So they're literally the exact same thing as mass effect's reapers?

so they're literally the exact same thing as mass effect's reapers?

I wanted to say the exact same thing but refrained from doing so because I didn't wanna be called a Sup Forumskiddie, but yeah they essentially are the same thing.

The walls are titans

such a fucking waste of potential
this guy is so based and they completely butcher his origin
bravo you fucking hacks

More like the collectors

anyone got any more of these?

Even starcraft did it before mass effect. Kill yourself kid.

why did the tree children make them if they can't control them

what's their purpose and motive

It's the scourge from Warcraft.

No, they're like Sin.

Wights are Sinspawn.

Children of the Forrest are the people of Bevelle.

Probably as a grudge weapon after knowing it was all over. Well, we may be dead, but you will be too!

stupid lorax bitch and her fellow treehugging asshats doomed how many men because they were butthurt over a trivial issue?

Brienne doomed all of Westeros by killing Azor Ahai

>trying to be hipster by using fucking star craft as a basis
>a setting that is a rip off 40k, which in turn ripped off a bunch of shit

dropped the show in season 3, does it seriously have a fucking noble savage thing going on now


So why the fuck didn't the old guy tell Bran not to get touched by him? Seems like that wouldn't take up too much of his nap time.

They're like fey.

Did he even fucking warn him about the consequences of fucking around with the tree? What is the tree anyway, the fuck is going on with this show.

Thats my fucking point imbecile. Its been done to death, so dont pretend Mass effect invented the wheel. Thats why I said "even".

I hate magic because it makes no sense.

If the CotF are powerful enough to create these white walkers, why aren't they powerful enough to just outright beat back the humans? Why are they allowed to "create" this weapon?

Where is the logic?

takes one to know one.

No. It's literally the scourge.

>came from the northern frozen continent
>raises the enemy dead to fight for them
>broke free of their masters control and now wants to kill them

The sad thing is that if the Warcraft movie gets a sequel with the scourge, normies will most likely call it a rip off of GoT.

>A Game of Thrones is the first novel in A Song of Ice and Fire, a series of high fantasy novels by American author George R. R. Martin. It was first published on August 6, 1996.

>Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos is a high fantasy real-time strategy video game released by Blizzard Entertainment in July 2002

>mass effect invented a common as fuck trope
Sup Forums LEAVE

More like Ultron.

the fuck? i thought he started in like the early 80s



I think they're more like the zerg from warhammer

>Sup Forums shit

Seriously? This is such a fucking common trope even the Bible has it. And the first thing that came to your mind was some shitty gay sex simulator?

Im sure that he did not develop the origin of a character who does not even appear until book fucking four before warcraft existed

Stupid animeposter

maybe because it's a popular pop-culture meltdown

The Others were around raising the dead in the frozen north from the very first book. Obviously GRRM had some idea of what they were and why they were doing this. The Scourge didn't even exist until Warcraft 3.

Considering Blizzard has a history of "borrowing" from other fantasy franchises, I would say Occam's razor falls in GRRM's favor.


There are others in the first chapter of book 1 and Hodor is present from the beginning.
Do you mean the children of the forest, or the night's king? Because it's quite obvious both of those were planned well in advance.

I really doubt fatman plays Warcraft, too.

The books were supposed to be a trilogy, he cleared had the ending planned out from the start.

Too bad he won't ever finish it now.

So they're like the Shadows from Babylon 5?

Nah, they are like Ultron.

Where in the bible is there something like this? I am genuinely curious. The closest I can think of is lepers, but that's a disease and they were docile.

Lucifer bro.

yeah haha i never played a video game either!

>the ending to ME3 was so bad, it caused you to quit playing video games entirely

Except I'm here now, so something went wrong

The original ending was shit but they made it better with the patch. I almost quit playing video games too.

The Walkers were created do to deforestation?

What the fuck is this EPA/SJW propaganda?

So I haven't watched this yet but I do understand the starcraft and mass effect references. How does lucifer equate here? Because he has an army of the damned? Because he tries to take souls? He doesn't lead an army and wage war against mortals in a non metaphorical sense, so I'm not seeing it.

What did the patch change?

It was still press a button to pick the fate of the universe was it not?

There was some 'dlc' which added something?

kys idiot

Yeah except that originally, it wasn't the same ending for all 3 choices. I think they even added a 4th choice but I don't remember.

The trope is basically "one's creation, meant for good, turns against its creator."

Hell, that techincally happens to God in geneiss too, since Lucifer's mythology wasn't exactly well developed until Christians.

it was*

with the DLC, it wasn't the same ending.

You don't understand the amount of time I put into the ME series before that. I had six different profiles from ME2 ready to see what ending was which, but once I learned all of them where just different colors I just gave up.

Still played fifa/madden with roommates, but that was really it. Played a little bit of my friends Witcher 3, but couldn't really get into it, despite it obviously being technically great.

IDK, maybe I just got older, am I supposed to play video games in my late 20's? my 30's? am I supposed to play them with my kids?

Even seeing capeshit now makes me feel a little embarrassed

Maybe I'll get onto them one day, who knows

Even if he does finish them, will we find out D&D are following his directions for the broader strokes or will he create a schism? Or, worryingly, will GRRM change his conclusions to fit the show for them normie bucks?

I think op made the connection because both the reapers and the white walkers destroy societies/civilization in a cyclical fashion, satan just gives it one big hurrah and is then beaten

>turning a other-worldy lovecraftian antagonist into a generic villain with an origin story.
Not much else comes to mind other than mass effect desu

Probably because they underestimated how fucking vicious and dangerous the white walkers would become.
Hell they might not have even known about the ability to control the dead.
No. The "savages" were fucking raging at humans for burning down their homes and created the necro-humans as a revenge tactic that made the situation even worse for everyone involved.

That said; what is the night king's objective here?
He's spent time rebuilding his army, and hasn't pushed south for a great many years.
What exactly happens?

Sup Forums did it first. The others are anti-spirals.

i want the white walkers to win so much after tonights episode

Skynet, Ultron, Battlestar Galactica, Space Odyssey, pretty much rogue A.I. in all of sci-fi.

I dropped it after that bullshit, never touched the dlc so not likely to ever do so now. The Deus Ex game (human revolution) pulled the exact same bullshit with the ending.

>You have made a series of choices which could organically lead to a conclusion based on those choices.
>press a button which nullifies all those choices
>keep a save just before so you can get the other 'achievements'

and the many face guys are the same the assassin's guild in Elder Scrolls

Much as I admire Tolkien, and I do admire Tolkien — he’s been a huge influence on me, and his Lord of the Rings is the mountain that leans over every other fantasy written since and shaped all of modern fantasy — there are things about it, the whole concept of the Dark Lord, and good guys battling bad guys, Good versus Evil, while brilliantly handled in Tolkien, in the hands of many Tolkien successors, it has become kind of a cartoon. We don’t need any more Dark Lords, we don’t need any more, ‘Here are the good guys, they’re in white, there are the bad guys, they’re in black. And also, they’re really ugly, the bad guys. **George R. R. Martin

>IDK, maybe I just got older, am I supposed to play video games in my late 20's? my 30's? am I supposed to play them with my kids?

It happens to most of us. I'm one of the few that haven't grown out of it and probably never will. It's just an good way to escape stress without fucking up your health.

>Played a little bit of my friends Witcher 3, but couldn't really get into it, despite it obviously being technically great.

That game is the best I've played in a decade. Only San Andreas was better for me. Probably cause I played it growing up and it was the first of it's kind.

>Even seeing capeshit now makes me feel a little embarrassed

Same here. Actually grew out of that. Saw Deadpool the other day and I just didn't like it like everyone else did. I forgot most of the movie already.

none of those are cyclical
none of those where thought as any lovecraftian horrors

magic in this entire series makes zero sense

a random fire god can raise people from the dead just like that, no reasons or context given.

roots from a magic tree enable someone to see and interact with the past even

Not exactly.
Similar, they worship "The many faced god" or "death". Brotherhood worships "Sithis" who is the void, and absence of life.
But the Brotherhood acts purely as assassins. They aren't as fervent like the Faceless.

kek disregard the namefagging. Was trolling a namefag.

>oy vey I've created a golem!

bravo d&d

Neither are the White Walkers.

What's your point?

Can these guys theoretically survive in space?

>Doesn't need to breathe
>Immune to cold

It's llike the Shoah all ovah agahn!

He was a good friend.

People are animated by the "fire" of life. It makes sense that a fire god could resurrect people.

Tolkien already established the north and being full of evil things, ruined cities and iirc some of the nazgul were kings from there.

Also Warhammer has the chaos gate in the far north where chaos armies come from.

that's just from recent fantasy stuff, nordic legends no doubt have some related things as well

No because pressure.
Their eyes would be sucked out of their sockets.

I don't think you know what a lovecraftian horror is. Ice zombies aren't lovecraftian horror, neither are the rippers. Lovecraftian horror is something so incomprehensible that a glimpse of it snaps the human mind, and it sure as hell cannot be defeated

Now they done fucked up the Others. They where supposed to be an ethereal race of shiny elegant snow elf type creatures in the books wondrous and terrifying at the same time with mysterious motives. Now they are just a bunch of single minded killing machine faggots.


I mean i guess?
But what about drogon, pretty sure when he's fully grown he'll solo them while fucking dany mid air, am i fucking wrong?

>still made out of shit that doesnt want to exist in a vacuum

Yes, white-walkers were introduced as these indifferent and destructive forces of nature that no one really knew anything about. That mystery was what made them a good part of the plot.

It's repackaged shit for normies, what did you expect?

It is disappointing, they were supposed to be ice fey, not fucking zombies.

>winter is coming isn't cyclical
>the white walkers weren't thought of as an almost other worldly force from hell


We Dark Souls now.

>White Walker army marching off towards an apparent invasion at the end of Season Fucking Two

no, it makes no sense since there is no logic behind any of that

a random fire witch can birth shadow demons, raise the dead and appear super young and sexy. it's all competely arbitrary stuff with no rules or logic behind it
also beric was raised multiple times by some random semi-priest for seemingly no reason whatsoever

when is the ice zombie king going to get his shit together and get on the other side of the wall and fuck shit up?

why does BRAVO VINCE/NOLAN posting still crack me up

>>winter is coming isn't cyclical
They came once, got pushed back, and now they are appearing for the 2nd time. Two times does not make it cyclical, and we don't know why they showed up the 2nd time.

>>the white walkers weren't thought of as an almost other worldly force from hell
>Elves, lovecraftian horror rathar than British Norse/British mythlogy


That reminds me. This fucker right here got killed three times now (once by Sam, another by Jon and now by Meera) and he still comes back. What the fuck is this bullshit?

Because you're a massive faggot?

All those traits except for the "snapping of the human mind" can be attributed to the whitewalkers.
White-walkers were lovecraftian AF until this episode.

Also in the books it is implied that the Others built the Wall and made a pact with the Starks for each race to stay on each side of the border. I was pretty convinced that humans started the war with the Others first.

They then made peace and married a White Walker (Night Queen) to a Stark to seal the pact. Once the Starks where kill it gave them the justification to move past the wall since the pact was broken. But I guess all of that shit is out the window now.

Hivemind bro. He keeps getting reborn and uploaded to a new body.

Preston was right.

Why did he want to kill bran so bad after he saw him in the vision? Why does he even care?

how do you know its the same guy

that plot point didn't happen in 40k tho sempai

They totally ruined the WWs.

This is why the less you know about something that's supposed to be otherwordly and scary the better.

fire god = life magic.

It's some pretty basic shit mang