Thread closed, oops. I hope you who needed her picture finds this

Thread closed, oops. I hope you who needed her picture finds this.

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Fuck I know that girl... Went to my high school. Is her name Jasmin?

What thread was this?


Some guy was sending his dick on snapchat, I think. Kinda veered away from that though.

its me

suspicious as fuck that it takes over 30 mins, startin to think those arent her. esp since one was from snapchat when she deleted hers. listen dude, im gettin off soon so if i dont see full frontal WITH FACE, she aint gettin shit for proof from me

Where we at on the snaps

Id say you will definitely get a response!

Gotta argue for face now, but here's this. Must be good at those photos, didn't think she'd be this big

Not yet, at least. Have since last thread.

Should do soon enough!

you got 5 mins dude, still looks fishy

Wants the proof first. I can't make this go any faster, she's slow as fuck at replying,

nah, proof after

Post stuff fromast thread?

Well shit, nigga, what do I do here?

convince, im losing interest here. ultimatum idk

Yeah we're kinda on the losing end of the ultimatum here. Shit's already shared, she's not gonna give a fuck about who as much as she would sending even more pictures out.


What do you suggest?

whatever idc anymre here ya go.

if you dont get a real one / i suspect its fake ill just spread em to everyone she knows

i see any missing tattoos or anything / photoshopped pic its all downhill for her lol

shes got 5 mins, doesnt take long to take a full frontal with face

2 and 3 were swapped oops. read 1->3->2

Side note: To me, kinda sounds like he tried taking her out in a way she didn't realize would be a date or some shit? I've seen that a lot.

Strange thing, waffle mix. Always put in the recommended amount of water ... maybe it's just my altitude. IDK but even at 2 times the amount of water to amount of HUNGRY (mother fucking) JACK mix, it is still clumpy. And don't get me wrong; I don't have a pancake griddle like a rich boy, but my Crisco filled pan makes even them runny mixes into thick ass mofo pancakes. I don't know what to do, my life is a mess and I'm an alcoholic. Please help.

this took me way too long to see, i was very confused.

Tip: mix them better, no clumps. might take a long ass time, but it's better than lumps. I believe in you.

Dude it doestn matter. Even that runny shit makes bagel thick cakes son

also I gotta help waffle guy

bro I hope this helps

60 seconds to sending to her friends, parents, work, school. hope shes got one ready

tell her i hope shes ready to have her whole life ruined over not sending 1 nude to a random stranger lmao

lol she said she's calling the cops if you do

for, y'know, the like, 5 laws you and Marx broke/are breaking

have fun in jail, dumbass

assuming of course you are actually dumb enough to spread them and break more laws

fuckin waffle/pancake guy, please tell me you're okay

but im not doing that shit from scratch. I[m takling about making perfect pankaces from that real mix.

waffle guy plz

yeah too late, you're fucked lol

What school did Jasmin go to?

fuck man i wish i was better at pancakes so i could help

this fucking captcha though

waffle man don't die on me

Bump need nudes of her

so is this dead?

maybe lol

cops were called

text me 3233520937 in case of dead thread for updates


thank you, this post raised our spirits

Not here though

No, but that's okay

also these are fake as fuck