Why didn't Brann just warg the Night's King when he was born and kill himself before he becomes the Night's King?

Why didn't Brann just warg the Night's King when he was born and kill himself before he becomes the Night's King?

Because the only way to kill night king is to kill bran

Why didn't he just warg himself to stop himself from getting touched by the Night's King?

Why didn't Bran just warg the eagles to mount doom?

Why didn't he just warg the door and hold it himself?

Why didn't bran warg the forest children to prevent the creation of the white walkers

Why doesn't he warg Joffery to stop him from killing his dad and this entire shitstorm from happening?

Why didnt Bran just go back in time to when the Night King was a little boy human called billy, warg into him and jump off a cliff?


Why didn't Bran warg himself into listening to his mother and not climbing that damn tower and avoiding all this shit

why doesn't bran warg into himself to stop jamie from pushing him?

So can he basically go back in time to any point he wants and warg people into retards?

Spoiler that shit yo thats the ending to the series

How did this guy and an entire army teleport to there secret tree? Does he have the same power as CIA? Does this mean they are connected somehow? Could Littlefinger and Nigt's King actually be the same person?

He was too busy driving Aerys Targarian mad by whispering at him to "burn them all".

Why didn't he warg into Baelish and stop him from asking about the mask?

It wouldn't surprise me at this point

They could be... for you.

>a door has more backstory than half the characters in the show

makes sense
nobody is mobilizing an army besides jon snow since stannis met 20 good men
with all the chaosh in westeros they gonna bicker among themselves, others will get past the wall and theyll hand dany the throne as long as she takes her dragons north
CIA worships the others like the red women worship rhllor
""he'd burn the kingdom to the ground as long as he could rule the ashes"

Wow it was right there the whole time


Well he was already warged into hodor in the present whilst still viewing the past.
This caused Hodor who was in the past to see forward like a conduit.
Naturally without being a warg; seeing through time isn't exactly easy on the human psyche, and probably the kid having the trauma of seeing his future self get ripped apart by fucking zombies didn't help.

what is the nights king? i'm lost

Stupid cunt

Why didn't Bran just warg himself in the past to warg his mom to have sex with Baelish instead?

>you'll be even madder when I'm right


Wow it was right there the whole time

Because if the past doesn't happen, he never comes to exist in the future to help beat back the Others in the past and present.

Can he only warg simple minded people? Wouldn't he have to warg him at some point before he was retarded to cause the retardation? Since the present Hodor becomes retarded from something that happens in the future.

He's the leader of the white walker army.
I'm not sure if he was the first white walker, the show didn't seem clear, we just saw the first one being created but only saw his eyes.

The night's king in the books is a renegade knight's watch commander who found a female white walker and married them. He was stopped, but I'm unsure if the tv show is keeping this side.

Its a loop.
Hodor becomes retarded because of Bran warging him whilst greenseering his past self.
I think he could maybe warg someone not retarded, but its implied that warging animals and such is difficult enough. A normal person would likely be a clusterfuck for Bran to warg into.

he fucks up hodor in the past though. so it must be possible


Could Brann have looked back in time to the moment Hodor went retard and warg him to see the future?

only the Day's King can defeat the Night's King

Why doesn't he just warg himself back in time to essentially become immortal?

they'd find another. those tree kids are racist and all humans look the same

Because he doesn't know who the night king is.
I mean he could find out eventually through years of observation, but since that takes place in real-time during the present.