Anyone know a good site to search for torrents?

anyone know a good site to search for torrents?
i need a new one as my usual go to is down permanently as it seems.

Other urls found in this thread:


The domain changed, you faggot
thepiratebay , lu

Piratebay is still working user.

The domain changed, you faggot
piratebay , red
For music and audiobooks

im not talkiing about pirate bay u fags.
im talking a search engine.
which searches through pirate bay along with KAT and like 20 other torrent sites.

its no longer working and i need a new search engine, not a site.

>good site to search for torrents

Doesn't want site.
Make your fucking mind up

look dude. i know i can go to pirate bay just by googling that shit.
but the search engine i used searched through all these websites (pic related) and organized them by date added and size and everything was just a few clicks.
now that site is down and im wondering if other sites like it exist so i dont have to go search on the pirate bay website itself, or kat, or any other place.



it seems were shit out of luck man.

works for me

sorry wrong link


both garbage


bump (but it's in french)

And if you looking for a seach engine, google is enough.

Is KAT's .onion domain still working? I don't have access to check. If someone could for me that would be awesome.

If they seized the servers I don't see how any domain would still be working. The only working kats now are mirror who aren't actualized and fakes who try to get the kat's users.

Limetorrents for searching

Piratebay is a tracker database which is essentially a search engine. Piratebay is THE torrent nowadays.. I wouldn't trust anything else.

Every day I would watch that old man and his blue truck pull up to my gas station, as he bought two Reese's bars. He would do this for almost four years, and rack up close to several hundred if not $1,000 worth of funds invested into these little chocolate candies. And I finally had the nerve to ask him why do you get these. and he told me that they were for him and his fiance. so I got on the internet, and did a little research and it turns out his fiance used to work in the candy shop that made Reese's Peanut Butter Cups. therefore I decided to secretly follow him to see where he's going with these candies and he was going to the Baptist Church's graveyard. He stayed a couple minutes, but as soon as he left I went to the grave of what seemed to be his wife which had a rapper of one peanut butter bar left on the right side of the stone in the other one sitting on top of it. The inscription on the gravestone read "if you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight." Finally I understood.

Don't you need to be invited to that shit? Fucking gay
