Hai Sup Forums :3

hai Sup Forums :3


Hi, penis.


Good. Fuck the male orgasm.

maybe it would be better in my mouth :3

Wanna suck


You have a ugly dick op




I wanna sit on it...


That's a hell of a varicose OP


this made me lol


this is so fucking hot. that dick is only like a 6, but the video and that masculine fucking forearm is like a 9. fuck me daddy.

haven't faped in 10 days...not even gay just bi-curious but would love to rubb my d next to yours

I had no idea

i think the cock would gain a couple of points if you had it in front of you

i want your cock holy fuck man

I know, it also gain's points just from who i can tell it's attached to. I would get down on my knees and suck you off easy.


Would you fuck me? Pic related


I dont get you people honestly why would the way another persons dick is affect you in any way

this just in someone who has sex with men is a faggot stop the fucking presses

