructure. Now there are cities with better infrastructure, but what country do you think has a better infrastructure?

Maintaining roads is expensive.

you have dem oil shekels m8

>Belgium dark blue

something aint right

But our country is still functional with the roads we have.
We have a big country, covering it all with super roads is very expensive. We don't have enough oil shekels for that.

They're Jews and their country is thin, so instead of spending money on roads they just go to Sweden and back to drive north/south.

Yes, Sweden has built really nice roads for far distance travel. We can just use their roads for far distance travel. Better roads along the thin parts would only be useful for local transport, for far distance we can just use Sweden for free instead.

NO WAY we are worse than Russia. Polish roads are ok now

>having 90 km/h speed limit on the autobahn
This would lead to massive riots here

They have increased it :(
Now there are autobahns with 110 km/h, even.

But I guess 90 is the most common in the country on good roads, and 80 is the standard, what you should assume if there are no other signs stating otherwise.

Well 100 is the general limit on single-lane overland roads connecting villages etc here
But nice to see you're first-worlding it up! Memes aside I can understand that your very montane landscape and low population density results in limited infrastructure, but at least in that one flatland strip south of Stavanger you have (your only farmland?), things should be different

Namibia is white and first world

I thought they were unaligned during the cold war

No, they were part of South Africa

norway is just fishermen with oil shekels and refugees. neither can build roads

>A huge problem os that no one wants to maintain old infrastructure. And replacing it all woud be literally impossible
wtf just hire people to do it. i mean they cant refuse if its their job, its not a bad job, and there's probably people willing to do it for a paycheck from the government

Haha stupid norwegians

norge'd again

>only country to maintain an entire continent of infrastructure alone
>rank 21-40 in global infrastructure
whatever organisation made this map was clearly an anti-australian shill factory

put the roo in the loo

See this shit? The Dutch don't even know what this shit is.

That's a fair deal, because Swedes come here to work half a year for oil shekels and then go back to Sweden.

Too many abos sleeping on the roads

The smallest continent, mind you.

Roads are for poor people, use the private jets like a normal person.

minus papua we are blue

I can't believe this. I'm so offended

It's a giant country, it can be bad in the less populated portions

Norweigians build roads in Sweden instead, cause it's cheaper.

It would be more disturbing if 20 countries in the world couldn't beat Norway's infrastructure.

We're ranked 209th in the world in population density, even lower with the independencies included. Unlike Finland and Sweden people live on every little island, deep valley and mountain village. Roads are 94% more expensive to build in Norway than in Sweden, so it's not economically viable to build out roads in bumfuck nowhere.