Last picture you saved. Tell the truth, sickos

Last picture you saved. Tell the truth, sickos.

Other urls found in this thread:






Chip the glasses, crack the plates, that's what Bilbo Baggins hates.










rip harambe




I respect what you were trying to do

Not much different than people having to attend church.

The tone of the picrure changes depending on which way are they looking



And this is why Britain is a joke.



post noods

The guy is praying in the same room with the girls?
The girls would be raped then stoned to death by Shariah law.







WOW... those people should all be ashamed/killed off. WTF AMERICA!?


no its called "Asia"

A shitload of milf porn and this one image last of all


I was just in NZ

sucks NZ didn't change their flag. the new flag was sexy.

Spider pussy.

Spider has puss puss

Kanker delft

i leik wallpapers


Very excited for this. Especially darth fucking vader


good that we learn what it means for others to worship, otherwise we'll just keep killing each other and shitposting.


"Stop jacking off so much" didn't quite make the list.

I'm expecting it to be as shit as star wars 7



Dont ask

Hi, I'm Scarlet J and I approve this massage



what was this deleted post?




>Sasha Grey getting fucked
Fake and gay.







Not even embarrassed tbh

who's the guy on the left?


Pretty sure it's Valentina Nappi dude

Don't be. Reshoots have been going on, to an extent that leaves a lot of people worried about the studio trying to make it more lighthearted. You can't trust that a movie with good visual design is equally good in other aspects as well. It will likely be mediocre.

Nederdraad kankerlijer


New flag was a piece of shit, and just a fucking distraction from some other dirty fucking political issue
Old flag is what they fought and died over, with the rest of the commonwealth


The shirt makes that pic great

i dunno, i didndu nuffin but save it. last b4 this one



This one.


Trump could sue the painter for painting that

Girlfriend just sent me this


jaina and kael'thas


I lol'd

okay nerd, forget I asked

nigga, that turtle's kawaii as fuck




A comic on how to learn Korean
Its from 9gag
I was watching this video
I felt so horrible clicking the link

Farting till the end



Islam..."the religion of peace"...