I know I'm late to the party but did anyone actually think this was a good movie?

I know I'm late to the party but did anyone actually think this was a good movie?
Or is it just brand loyalty?

>really slow moving, and needlessly drawn out for what it is.
pretends it has some deep plot, but ends up being a cliche turd by the end.
He can't help it! Yeah, well he killed my dad who I didn't even like boohoo! Oh just kidding guys, I never planned to unleash the super soldiers at all, I'm just angry my own famalam died!
>tries way too hard to be noticeably inclusive.
Not only did they make sure to include tons of blacks/women in every shot, they even forced in an extra black superhero who really was never important or interesting.
>They added about 30 unnecessary minutes in just so they could have "black panther"
who ended up being completely irrelevant aside from the symbol of his name to black people.
>the humor was lame shit about Spiderman being young, and "Tony Stank"
if you consider any of that legitimate humor I feel sorry for you.
>actions scenes were merely ok, and cinematography was less than ok
nothing more needs to be said about that.
>in the end, you realize it was boring and unsatisfying.
Sadly this was even in theaters, I can only imagine falling asleep to this steaming pile at home.

The only bright spot of the whole film was a cameo appearance by Paul Rudd as Ant Man.

Scratching Thor for Black Panther was clearly a bad decision, took too long to try to introduce Black Panther and by the end he's left out of the homosexual hugfest between Cap, War Machine, and Iron man anyway.

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Meanwhile at the BO...

Not only are you late to the party, everyone's already left and there's no leftover pizza for you. At least you tried though.

thats not really a good sign either.

tried what?

>They added about 30 unnecessary minutes in just so they could have Spider-Man
>tries way too hard to be noticeably inclusive.

brand loyalty

It's not bad
It's significantly worse than Winter Solider on every level one would use to measure a film

It's above average. Nowhere a 10/10. Is at 7-8

It was good for a superhero movie. 5.5/10

nah, only added an extra two scenes for Spiderman. And Spider Man was a key component of their climactic fight scene, BP wasn't.
Every Black Panther scene was unnecessary, could have done just fine with Thor being the irrelevant extra, and saved everyone a lot of time to boot.

only if you're an sjw/nignog
Any rational honest person noticed how forced it was.
>my great son who just wanted to help people killed by you, evil white billionaire!
>feel that white guilt!
Some scenes were taken straight from tumblr fanfic.

>I never planned to unleash the super soldiers at all
It was bait.
>Yeah, well he killed my dad who I didn't even like boohoo!
He is still his dad, also:

one of the worst superhero movies i've ever watched though.

Its Daredevil tier desu.

Yep, Captain America encounters birds (again) and this time, he got owned. HARD. (Cap's first encounter with the birds was 2 years ago when Rio 2 came out.)

cliche bait, in a cliche plot.

>only if you're an sjw/nignog
>Any rational honest person noticed how forced it was.
>feel that white guilt!
Some scenes were taken straight from tumblr fanfic.
Fucking Stark thought he was the one to protect the world and created an ai that did the complete opposite. It's not about white guilt shit m8.

Well, looks like you don't want to rationalize. Good night!


>I know I'm late to the party but did anyone actually think this was a good movie?
not me

Different user here, but how exactly does "it was still his dad" justify this weak plot point? He literally says to Cap that he's trying to keep the avengers from falling appart. Then, goes on his own after Cap keeping an open mind and going against the government. Even when the evil mastermind speaks out his plan he just goes in a rage and doesn't care about the avengers. It would be understandable if he were to just get really mad and try to fuck shit up for a little while, but he just goes full on against Bucky even though he knew Zemo framed and used Bucky to his advantage. He acted like a retard going against Bucky instead of Zemo.

awful movie

I had to watch the cam over a span of 3 days, kept falling asleep. It was incredibly boring and contrived. And I generally like the Marvel movies.