A button which you earn 1 billion dolors, but your hearbeat become 1 billion times

A button which you earn 1 billion dolors, but your hearbeat become 1 billion times
will you press?

this really made me think

French can't understand engilish?

I can't understand you Satoshi. What does
>your hearbeat become 1 billion times

Yea, I don't mind if my heartbeat becomes 1 million times

>but your hearbeat become 1 billion times


wonder how many living years that would be

i think he means "you only have one billion heartbeats left before dying"
which i guess i would just calculate it prior to it then say yes or no

your average life expectancy minus your current age divided by a million for best case estimation. probably less


so you'll pretty much die rich, that's the good part

user-kun, i have no fucking clue of what you said fucking means.

What did Shinji mean by this?

your heart beat dokun dokun dokun



can I live with these?

So my heart starts beating faster? Like a bilion times faster? Wouldn't that just mean instant death?

Zitto animale

Nothing 1fucking billion dollas won't solve

Some things matter more than wealth

Hey I get it
It's nippons flag
you know red button on white background

it's a well known fact

good post

like pussy

yo mane how did you get that flag

So smart.

>your earn 1 billion dollars, but you die.
>will you press it
Wow, that's a difficult one.


zitto animale

time to become a dumb phoneposter i guess

Google it
It won't work from any browser

So circa 40 years and 1 billion dollars.
Why not.