Post some of your favorite films. They don't have to be great movies, just ones that YOU enjoy

Post some of your favorite films. They don't have to be great movies, just ones that YOU enjoy.




I love this movie and don't know many people that seem to know it exists. Christopher Walken is great in it.




That one seems like it just came and went in the cinema. Nobody I know saw it and I never really heard anything about it...


Maybe you should watch it and form your own opinion?


It never really caught my attention though.



is this movie actually any good? it looks stupid

Do you like napoleonic war era sailing ships? preindustrial era combat?


This movie is such a guilty pleasure...


I mean....I don't know. lol

fuck yeah

Watch it and find out, you might learn something



In particular, the music in this movie makes me feel really nostalgic.

I put off watching it for a bit, and I'm sad I did. It's great.

Man. I used to love horror anthologies when I was growing up. Twilight Zone, Tales from the Crypt, Creepshow, etc. This film captures the feeling of those pretty well to me. I also dug the way they explained why it was an anthology at all. Kudos on this recognition.

Oddly, this film holds up for me. lol


I totally agree, they were amazing. Not to mention I have a bit of a weakness for the found footage/first person style. Ashamed about the third VHS


Whoa. Didn't know there was a third one.


its fuckin shit.

its called Viral. and its fucking SHITTY.


this movie made me so fucking uncomfortable, which is how horror movies should make you feel

My favorite movie in the world

My Cousin Vinny

Well...still have to watch.

Bill and Ted's excellent adventure. I did a presentation on it in highschool as a soft fuck you to the teacher. It was a History class and the teacher was an asshole who decided to hate me because he sucked at his job and i enjoyed history. He said we could do a presentation on whatever, as long as it had to do with history. I chose Bill and Ted. I got a D. I gave 0 fucks


This shit is funny at first. It becomes not funny by the end. lmao


nah it became not funny as soon as the big spoiler happened at the beginning

after that

it feels good man


I was really hoping that the whole movie was just going to be the "good guy" kicking the shit out of the killer every time he fucks up and then letting him go to do it over again. That shit wasn't getting even a little old. lol