Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>Only one claim per user
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP/ERP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



Ah, i plan to get to Dark Souls at some point but it sadly won't be any time soon.

Na last year the rave was more awkward then that, they just jump.. the music didnt really had that beat t make you move your body

The protag died in reach tho, akame is alive

I know I want juicy ass, thats fo sure
Nothing really, maybe something will catch my eye

I LOVE my dr pepper, I think the only redeeming factor is its cheap to live there.. or so I heard

best mouse remains mine forever

that is incredibly cute
i thank you for this

so a girl sucking some guys dick is lewd, even if no genitalia are visible

understandably also that cute tattoo hehee

on some esdeath fan site literally only about esdeath

is a great game

no we can pass the remote and play snes games.

its fun. where the fuck are you btw

Post what you are listening to.




rynogt4 and his meme team


pastebin com/zLx3kMFS

Miho claimed

Your welcome

Happy Birthday Yuno

I cant argue with that!

Oh come on I am a beginner tips, give me tips!

Ohhhhh nice mine kinda looks like Yui's guitar, didnt mean to do that it just happened. I want a flying V so bad

W..why though?!?

haha man im going to be called an edge fagget for this

esdeath nice, don't like the anime/manga tries too hard to make one feel

Forgot image.
Any other games you play?


Shinobu Claimed

I did a thing, so now she doesn't suck up the tears.

Nothing changes my friend, just trying to get by. What were you up to?

Levels don't matter, playtime does :^)

>More awkward
Jesus, don't even want to imagine it. How can not supply sick beats at a rave.


Well everybody seems to do so anyway.

not master race teen shinobu

Hello hanako
Lilly claimed

Still here

We have dr pepper here! Other redeeming qualities include:
>world of coke
>georgia aquarium
>cheap tickets to braves games because they suck

My dream guitar at one point was an X-Plorer, but now they look really lame. I wanna get a Gretsch or a Telecaster. Also
>that pic


How's it going?

oh shit. What Nintendo is doing to the Metroid series and their fans is just heartbreaking

Just work and games! lol Got to hang out for 2 hours when I got to work because the internet was beyond fucked

Hey! How are you?

Ah hell yes~
Thank you my love~

The dr is some literal who, the beats werent even jump beats

Well momocon is there and atlanta seems nice

Hey what's up!?


Who are you?
Hmm. Thanks.

that pic wew

are you feeling it now?

fallout 4 atm moment i have more games but ive been playing that and dark souls


not liking qt3.14 young teen shinobu just because she has glass smh

I'm not that great I promise
Alright so at first your fingers will start to hurt after a while that's a good thing because you're building calluses which will make your fingers not hurt
In my opinion a good first song to learn is About A Girl (that's the first song I ever learnt)

Well fuck, that's a music video and a half.

actually it's simply because fucking loli Shinobu is god Shinobu.

Why is /ck/ so shit?
Also, post your waifu partying hard


Hello again everyone

I agree they worked really hard on that tribute game and they shit on them.

I own a wii u and its heartbreaking what they did to us.

Makes new consol releases 5 games for it most are remakes, Pathetic really.

someone who thinks your cool.

I was just reading my manga but my fam needs e right now so I am gonna have to roll off

I want a light blue strat, basic I know but I love that color.
>I know its for Yuno's birthday~

All for you darling

Test to see if I are ban


I got Fallout 4 but haven't played it yet because i was playing other things.

Is it anywhere near as good as New Vegas was?
Would this count?

fair nuf your for lolis idgaf about lolis lets leave it we have our own tastes i joking either way but i do prefer older teen shinobu

I'm bored and tired

>League at 4 in the morning every day is no longer recommended


Hello there

Hello hello

It's nice, but I would never want to live there. Many parts of Atlanta are pretty seedy, and the traffic is a fucking nightmare

So many guitars I want, so little money...Have a good night Rikka!

Also reminder that Texas is 100000% better than what Nebraska could even think of

And I don't have a whole lot of it :^)

Weezer is hard for me personally because of the fingerpicking and I can't fingerpick at all


Hello Hanako, how are you?
Hello again Yuno ~

>Never ending shop fronts captcha


I knew it was a fake unit, but I play it from time to time and it caught my eye.

I've been trying to get more pictures, did you not read ?

I realized the other day that even though I liked Yoko as a character, I didn't like her enough as a waifu. Blah blah "It was originally going to be a joke for Karen" etc. I posted this earlier and yet I forgot to copy/paste it for later use in case anyone asked.

The waifu is Botan, but it's probably Shino preparing to also be a heretic.

Our game just crashed Poor niggy

I think they might have been resetting the room to try and fix the lag

Shitty, a con should be able to get someone notable, not mainstream but credible.

Fun times all around. Kek, they didn't have you troubleshoot it?

Had the same reaction.

Take care, see ya around.

PC hours count as well :^)

A lot of old faces.

i wonder if this counts as partying hard?

hello friend

why were you scared of a ban

I'm so tired...

>I just wanna lay down...

If you're a new Mako i haven't met welcome, if you're the aggressive Mako i kindly request for you to fuck off.

Never forget

Traffic is god awful here in dallas too
What did you mean by seedy?

Any plans for tonight?

Eh Dallas cons tend to go cheap with actors and djs
>Am FUCKING MAD yuno's voice actor cancelled

Was it ever? Sounds like me always....bored and tired

yeah...Other M was a fucking disaster and now they just don't care. The series was sooo great and has some of the best and my most favorite lore, but with Other M....
>Sorry trilogy never happened
>Samus is a cringy edgy teenager who needs to be rescued all the time
>Fuck you
...Thanks Nintendo and Team Ninja....you did it. I don't think I'll ever not be angry at that shit stain of a game.

technically I could but fuuuck that. I'd rather not work lol. Plus it was work in the network closet which I'm not authorized to work in/on. Done it lots of times though

Because I was falsely banned earlier

Bored and tired as well
And you? I was about to ask where you are
Everything is pretty meh...
I want to play no man's sky
And with you}?

I'm thinking I might go to bed as well, getting pretty tired!
Going to stay up a little bit longer and see if the stream comes back, if not it's off to bed for me

Hmm. Is all the Karen show characters going to jump ship?

Come on! I dont bite!
>if you think just because mako is a name of a shark doesn't mean I'll bite!

Mmm good night if you choose to bed

I'm only around lvl 50 in PC :^)

There are a few just really bad neighborhoods around the city. Some dude offered some weed and crack to my friend and myself when we were walking around the city.

Forgot to put in
What's wrong with me?
I'm so sorry Lilly. I forgot ufor just a little time

give in to your temptations

oh, that sucks
what was the false reason for the ban?

I know a few of em are still here, hiding in plain sight *cough*

I'm not afraid of cute girls with sharp teeth.

>I was just worried you were the brat for a second.

Where I am? Just relaxing and playing some Wow. my DH actually makes me want to play again

Meh I live in a nigger neighborhood where some nig offered me tattoos

Though I dont think I'll want to move out.. Texas is gun happy

Off topic: Just noticed Yuuki is just wearing a leotard underneath

Well that's a total non-answer.
Come on now, fess up.

>that tail though
Because it's always the ears, nobody mentions moussu tail.

Yea, Nintendo has been pretty shit recently.

I'm a shitpost cuck I like to watch other people get more replies than me while putting less effort into their posts


Texas actually has middle of the road gun laws

Just move to austin, don't they have google fiber? And yeah, I noticed that not too long ago as well. There's some figure of her where you can remove the skirt part and just have her wearing the leotard.

>Playing wow
>Bored and tired
Choose one

Hey! Watch who you're talking to! I'm not a brat! Respect your elders!
>sorry if I came off as rude when I talked to you

And you have nigger semen in your daughters anus

is this a valid waifu

why tho
is it heresy season?

I don't know. I switched, Aya rarely posts, we lack an Alice, Karen will be AWOL for another week, and Shino is doing who the fuck knows what. He keeps on joking in the stream "Hey, I'd piss off a lot of people in the threads if I switched to (insert random female character he likes)" but only ever posts one pic of that waifu and continues on as normal.

the tail is indeed very magnificent
good night friend, sleep tight

Well fug, never been to one so the quality I can't speak on the quality of the ones here.

Couldn't handle the smell of another con.

I'd be the same honestly, fuck that, try to squeeze as much free time as you can. Ah, then there really was no need.

Who carried you? :^)

whatever do you mean?

Shinoa claimed ',:)

I haven't made my demon hunter yet, I'm trying to get my warrior geared up more, he's at item level 682 I think

Smug on the water

I return did i miss anything my dudes?

Jokes on you, I don't have a daughter and never will. There's literally no reason to ever have a daughter ever.