ITT: Your own secret LIFEHACK or godtier lifehacks. Share in here but keep it SECRET outside Sup Forums!

ITT: Your own secret LIFEHACK or godtier lifehacks. Share in here but keep it SECRET outside Sup Forums!

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I use a small amount of perfumes for women just before a date, so it will appear to her as if i had recently contact with another women. The effect is slight but perceptible and it's very easy and cheap to use.

instructions unclear. Toast caught fire, dick stuck in toaster. Dick also on fire.

Instead of perfume I just leave cum stains on my fly and make sure my fingers smell faintly of pussy.

it just throws the toast on the floor when it's done
nice hack user

it seems legit but i am not sure if it does the thing

wtf did I just read

Put bread in the cookie jar to keep the cookies soft.

i just use a random image of a life hack - would not try it either



would try it out, but i cant stop myself from eating all the cookies directly

inb4 the bleach crystals shit and cutting venes the right way - don't try it out, summerfags

after exchanging numbers with a gril i call her on sunday, since it is a boring day and she will likely be willing to talk

underrated post

anyone have the one about making cheap booze at home?

saved it thanks user

it works but yes i get your problem

that's nice, it's so much better than calling on the third day in order not to appear needy - as if she wouldn't know...


Just ferment some sugary water with yeast, then seal that shit

Viola, poor mans moonshine, its not rocket science if you actually attended high school

Ive tried doing this, it set fire to the toaster and my house almost burnt down. 10/10 would do again

You put a plate in the landing zone, so the toaster actually serves your breakfast to you. It's fucking brilliant



God, Psychology is such a bullshit pseudoscience.

Not really a good idea unless you want worn out socks and wrinkled up shirts.

Wah look at me, i have a bachelor of arts. I can't comprehend that the chaotic nature of the human mind varies from person to person. waaaah

Or just use a bump key.. which is damn near instant and you don't look retarded sitting there playing with a lock.

I pictured this and laughed for about thirty seconds straight. Its too early in the goddamned morning for this shit. Thanks for the keks user.

This is the most retarded shit, all the crumbs at the bottom fall on the metal

don't know if i works but i will just follow the rules in order to save time i would normally spend on thinking about it

No butter toasted grilled cheese?
I'll pass

It might be, but either way, I'm making 150k yearly (psychiatry) thanks to this "pseudoscience".

If your carrying clothes in your backpack that's the least of your worries.

> implying that making assumptions of effects on the human mind by color has something to do with actual psychology



don't do this it makes mustard gas

no boys room?
no seriously thanks user - seems nice

Imgur tier response.
kys samefag.


define a small amount please
i mean this seems legit kinda - but how much to make it work without smelling like a dragqueen

>not mixing your old loads with piss and using it as cologne

i'd have one for chloroform.. but this thread is dead and sucks



thank you!



I have no idea when I will ever use this, but I'll save it anyways


>user puts plate in front of toaster
>Doesn't properly estimate velocity of flying toasted cheese bread
>Overshoots the plate and ends up on floor
>user doesn't notice, steps on greasy cheese bread; slips and falls
>Hits head on counter top

I don't know if any of these work they probably all make zyclon B


those tricks suck - i find it much easier to add 42 + 540 + 630 + 8100


Works great in the example, but is flawed in practice. Once the numbers being multiplied get below a certain point (probably around 80 for most people) you run into the same scenario when you are once again trying to multiply 2 large numbers.

thanks for sharing - almost all the tricks are really useful

Spat toast of the floor, toaster set on fire

took a crane to get it out of the house


this thread evolves into something not bad..

All right, here's another

That's just plain stupid,
> look guys I'm just like in the military
> can use my folded socks to tamponade gunshot wounds

Hell naw man, bread and cheese got stuck in toaster, one side burned and cheese not even melted, also launched onto floor.

How the fuck is space saving stupid you fuckwit?

Mmmm.... smart one.

>Last image
The nigger just unzips your bag

Whoa now guys, let's try to keep the thread alive

Guy who sails occasionally here.

Out of these 40 you only really need square knot, bowline, running knot, figure eight and hitch/half-hitch, the rest either does the same thing in a different way or is very situational.

Hell, if you're stubborn you can get by on square knot alone.

its actually pretty helpful.
you just seem like a retard who only sees the sunlight once a year - probably never worn a backpack aside from school

I only have cooking info left after a fresh install but can be handy I guess.

>get British VPN
>watch Olympics on BBC website


why not just make everything lavender tho

The bit on vegetables is just plain stupid. As long as you've washed them, it honestly doesn't make a shit bit of difference if you only cook them for a few minutes. Is way healthier for you as well.

>live in britain

Going to dump, but doing so from phone,so bear with me

Ignore this user, it's cloudy and everyone hates each other. No GDP makes up for that.



It does in terms of break down of chemical structures affecting flavour and texture. The times used in that inforgraph are referring the standard ones mostly used across the board.



Sorry if there's ant doubles, but yeah, phone dump do no real decent thumbnail



Has no one taught you how to open combo locks with a pop can? I don't got a photo but it's so much easier to just use a damn oilcan than waste time doing lock combinations..







Not sure why that's a gif btw



Y'all need to get some AC in here.