Did you know, a study from Rutgers University in New Rochelle...

Did you know, a study from Rutgers University in New Rochelle, NJ suggests that almost 90% of white women have secretly had sex or want to with a black man.

now why would they want to do that?

Nice shop

probably not a shop



i truly hope they get aids end of story

why is Sup Forums still doing this horse shit?




Did you know that 90% of non-cuck white men don't care?

Theyre are people who get paid to do shit like this. I'd love to know how much they make, cause I'd do it.


It must be true!

The people who I feel sorry for are the white guys who fall for this meme and feel inferior to black guys

And the black guys who have average or below average dicks that feel ashamed because they don't live up to the stereotype.




if you ask someone a question, they will give you an answer, especially a hip answer. they dont wanna have sex with no black men. nuhuh





and blacked has the most views per video on pornhub because when people are in their homes watching porn, they feel the need to be hip, and so they watch some ir porno.


>New Rochelle
is in NY you faggot not NJ
Your location is wrong and so is your presentation of nigger cock study.








Most white males watch IR porn more than any other type.


I remember being given proof on Sup Forums about people from reddit that come here just to post nigger dick shit. It's depressing that there are people that can stomach doing that on a daily basis.







He has one of those weird african bellies
y'know the ones
the ones you see on malnurished children


he sure does. don't think women will be focusing on his belly much though.






Nice obsession with niggers. Way to project your love for monkey dick onto other people.


Oh look. This shill again.

a lot of white males just don't want to admit it.

That ghetto nigger needs to buy a new couch. That shit is disgusting.


That's called a distended belly. It comes from being malnourished.

How ironic, you grow a huge gut from not eating enough. That's some shit a HAES advocate would use in an argument.

My wife said she has never had sex with black man. Should I believe her?

why you stop, cucky?

Have you ever been to New Brunswick?
>consider your source

[citation needed]

probably true. a few of my female friends haven't either.

>they also said they wish they had fucked a black man

You don't need a fucking study to know this. It seems like it's the cool thing to do is have sex with African American men.

it was one of my wife's fantasies.
and i made i happen.

Can I view the entire video somewhere, or can you put it on mega or something?




Well this is BS hell so is Op on his shit. But you cucks are killing the internets.






Same, i want more.




yeah lets see



well i consider my self as a faggot (sometimes fap yo traps) and im disgusted by niggers and i dont understand ppl who like negros. they must have some beastality fetish cuz i ain't fucking with monkey.








Do you have full vid

Jemma says hi.

So many bitches to care
Plus white woman feel dominant when they got a black sex slave
Actually all woman except back woman
I'm Asian and my shots not big at all but then yellow bones still like my car

Fried rice


Oh no fucking wonder. I thought being a paid caller to a radio station was bad.

For fucksake these threads are always here.

They have to be black to stomach this if they're any other race they're going to have serious psychological problems.

I mean every hour of every day dude

Femanon here,

I find blacks repulsive and unable to hold up a conversation

Why does op always make these cancer threads

I've went to a black school
Damn they can be very musty
Yeah those white girl were ugggg gaa leeee
But I did daydream of them bitches getting rammed so hard gotta admit

70IQ unable to do anything but bang sticks together thread?

Color me shocked, no source. Also being raped doesn't count as sex, kek.

Made by pol for pol :/