Tfw your girlfriend is emotionally abusive and alienates you from being yourself and the world around you...

>tfw your girlfriend is emotionally abusive and alienates you from being yourself and the world around you, but she's really hot and way out of your league and you'll never get a babe like this again so you put up with it

feels thread anyone


My girlfriend just gave me a bj a little while ago. Feeling pretty good right now.

Shut up. I wish I had a dominant gf that abused me and punished me for being bad and wanted me to spend all my time with her.

she doesnt punish me for being bad. she screams at me for doing normal behavior. or for telling a story that was more interesting than her story or some stupid shit like that. this isnt even kinky. its just a fucking drag.

but god dammit that booty will make a man fall to his knees.

OP my bf is in a similar situation to you

Tits or gtfo

Nah bro.

cute try faggot


Intersectional feminism cares about this, radical feminism doesnt. Just lettin u kno

Show tits you stupid bitch

Been there. And after 6 years I left. Trust me, leaving was the best thing I've ever done. Get out as fast as you can bro.

if anything im still degrading women by staying with one solely due to the fact that she has the best fucking ass ive ever seen or squeezed in my entire life.

stop being a bitch , thats the only thing she likes about you

hes a troll you retard he was trying to pretend to be my gf

ill wait a few more years and see what happens.

>tfw gf wont let me have another gf on the side
we all have problems m8...

She's the one who made you think she's out of your league, right? Don't stay around to see what happens. It'll get nasty, fast.

I'd rather see bellybutton.

Maybe I'm a troll. What letter does your name start with?

Leave her, user. Seriously.

brake free and kill her,
you'll find someone else who makes you truly happy


You. Dont. Need. Her.
Leaving her will make you stronger.

OK different person.

Thing that sucks about that is its awesome when you're having sex (I assume, unless she's a bitch during that too), but the 99% of the time you're not fucking her you feel like shit. Think of it that way. Does the 1% of awesome really make up for the 99% of shit? And don't do the "I'll never get someone as beautiful", you got her didn't you? You can get another one.

>dat ass

Is that all that does it for you? Gets boring after a while.

I just love nutting in them idc if they have bodacious body or not. As long as she's not too big relative to me

Show her ass.

Guys i really and truly appreciate the advice, i really do. But ive heard it before and here I am. Im just a fool whos stuck to this girl who drives me fucking crazy in both senses of the term. maybe its love, maybe its lust, but it aint changing.

im sorry guys.

Meant to be replied to the OP

this tbh famalam

What a surprise

Your just a venting butthurt in a bad relationship.

If you lower yourself to her that's one thing

If you actually feel inferior.. that's really bad

Think of the future. In 10-20 years, do you picture both of you happy? If not, then......

its definitely not love. and whatever man. your life.

I realized today I have very little fun in my life currently.

I work. I eat. I sleep.

Sure I can rewatch a TV show like breaking bad, but that's more a boredom killer than something particularly fun.

Not sure what to do about this. I have no money, no local friends, no time to party or anything.

It doesn't sound terrible, but when you think about it, it really sucks. People go crazy from not having any fun. And I might too some day. My stress levels are extremely high even though I don't really have many issues in life right now.

But behind every great love there is a great story

Things like this take time. Atleast you've come to the understanding that she puts you down. Give it a few more years and I promise you that you'll be far away from her. You'll look back at your relationship and understand why it didn't work. And from that you'll become a stronger person. It's all up to you bro.

"You think her ass is hot now? Should've seen her back in the day! (Oh god so hollow and insecure she makes me hate myself but I hate myself too so its ok right? RIGHT?)"

Yea it'll make a great story.

for real though. why stay? you will become alot stronger as the man you are, just brake free.
get tinder piss heerr off out of your life. and focus on your goals as a man.
go google Coach corey wayne he changed my life, work relationships and you can use his advice

You don't understand true love.

You have to love yourself Jimmy, before you can love anybody else.

The world needs more love

>She's a shitty human being, but she's really hot and way out of your league and you'll never get a babe like this again so you put up with it

No, just no. Your life matters just as much as hers, and if she's trying to ruin yours, you cut her out. Doesn't matter how hot she is and it doesn't matter if you'll never get someone that hot again. It matters more if she makes you feel happier than when you're alone.

Besides, it's just a matter of time before she leaves you because you're a push over that can't even stand up to her.

OP pls listen to Fabio he knows what he's talking about

You just described my ex. Everyone knows me as really nice and helpful and she just thought that was weak and belittled me every chance she got. Always made fun of the fact that I'm short or telling me I'm retarded after I say something always getting jealous when I talk to other girls she was extremely controlling but she had an amazing thicc body and we would fuck all the time she loves my big dick but after a year of dating she left me for a black guy shit sucks but I'm better off without a manipulative bitch I think I have some pics of her I'll share

Anyway after that went down I started talking to this sexy little Brazilian bitch real nice body cute and everything we're not dating but we're fuckbuddies and her body is amazing this is my ex but I'll post my current bae next post

My current bitch she's super petite and cute, ditch your current gf and get yourself a Latina they will respect you no matter what


I did

so you're nobody?

Glad u care user don't go down the road I went you'll become plagued with self loathing when you're with a total bitch who puts you down

Ya im having the same thing. But regardless you gotta carry on. Maybe finding another hobby will help