Controversy In Minnesota. Come join as we talk about some dude in MN and his sex slave

Controversy In Minnesota. Come join as we talk about some dude in MN and his sex slave.

>will be tits in this thread



>but there is a difference, it has nothing to do with you as an individual

What is the difference?

Im in minnesota

what are you referring to. you may have to remake a few of your arguments

same here. have some nudes of some local

>who who ever wanted more ass, this is for you

You've suggested that I leave this thread
I'm not leaving
Too bad
Lurking implies that I'm not partaking in the exchange of opinion and idea.
Just because my opinion doesn't align with yours, doesn't mean that I shouldn't be here. Now who's acting like a Trump supporter

No, im in the blaine area.

I wasn't implying that you are anything that you don't claim to be. I want implying that you are a criminal rapist. But if that point want relevant, then why did you bring up the criminal aspect to begin with.

I've suggested that if the content of the thread is against your opinion, no one is keeping you hear and you should stop lurking, yes

well, have nudes anyway

we need to see her with cum on her stupid face. deliver nao!!!!

If I remember correctly, some one was asking about brainwashing. I really can't remember now

there you go Sup Forumsro

how about another


I should leave why?
Because I'm rustling your jimmies?
Because I like debate?
Because you don't want to read what I have to say?
I am very passionate about my opinion on this matter.

well, if you have such a negative opinion and the actions aren't hurting anyone, the logical action is to leave.

Your very passionate about which opinion? The racism, or one can't be happy unless its my version of happyness

If you can Fuck a nasty dirty slut for the years and not get bored, why can't I remain in this thread for an hour or so without being bored?


Am not.


He always posts a picture of his girl with every reply.

Every single reply.

>from after the fingers where in her butt

I'm not sure. shes well kept. so maybe its a well kept thread? or that its your fetish

yeah, get your fucking replies straight man.



My original opinion was that she was ugly. But when you got all butthurt over it and called me out on it, how could I resist? It's sad. And now it's to the point where all you can say is "please leave". I'm not saying that you have to share my idea of happiness. I'm saying that if you think this girl is worth keeping around for three years, there is clearly something wrong with you considering what you claim to be getting out of the relationship.


but if you find her ugly, and shes become the predominate theme of the thread, why continue to lurk. Thats what I and 4 other anons said to you...

I'm pretty sure I never said anything about ending the relationship with her


She looks sexy to me, good work bro, I'd love to fuck her


thank you

But the fact remains that I'm not required to leave because I have an unpopular opinion. I realize you never said anything about ending the relationship. That's my point.
Don't post here without accepting that you may be criticised

More bdsm pics!

because you don't seem to understand, Ill say it again. If you are so offended by the sight of this young lady, then stop lurking.

I'm actually rather convinced of the opposite, that indeed you find her attractive.


oh yeah danke, danke !
busted a nut for her . that abused dog look in her sad eyes is makin me rock hard again! huzzaaah !


How long has she been your slave for? How did you set that up?

thats what shes there for :) happy she could help. I know she'll love seeing a screen shot of your comment

Also, the theme was Minnesota, not your broken down chick. If it weren't for me, this and the last thread would have died. I was against the fact that the subject matter was based on your ugly ho instead of the original topic. You fucking derailed the thread. You could have taken your own advice and started a nude thread instead of posting in a Minnesota thread. Nudes are nudes. It doesn't matter if they are from this state or that. I could post nudes and say that they are from Texas, but then what? It's done!

over three years now. she had hooked up with My ex housemate, we met and couldn't keep our hand off each other. we'd fuck for 12 hours and eventually that evolved into a relationship. and her we are now

sorry to have derailed the thread. she's a popular girl amongst fappers. but she is from mn. and I'm also in MN. its up to you to believe Me or not

Different bro here, she's going to get another load of cum soon, she's a sexy little slut


I don't find her attractive or offensive. What is really offensive here is the fact that you can't take someone else's opinion for just that, their opinion. You can tell me to leave all you want, but it won't make it so. You're turning this into a cringe thread fast.

Op, you have pics with pins or pegs? Bodywriting?

swiggity swooty, post pics of cum in her booty

comment screen shotted. she loves it when people get off to her.

if you two want more:

all the fun of fapping, none of the bullshit of tumblr


I'm rather sure I don't have any of that, but I'll make a mental note of that and be sure to get that

I am in MN and would also like a sex slave

he's fucking something and sharing with us, cuz thats we're lurking here - to fap to pics of females. you're just blabbering like a fucking faggot and calling her broken down while you cant even stand looking at yourself in a mirror. bitch this is Sup Forums not fucking debate central for minnesota virgins. post nudes or gtfo cumslut. eat a cock.


get out of my state.

Holy shit I would cover that face in cum, hot as fuck


fetlife, collarspace. its a bitch though, just like dating, yes?

make Me

Reach out on tumblr, this could be arranged.
fetlife is something similar
if you want, I can message on kik too


I haven't even poasted these on tumblr yet. :P


spit on the face any one?

wish i wasnt living half way across the globe...would have killed to get to rail that asshole for a few hours...she is a delicious little fuckpet


You weren't in the last thread please fuck off promptly. I am the reason that this thread was continued. Didn't you see the word "controversy" in the first post? The original thread wasn't originally about this woman. I am happy with my reflection. I'm pissed that a good Minnesota thread turned into yet another "post nudes" thread. Here's the score...
My thread is over. It's in the past. I did keep the thread alive. I am the other half of the controversy mentioned in the title. So you can all go back to fapping over this grease pig all you want. Consider it my gift to you, because you would have never seen it if I hadn't helped it turn into this.

can't say I blame you

perhaps someday, yes?

Willing to share her with a stranger?

sounds like tumblr fag whining to Me now

so I can't ask you to leave, but you can ask others now? Wat?

yes, that is to say theres the meeting up for coffee first. would love it if some one where to take pictures of her. again, reach out on tumblr or fetlife. I could kik you too


>I don't see why you're here if you don't like what this thread is about.
Is what he said.


Do you see the difference?


Jesus christ, give it a rest, nigger.

I never told him to leave, "Fuck off" is a general term. Again, please stop misquoting me.

Kik is mussfsell

I keked at your picture and poast. you sire get one internet

Yeah you fucking cumstain, your autistic skills of thread proofing are amazing ---the dude handling her actually gaved me the asshole pics i requested in the inital thread (thanks Sup Forumsro awesome chick) --- so you're a fucking loser for talking smack there and here and you're also grounded for being a virgin little faggot. no go back to the fucking closet and sit down then grown people talk you little shit. I also get straight A’s, and have a banging hot girlfriend (She just blew me; Shit was SO cash). You are a faggot and you should just kill yourself. Thanks for listening.


Hey man, I once started a minnesota thread about 6 years ago. We had 6 and a half threads in a row that night.

Wanna know my secret?

Fuck off means one thing. It means fuck off. you could be in tibet and some dude could be fucking with your luggage. if you say fuck off, he'll fuck off.

yo yo ma

Which is why I went on to explain why I AM still here. Can you really be this dense?

couldn't find you or your phone is off. not sure


I live in Minnesota.
Whats going on in here OP?

You're dense. No one cares why you're actually here, because you've already admitted you don't like this thread.

I don't go to tranny and trap mental illness whatever threads, because I don;'t like them. That would be dumb and a waste of my time.

Well memed, Chet.

I gave you my kik, does she like pierced cocks?

why are you still here again?

I'm poasting nudies of My gf, we live in Saint Paul. this guy is being a jack ass about it too

she likes pleasing others, at any cost really. Ill try finding you again, mussfsell?

Im on my phone now famalam
Its mussfsell

OP I've always wanted to have my own fuck toy, (especially an ebony/asian)
I was wondering if I could ask a few questions?

>what are the best/weirdest/most hardcore things you two have done?

>does she submit to you outside of the bedroom?

>is race ever mentioned during the domination?
(eg: would she get off to being called a filthy black whore or would that turn her off)

>what other fetishes does she have?

>does she behave differently in day to day life?
(I want to know how to identify girls who enjoy this stuff)

>does she have daddy / family issues?

Yeah boi.

Nice come back. Real original. You don't NEED to understand why I'm wasting my time here. You're just trying to take the argument away from my original point. Stop changing the subject. You're wasting just as much time trying to convince me to leave.

You're gonna love this.

It was a regular picture of Minnesota, and the OP was one short sentence bitching about somalis. Six threads on the basis of 'fuck somalis'. It was beautiful.

Noice m8 Anoka Sup Forumsro here.
Fuck that retarded cuck

I'm not finding you. I'm winston_smith_1984

Ill get to you in a second

see earlier

yeah, I get it. somalis aren't that bad, but they can be annoying sometimes

I don't care if you leave, broh. I see no point in you being here.

Don't really care about this, beyond making that apparent to you.

Maybe they aren't bad in the cities, but they can't assimilate for shit in the rest of the state.

I was just finishing up making my point, but the intriguing debate is keeping me glued to my seat.

Ok, you've made it apparent, just like a few others. Happy?

Yeh. Have a nice day, mate.

Super. Moving on then...

>what are the best/weirdest/most hardcore things you two have done?

not sure. spitting on her. she has an eating disorder and I've now've gotten her to the point where I can call her fatty and pig

>does she submit to you outside of the bedroom?
she is completely subservient to Me, yes

>is race ever mentioned during the domination?
its never really come up. we really don't see race like most do, and we're not sure why. we're just us and we do our thing and we enjoy it

>what other fetishes does she have?
all the fetishes. she's completely submissive

>does she behave differently in day to day life?
no, that is to say she doesn't really change who she is for any one. perhaps shes a bit more polite in public, but thats it really

>does she have daddy / family issues?
family issues, yes. Daddy issues. no

I don't need praise. I was admitting that this thread is about a grease pig, not the original thread I was in. It is appropriate for him to post in THIS thread, because its a thread about his grease pig. I didn't plan on staying. I just came over to finish an argument I was making. I could have left, but you all made it do fun to stay.

You don't care, yet you keep poasting?

we are in the cities. I used to live up north, some where close to red lake


I'm going to make some coffee, can some one help keep thread alive while I do this?


fuck man you're living the life
my gf is semi-sub but nothing like that, v jelly

so if you ordered her to start rubbing herself in public she would without question?
whats the best order you've given her in public? (that most girls would straight up refuse to do)

yeah sure man I'll post stuff from the tumblrs to keep it going

>you all made it do
It be what it do, or do it be like it is?

Nope. I do not care if angry faggot leaves. I care if he gets the point that he's weird, but I don;t care if he leaves.

