ITT: We come up with Simpsons episodes

Hard Mode: No cuck plotlines.

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Lisa gets involved in a Liberal cause and proves everyone wrong

Lisa eats something delicious and learns it's non-vegan-friendly, she spends the entire episode reflecting on how she enjoyed a non-vegan-friendly meal and has an identity crisis before realizing it actually WAS vegan-friendly. B plot is Homer reliving his old high school days as a DJ starring a very dated deadmau5 parody.

Credits roll.

Homer wants to vote for Donald Trump and an assortment of protestors who #FeelTheBern including Lisa, Milhouse and Martin all start protesting Homer wherever he goes. He becomes bros with various Springfielders over this including Comic Book Guy, Moleman and Moe who also reveal that they are being protested against and are being followed.

Sideplot; Marge starts learning to skateboard off Bart

lisa gets cast as an extra on game of thrones
marge buys an investment property

Ned when going on the internet gets a gay porn up and this leads to him questioning his sexuality and religion, This needs to play at some point in the episode.

>Bart gets in trouble at school and as punishment, has to help Skinner in his day to day duties, learning a lesson about responsibility.
>Marge's vacuum cleaner breaks down and Homer says she should just buy a new one, but she wants it repaired because its really old and she's attached to it, so she goes on a whacky trip around town trying to find a place that will fix it.
>There is an accident at the Nuclear plant and all the staff need to learn new safe work rules. Homer is put in charge of teaching Sector 7-G propper ways to behave in the workplace.
>Lisa gets triggered by something.

Call up Fox boys, we got ourselves an episode.

Marge cucks Homer
Bart has his first wank
Lisa is piss
Homer dies

>Bart has his first wank

>No cuck plotlines.
Tell that to the current writers

Where's all your unnecessary guest appearances and constant attempts to pander to and capture the attention of today's youth?

>The whole episode was in fact being watched via Fox's new online streaming service on none other than Amy Shumer's iphone!

Homer's boyhood friend is unfrozen and forced to kill Moe's parents back in the 90s so then Homer's arch enemy...let's say DuffMan...has a plan where he will find out the secret location of a VHS tape of a recording of the murder and then set up a plan where Homer and his friend and Moe travel across the planet to watch the tape. Moe , who was already mad at homer, now is kind of even more mad at him
later on they aren't mad at each other

>Bart attempts to prank Nelson and blame Milhouse but it goes wrong and Nelson beats him up so Bart starts taking martial arts lessons to be able to fight back; in the end he still gets beaten up but Milhouse jumps in to save him, at which point Bart runs away whilst Nelson beats the shit out of Milhouse
>Santa's Little Helper is having problems and the vet advises taking him out for more walks so Homer does it because Marge keeps nagging him but he starts meeting a lot of women walking dogs and Marge gets jealous so she takes SLH for walks but men hit on her and Homer gets jealous so they decide their marriage is worth more than the dog's health
>There's a minor subplot involving Willy trying to catch a possum that occurs in the background of some scenes but is never really explored
>At the end of the episode Lisa comes home to the other three on the couch and starts talking about how she met [INSERT POPULAR FEMINIST CELEB OF THE WEEK] and campaigned for [INSERT POPULAR LIBERAL ISSUE OF THE WEEK] by [INSERT LATEST TUMBLR ACTIVISM TREND] and Homer, Marge, and Bart tell her to shut up in unison

Couch gag is Homer not being able to find the remote and everyone shrugging, then the camera depicting the turned off television in silence for five seconds before he declares, "Found it!" and credits proceed as normal.

the american simpsons move to Argentina and start hanging out with the Latino Simpsons, who teach them how to UNA VELA and JAAJAJJAJAJAJAJAJAJJAJAJAJA HOMBRE WEED LMAO


I'm a writer for Fox and I really like the possum part. I'm stealing it, thanks!

They still make this show? Really?

i know it's you Rob LaZebnik, you can't fool me

dont ever post again

marge forces homer to attend AA meeting where he swears an oath to stop drinking.
meanwhile prof frink invents a machine that can project the mind of it's user into the past while they are sleeping.
bart offers to test it and the two of them enter the machine and go in the past.
They arrive at homer's childhood house
bart remarks that his father wasn't retarded as a kid.
meanwhile homer can't take it anymore and wants to drink something.Marge catches him while he is opening a beer.
she chases him and somehow they get to prof frinks's lab.
Homer hides somewhere and marge can't find him
Marge starts shouting "Homer don't drink! remember the oath"
Sleeping bart hears the shouting. he keeps hearing "the oath"
he starts staring intensly at kid homer
kid homer rolls his eyes into the back of his head and starts convulsing
and present homer keeps his motherfuckin oath

muslim refugees move into evergreen terrace so lisa decides to teach her ignorant family about the religion of peace because she's afraid they'll embarrass her in front of their new neighbours. after hearing lisa read from the koran homer decides to convert to islam and, being homer, hatches a wacky plot to form his own islamic militia. just as he's about to kidnap his infidel neighbour flanders to make an execution video to help advertise his newly formed militia, he's interrupted by an impromptu concert happening in his front yard featuring holograms of david bowie and prince.
