I have worked with the CIA for nearly 40 years, and just recently got diagnosed with Cancer...

I have worked with the CIA for nearly 40 years, and just recently got diagnosed with Cancer, and have a few months left to live.

I want to share some information, before I leave this sick sad world.

The government is actively spying on you, and they are doing so technology that skims your txt, voice calls, searches, etc. for keywords. (Information I'm sure most of you already know or figured)

What you didn't know is that we also have a computer that is designed to find patterns, and gives us instructions to manipulate society into our favor. Yes this means most of the "False Flags" you think are real, are (This does not mean all of them are real)

but each act, 9/11 being the worst of them all, has been done because a computer program written to help predict the future based on patterns in human behavior, has said that by doing these awful crimes, we will get our way and the general public will be clueless.

I just wanted to let you guys know, that we admire the ones who question us, and those who dig to deep are either given offers, or removed if we believe we can no turn them.

The presidential election has already been decided, and yes Trump wins, but be prepared for a very Dark and Evil next four years, and for the men pulling the strings to put all of the blame on Trump.

I'm only writing this to hopefully change the patterns we live, and we do everyday, the easiest way to disrupt the system at this point would be voting for a 3rd party, but I doubt these words will get any validation or traction, it's just a dying mans last attempt to save the country he once loved.

Other urls found in this thread:


Post dick with timestamp

This is some nigger shit.

Bump to hope this falls into the right hands

youre telling me that the cia has had a sophisticated human behavior tracking program spying on us since before 9/11?

dont you guys still have shit that runs on floppy disks? and how were you tracking things accurately enough to predict things before the smartphone boom?

you want a 70 yearold cancer ridden dick? Maybe this is not the right place for this information to fall.

So.. is this the best your campaign can come up with? how much they paying you, I know you niggers get alot of money to throw ads at the public.. but this? lmao..

Even niggers think this fuckin' shit be homo.

The program originally was in a server that was about as big as a supermarket (at least the room that housed it)

Now the program has been rewritten, the data has grown, and the server is now housed in a much smaller space and 1,000x's faster.

My job was in data analysis, and I was one of the men tasked to the program, and I can verify it has about a 98% accuracy rate of prediction.

You realize we had the computing capacity to send men to the moon in 1969 right? The computing power has never been an issue, only the accuracy of the programs used. As to methods of gathering current social data, you have resources from political platforms that people vote for to what tv shows are more popular to public reaction to different tragedies (princess diana, gulf war, death of reagan) that give good insight into the current and trending feeling of the general populace.

Honestly, if the tech is what's holding you back on this, you have no skin in the game.

>3rd Party

as is not Hillary or Donald, they are both in the governments pocket, and are both puppets. Donald will just give the government more flexibility to do some very nasty things.

Luckily I will be long gone before any of this happens. Enjoy your life as it is now, but soon you'll loose a lot of freedoms, and most of America will give them up without a fight - this is what they are preparing you for.

where was that supermarket server originally located?

Is this something along the lines of the WOPR supercomputer from the film "WarGames"?

Underground, most of the things the government is hiding from you is under your feet, so to speak.

ok but what city? what state?

what building did you work in?

If this is what you're talking about then yes. It was originally designed with the idea of "Stopping World War III, or other wars we stand to lose before they happened" and the original intent of it's creators was to stop war, and bring more peace to the world.

Unfortunately as time has passed, new people have come into power, and they have a new agenda.

Why dude, why are you wasting your time? I understand b8 threads but these are just fucking stupid. Do you need attention? Are you lonely? Or did you just want to recite ramblings to work on our shoddy imagination and writing skills?

I'm sorry, but I cannot divulge this information, and for you to even believe it's in cont. "America" means that you're thinking inside of the box.

tits or gtfo

post it in the unverified users section of the Intel exchange on tor. the data will at least be persistent there, and you won't get trolled as bad.


I don't expect many to believe me. Like I said I don't care, I'm dying.

I just want to get this off of my chest before I leave. There's still love in my heart for America and I know what's coming, and I'm just doing my best to warn you.

We have welcomed the government into our lives, and if it meant every American giving up their cell phones or their freedom, they would choose to keep their cell phones.

So I guess this will fall on deaf ears, I just was hoping this was the right place for this information.

Also sorry for the bad grammar, I'm on pain killers that are making me, a bit off.

Ok, so will it know if i decide to beat off in the next 5 minutes or not?

You've been watching too much Alex Jones and YouTube conspiracy videos buddy. I think it's time to stop posting. You're in your mid 20's at most, and you have no fucking clue what you're talking about.

>You realize we had the computing capacity to send men to the moon in 1969 right?

non sequitur.

sending mam to the moon can be calculated on slide rule. it's a challenge of propulsion systems.

why cant you divulge this information youre literally dying and giving out already compromising information

if you really cared about america you'd pull an edward snowden

Well we dont care about your roleplay either so

The TOR network is one giant Honeypot for the government, remember who created the TOR network.

This clearnet site is one of the boards that is not monitored by humans.

found a pic of OP


Alaska. Gakona. Goodluck if you choose to stop it.

You are posting on a site that literally says "only a fool would take anything written here as fact." Or truth, whatever. point remains if you were legit you wouldn't be so vague and not give away basic information, if you truly were ready to die you would spill everything. Alas, you're just a fucking mongoloid, who is probably really hyped up from the bullshit in this country- and is just trying to put on a fake persona to post about your shit theories. So that this fake agent you've developed will receive hate and not you, at least in your mind. Well I sincerely hope a 60 year old agent comes to your house, pistol wips you, then injects you with agent Orange.

Timestamp with bade and gun or op is faggot

Inb4 Hillary wins

>google alaska gakona cia
>alien base pops up

youre getting your conspiracy theories confused buddy

This is literally the plot to a tv show

You say that "The Donald" will win on Election Night, but aren't there rumors of some kind of a national emergency that could cancel that? I've been hearing mentions of a "third term," and it wouldn't be in the form of the current Democratic Party nominee.

Do you honestly think, that "Secret Government Computer that Predicts the Future" will show up?

Or would the government cover up their activity with "Alien Conspiracy HAARP Nutjob" shit..

Again you are thinking "In the Box"

Leave CIA, go straight to be to inform them of a massive government to run the world. A truly foolproof plan, does Mulder know?

Why the fuck are you on Sup Forums if you're over 70 years old? Fucking summerfag.

Don't buy into the shit, hes a phony and you're a fucking lunatic.

The US government is planning on a "One World Democracy" and this will also nullify all of the US Debt at the same time, as they are going to wipe out physical currency and have one digital form of currency in the "Included nations"

How does the program so accurately predict the future\human action taking into account the quantum randomness inherent in the universe?

So first the computer aids in manipulating society through key words, now it predicts the future...?

That's an old theory bud, and let me guess the lizard people told them to do it.

That's not how debt works you dumb faggot


There's already more digital currency than physical.

give us real information we can work with.

if you want to make a legit change get off Sup Forums theres no purpose in being here
if youre afraid the cia will get you heres what you do:

>travel and live in russia
>bring all your cia files and info with you
>call cnn or someshit say youre gonna whistleblow
>give some identification number from when you were in the cia that they can trace to non-classified information to prove that you were at least in the cia
>give credible evidence to your claims, as many things as possible that they can trace and verify
>proceed to do live interviews over skype or someshit while the us is effectively blocked because of russia (dont even try to tell me russia is just a us puppet and theyll still get you there despite of how much shit youre getting the us into)

I've said from the beginning the computer has shown time and time again, to have a 98% success rate at predicting certain outcomes.

It's not designed to predict what you'll eat tomorrow, but it can do that I imagine.

It's designed to see what nations will pose a threat to the US, and we input data, and run "Hypotheticals" until we figure out how to eliminate the "Threat"

There was actually a threat of a type of "Civil War" in america, but a class war. This wouldn't happen for years, but when I left, the actions to stop this were being determined.

Is the company behind inducing Parkinson's on Hillary?

>posting in a retarded thread

I have worked with the CIA for nearly 40 years, and just recently got diagnosed with Cancer, and have a few months left to live.

I want to share some information, before I leave this sick sad world.

The government is actively spying on you, and they are doing so technology that skims your txt, voice calls, searches, etc. for keywords. (Information I'm sure most of you already know or figured)

What you didn't know is that we also have a computer that is designed to find patterns, and gives us instructions to manipulate society into our favor. Yes this means most of the "False Flags" you think are real, are (This does not mean all of them are real)

but each act, 9/11 being the worst of them all, has been done because a computer program written to help predict the future based on patterns in human behavior, has said that by doing these awful crimes, we will get our way and the general public will be clueless.

I just wanted to let you guys know, that we admire the ones who question us, and those who dig to deep are either given offers, or removed if we believe we can no turn them.

The presidential election has already been decided, and yes Trump wins, but be prepared for a very Dark and Evil next four years, and for the men pulling the strings to put all of the blame on Trump.

I'm only writing this to hopefully change the patterns we live, and we do everyday, the easiest way to disrupt the system at this point would be voting for a 3rd party, but I doubt these words will get any validation or traction, it's just a dying mans last attempt to save the country he once loved

You said it tells you how to manipulate, not predicts certain outcomes.

You're falling apart here man


Don't you see how retarded this is?

Yes, this is to ease the public into it.

How many of your "Friends" are saying, "I don't ever carry cash," or "Cash is so dirty"

This is called conditioning. They are preparing you to accept losing all physical monetary notes.

or you're just an RP'ing faggot who doesn't want to have his shitty roleplay remain in a persistent forum.

remember who made tor? sure, and remember that it was made to thwart enemy intelligence agencies. unless you're an idiot, it's rather uncompromised.

just do what edward snowden did


>this board
>not monitored by humans

Sup Forums has been monitored and moderated by the FBI ever since moot decided to cooperate concerning CP.

you know neither tor nor this site...and doubtful that you know any of the other shit you're on about.

What makes you think that? The fact that we have daily threads dedicated to gore/loli and traps or the fact that this information will be gone by tomorrow only to be vaguely remembered by a few stoned faggots who wont even care in a week.

No.. sorry I may have explained it wrong, but I think you also read it wrong.

We have to input data - we call "Hypotheticals" to get "Hypothetical Outcomes"

Once we determine the one that will cost the least amount of life, or will be most effective, we do that one, even at the expense of American lives. 9/11 was a Hypothetical, that gave us a positive outcome, to protect one of our Allies, Israel from a future threat, and so far it has worked.

eh they would take you out and take this down you lying shit

No, it's because people can't carry 10 mil on them you dumb twat. Large amounts of inflation have caused a need for digital forms of money. It wasn't planned, it was inevitable.

Full digital tender would be simply pointless anyway. Paper money doesn't even have true value anymore, it used to be traded in for silver but you can't do that.

Any competent individual would realize going full digital is the epitome of stupidity as you could just change numbers and say you have money.

Your hypothetical theories are literally brain-dead with no thought. At least make this shit believable and think it out. I'm getting bored.

What are ya fucking talkin' about? Like what? Your telling me that tor and other deepweb sites that no one knows about are all checked by the fbi and Sup Forums (a site that is infamous for being on the news and posting child porn daily) is not even being monitored at all? Who the fuck are you? And why are you so retarded?

if u think its so safe why dont u go browse it

>the men pulling the strings

No, you literally said scans texts, tells us how to manipulate people. God you suck at this. At least know the story you're fabricating

cia nazi occultists created a cancer breeding program for population control. the ignorant and poor are slowly killed by the food they eat and the emf from all the cell phone towers and wifi. they probably caused your cancer.

OP,do you have any photos of anything interesting in your time as an agent?

Maybe I could believe this, you know its out there but its believable for the most part... but let me tell you what completely gives it away for me.... You decided to post this on a site where it will be gone in under a day..... A site notorious for posting gore and child porn. Like I said, maybe..... I might of believed you... but you just lost all creditblity.

>Paper money doesn't even have true value anymore, it used to be traded in for silver but you can't do that.
There is always the precious metals market. Know several survivalist that have big money in gold coins with a market they cycle and trade regularly. Privately managed gold and silver backed currency has been around for decades.

This guy fucking got it...

I do. Its like my second home outside of Sup Forums its also slowly dying out however and filled with normies.

Believe what you want. In your children's lifetime, physical monetary notes will be gone.j

Also there was individuals who had millions, before there was digital currency. They kept their money in banks, and got notes from the bank in return, but you are correct about the Gold Standard not existing anymore.

However you can still take your Paper Money, that is worthless and trade it for Gold, that is also worthless unless utilized in manufacturing.

Also changing digital currency - isn't as easy as changing a number. Everything is encrypted and designed around security.

This is just a hybrid of minority report and Ansimov's foundation series. Get good filthy fucking casual

Market is different than actually saying "this bill will be exchanged for a bar of silver" which money used to be.
Precious metals don't even have a true value. They have a value society put to it. Fucking would rather have food than a pound of silver. Precious metals have no practical value besides that they look pretty.

Fuck humans are stupid.

If you want to preach to a bunch of suckers who will buy into your neo conservative bullshit take your ass to Sup Forums

i seen it before its just a garbage dump filled with forums/markets monitored by authorities and paypal, bitcoin wallet scams. also sites long taken down by feds.

Silver and Gold have value for manufacturers, in electronics, not nearly the value we put on them, but they still have value.


> you can't buy silver with cash
You may be dumber than OP
> just change numbers and say you have money.
Sorry user. I asked my bank to do this once, they won't.

Encrypted and designed around security... And who puts that security in cannnnnnnn
Change anything.
Also hacking is always two steps ahead of encryption and security.

Who is behind the CIA? Who's telling you guys to do this? Free Masons? Rothchilds?

if this is true, then post a pic with a timestamp, you in your CIA uniform (the trenchcoat and beret) and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich in the picture with both the jars of peanut butter and jelly visible in the picture

>Market is different than actually saying "this bill will be exchanged for a bar of silver" which money used to be.
>Precious metals don't even have a true value. They have a value society put to it. Fucking would rather have food than a pound of silver. Precious metals have no practical value besides that they look pretty.
>Fuck humans are stupid.
Aesthetics and drama have always trumped logic and reason in healthy society. When it didn't we it lead to sociopaths killing off those that didn't live by logic. The beat goes on.

Does CERN have any play in this?

Alright guys, i'm going.
Why did I do this here, because it will be washed out by tonight, and I asked a friend not to monitor this board tonight.

Like I said, I'm going to be dead long before any of this happens. Americans who care maybe will do something to make a change, American who don't can sit back and be a puppet of the government, or move to Canada.

Also, on a side note, if I didn't have the information I have, I would vote for Donald in a heart beat, over Hillary.

I didn't say you can't buy. I said it's no longer a direct exchange like it used to be. Money used to literally be a piece of paper redeemable for silver. But you're too dense to understand that.

And of course your bank wouldn't do that, they would be giving you money. But they certainly could if they wanted to. Holy derp mate.

Nah man, when the apocalypse comes, everyone's going to want to buy that guys gold and silver.
> survivalists and preppers are generally dumb cunts

I'll bite OP

Who are "they" pulling the strings? Are you talking illuminati-type elite?

If so, how can I join them? How do I get their attention? I want power. I want to be the one who does the manipulating.

Have OP post his Civil Servant ID number and let the shit storm start.

Yes, who?

If the apocalypse comes people will just take it if they want it. No purchase necessary.

Also, who would sell shit if the legal tender was about to become absolute due to you know, the apocalypse?

>Also, on a side note, if I didn't have the information I have, I would vote for Donald in a heart beat, over Hillary.
This or a desperate attempt to scare us into not voting for Trump since he is going to guy the Federal government and crash most of the real estate in the DC area.


Money is a credit note, if I buy silver with it, I am redeeming money (credit) to acquire silver.

> Money was cockle shells long before paper existed, why can't I buy things with cockles shells now

So how can you just change your digital amount then?
Money in amount bank is amount digital number, and what you're saying will happen doesn't happen now, so why would it later?
All that would do is cause inflation, which devalues the single monetary unit and leaves you with the same value for a higher number.

Stop talking about economics when you aren't even old enough to have a bank account faggot

I think you missed the point there

Dude, you are really not good at this.

This or OP is causing a rouse.

Thanks for helping to destroy america.
>ill be dead and you guys can deal with it
Typical boomer faggot.

Post documents or didn't happened