Im stoned

im stoned

Me too bro

"Haha bro look I can post on the infamous Sup Forums! StOnEd!"

lucky you.

I'm employed

Show me your piece hahaha

Strange thing, waffle mix. Always put in the recommended amount of water ... maybe it's just my altitude. IDK but even at 2 times the amount of water to amount of HUNGRY (mother fucking) JACK mix, it is still clumpy. And don't get me wrong; I don't have a pancake griddle like a rich boy, but my Crisco filled pan makes even them runny mixes into thick ass mofo pancakes. I don't know what to do, my life is a mess and I'm an alcoholic. Please help.


No your user

Took me a while to figure it out

being a stoner does not equal unemployment

>last week was a 55 hour work week (shortstaffed)
>dabbed every night and morning before i left
>get paid tomorrow
>pay bills and rent and buy more wax


I feel you dude. Smoked on mango and it tastes good

First Op was a fag. Now Op is a stoned fag. Not much of an improvement.


yo is there supposed to be a seal between the drop cone and the stem?
Mine came with a rubber ring but that burnt out

you and me both.

this makes me sad, if you cant afford a real pipe dont smoke. get fuckin something even metal pipe but ffs dont do this plz

thats the real struggle lmao
if you want a decent conepiece cut off the bottom of a coke can or w/e
burn the metal until its golden brown
roll into cone piece
chuck inside a piece of hose with wet toilet paper underneath to stop it from melting the hose

hi stoned, im stoned
inb4 but if im stoned and you're stoned whos driving

this is literally the fastest wat for cancerous lungfungus to form good luck with that.

You must think you're some type of a hero.

where's the cancer?
I got a glass bong, those were the high school days. Gotta hide that shit from the parents

Just woke up from being drunk and stoned. Happy trails, friendo.

>metal cans
>piece of hose
>toilet paper
you tell me where the cancer is i cant tell which is worse

i wanna be sedated