What's Greenlands end game?

What's Greenlands end game?


building a wall


Chinese gold mine

Scooping Poland

Making a real language

storing american nuclear warheads

>says the Australian

>tfw you realize how fucking huge Greenland is

Being annexed to the Union as the 51st state of East Alaska

All the maps make it look large. But it's actually about 1/3 the size of Australia.
It's just standard cartographic distortion because they try to fit a 3D sphere onto a 2D rectangle
Fuck off Leaf, I have no idea what you're talking aboot, aye

>he fell for the mercator projection meme

blacking out

>danepig angry because he's about to get removed from arctic premisses by BIG INUIT HARPOONS while Canada still enjoys as much arctic as we could possibly want

>Mercator Projection meme

It's not bigger than Africa like you think. Here's a proper one





Grow larger.

>gook posting under a leaf

I am a white Canadian, I chose China because I had to use the Pacific Ocean on the truesize.com website to keep the background clean and the US and Canada were too big to fit without overlapping other countries.

Stupid fucking nigger.


catch them all

Are you down to 40% white yet? Seem every time I blink you're 5% lower.

t. Ping Pong Long

t. Failed internet comedian

t. fucking leaves

>a literal Somali immigrant as you immigration minister

wew lad

your butthurt is proving my point, Zhang

Entry into North America
Five extra troops per round.

>flag is red

Oi cunt what the fuck do ya think ya doin? Me language is as real as me mum being a cunt

>Covered in ice

>Covered in grass
