Ask a Silver 3 anything

Ask a Silver 3 anything

whats Silver 3

Why should we give a flying fuck?

Why are you so bad?

How's life knowing you'll never ever have sex?

When you aim at an enemy, why not just kill them?

Why haven't you considered suicide yet?

Think of a silver but theres a 3
Then why are you here?
Im an autism
I have made big cums on tuns of women
Who aims in silver?

Oh god is this some video game faggotry? Is that what a Silver 3 is? Go get a fucking job you dead beat.

When will you realize, that Counterstrike is a simple game of point and click?

It's from CS:GO n00b

>inb4 "virgin"

I was LEM but I haven't played for a while so I guess I'll see you in MM my friend.

video games are just programs. they wont do you any good in life.

*pointless programs

why are you not nova yet?

No fucking shit sherlock, but who cares

Get good get hacks.

Sorry, I have a job and have sex. With women no life, not with my mattress like you do.

How the fuck do you manage in that shit game?
If you had feminists come up with a statistical analysis of how much hackers there are per game, they'd still underestimate the real amount

the developers want to make you addicted, and make money off you buying pointless shit. those two combined can ruin your life.

Why the need to tell that, aren't you happy with your good successful life ?

I'm a LEM. (Ex global post rank update)
Why don't you have any motivation to get out of silver?
Lazy? Boring? For Sup Forumsirgins?
Why not git gud and get out of that hell hole?

Who matresses a fuck?


>you mad bro?

Why are you a chungus?

There are a fair amount of people happy with the stuff they have like myself.
Then there are others....

whats the deal with csgo it looks like a old game from 2004

it's fun in someways, like planning how to plant/defuse the bomb, avoid being spotted/killed

Well I'm doing fine by now, in 3 years I will be an IT engineer doing what I like.

That can only ruin dumbs people's life IMO

>who matresses a fuck?
>matresses a fuck?

Cus im a gay faggot who sucks dick uncontrollably
Because im garbo
Tried that, my friend got vac'd with the same hacks so i stopped
Its hard because everyone is silver are either bad or smurfs


Surface are a problem.
Don't you have prime or no?
If not, there are plenty of guides where you can get a free phone number from Google.

I do have prime
I dont really see a difference

To be fair, MG2 and above is where all the cheaters are. Silver is a lot more relaxed.

Browsing Sup Forums and calling other people deadbeats

OP here, I have good news. I am now silver 4

i started silver 2, now tumbling between supreme and lem

keep tryin to get better and ull get there

Shouldn't you be busy getting to back to school sales so you're ready for the new year?


Why aren't you a real sergeant?