Handwriting thread

Handwriting thread

Let's see that penmanship.

Reminds me of my dad's handwriting. I always how nice it looked.

Pretty nice

nice stuff.

mine is chicken scratch. the only way I can write decently is if I do it really slow.

Broke my writing hand so I am stuck with this shit handwriting

Eh, not as bad as mine was. I could barley make out what I ever wrote.

Damn that is pretty.
I had handwriting like this not that long ago

Let's see it


Shit tier coming thru

This is to my penpal in Ontario.

You have hand writing like both my nephew (I thought he was sick the first time I saw it) and my boyfriend.


The way the g's run into each other is bothering but I like your handwriting


I'm sorry my picture uploaded upside down, I don't know what could have gone wrong.

That's pretty nice hand writing, I think. But you need another pen, the ball point is too large and the ink too thick.

You should write the platoon's AARs

I try to please

Now that is nice. Good stuff

no way this is a dude

This spacing is similar to my Brother SX-14's two spacing options.

I tried

>being this sexist
>in 2016
Even men can into calligraphy today.

Totally a dude

niggers tengue my anus?

Did it

Go back to tumblr u faglord


I like your writing but that drawing frightens me

It's supposed to be an O. My stylus fucked me up

Are you 7?


I hate faggots like this who write in caps

Nope. Just have shit writing.

I kekked

took me way too long to see it

>not very neat

Don't you mean



tits need improvement


thank you for the constructive criticism, I'm going to work on them

10/10, would bang







kill yourself.

That's beautiful







Lick my butthole.

im bored as fuck

i'll this kind of writing best

Do you paint?


Illustrate. Mostly shitty comics

I paint. It's cool to see other artists here.



kys neet

>implying all artists rely on art to survive

Are you a teenage chick?

Lmao I get that a lot. People say my handwriting looks like a teenage girl's, but sadly I ain't

>writing green text

10/10, would commission


lel. Yeah is right.

Mostly a hobby thing.

I like your handwriting enough to pay you, if I ever needed it, to write something for me.

