Iron is the best metal. Prove me wrong

Iron is the best metal. Prove me wrong

protip: you can't

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pfft steel is so much better

smoke diggy
smoke riggy
mitchy my nippy eee
Touch my pp

Iron isnt metal retard its first stone then its melted then its metal you retarded fuck you are so retarded

This is now a bismuth thread

Steel is just an alloy you dumbfuck

Steel is just crystalline iron you stupid nigger

No see this dumb fuck steel is first stone

Y'all faggots haven't heard of tungsten. That's OK it's pretty underground

Iron is pretty good but IMO diamonds are the best metal because it's the hardest.

i will trade you 1 ton iron for 1 ton gold. I know Iron is much better so im being really fair here

T10 tool steel faggot

best metal is copper. iron has a higher resistance

carbon isn't a metal

Silicone is the best metal faggot.



Uranium 235 isotope is better.

concrete steel is the hardest


Bismuth is clearly best

Maiden is the worst commercial crap metal.
Iron Maiden.

>steel is an alloy

You both like to be stupid Right? Read fuckin Wiki before spraying your cancer all over the thread!

You guys need some wisdom
>Light as fuck, yet strong
>Considered more valuable than gold by alchemists
Checkmate Iron fags

Yo I was gonna say tungsten but you beat me too it

I know it's not an element, but i'm a bigger fan of ceramics. Like, most heat resistive element is tungsten. Melting point of 3,422 degrees celsius. But hafnium carbide is a ceramic with a 3,900 degree melting point.

Fuck you
Tungsten rocks

mercury is best.

Are you retarded?

Whats an alloy then? You dumb fuck

This is the best metal fuckers

Aluminum is the best metal because airplanes.

An alloy is someone who is on your side in a fight

Plastic is the best metal

No, dumbass. That's called an alley.

I liked Tungsten before it got popular.

Oh lawd I just pissed myself laughing

made in the core of a dying star.

cool shit.

Oh yeah.

>tung sten
>swedish for 'heavy stone'
Not a metal faggot.

nice b8, m8.

Everyone knows that lead is the greatest metal, niggers go crazy for the that shit

Bismuth is so fucking cool

Wood is the best metal, prove me wrong


Best metal is heavy metal.

Bismuth is so cool ?

Gold is better cuz muh shekels

My wood is harder than yours

i love bismuth

strong ?!?!?!
baby can break aluminium can no problem

can you guys post more? Had to reset computer and bismuth folder is dieded

Gold is the enemy of the jew. If a currency is backed by gold, you can't jew its users.

Tell that to the 19ct gold ring I just bought bae

bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth bismuth

bismuth is love bismuth is life

Wolfram is the best metal.

Easily cuts through iron and steel faggot.

Tungsten, also known as wolfram, is a chemical element with symbol W and atomic number 74. The word tungsten comes from the Swedish language tung sten, which directly translates to heavy stone.[4] Its name in Swedish is volfram, however, in order to distinguish it from scheelite, which is alternatively named tungsten in Swedish.

A hard, rare metal under standard conditions when uncombined, tungsten is found naturally on Earth almost exclusively in chemical compounds

bismuth for the win

Cool shit

ShoeOnHead aprroves bismuth

Copper is better it doesnt rust as fast.

Ceramics can shatter bruh

British Steel imo

Bismuth thread

never heard of that band.

Fuck Iron! Silver is where it is at. It is a great conductor, has antibacterial properties, and was the bounty paid for Jesus' ass. Plus you can kill werewolves with it. lol

Yeah. I'm not saying ceramics are without flaw. But i find their properties more amazing. Like, ya know those SUPER fucking sharp and HARD knives and scissors and things? Although the blade itself is composed of is usually an iron alloy, the edge is a ceramic.

Laughing my ass off here. You know Luminite is the best stuff.


Tungsten is pretty damn awesome


You are not laughing. Why do you have to lie like that?

Why tungsten when you can tungsten carbide?

Iron is an element not a metal, fucking idiots.


Are werewolves bacteria? I don't think so bro


I came.

I drink my tungsten straight

that's why he said diamonds, not carbon

diamonds are the hardest metal, carbon isnt

Iron is a Feirce metal indeed but I'm a brASS alloy man. Good day to you sir!

Iridium masterrace

About 91 of the 118 elements in the periodic table are metals

requesting original

>only good for sparkplugs
what a shitty metal


> considered more valuable than gold by Alchemists.
Alright Nicholas Flamel, make yourself an aluminum dildo and fuck your 15'th century ass back to the time of magic and make believe.


Osmium master race reporting in

Done and done you bitchass

Shoutouts to lead-207 and uranium for being heavy as fuck without spontaneously killing themselves over being overweight like their friend ununoctium.

Fuck you faggots, oxygen is the best metal.

For relaxing tines, make it tungsten tines.

Thor's hammer?

retard as fuck

Titanium up in this bitch

runite ore is far superior

Did someone say metal?

Carbon is the true master race. This shit is the epitome of badass. Without carbon we wouldn't even exist. Steel exists because carbon fucked iron and made it its bitch and had a kid. Put this shit under high pressure and you've got fucking diamonds, the hardest metal in the universe. Give it some oxygen and watch this shit do the fusion dance and make a poison that'll kill you without you ever knowing it was there, like a fucking ninja. Do some science shit and create nano-tubes. Shit is so sick that people were making swords slicing those faggy Jap swords in half hundreds of years ago. They were so sick that everyone told the sword makers "you can't make that shit anymore, it's too sick." Shit's indestructible, too. Do some other science shit and make the sexiest fiber in existence. Fucking used in cars to make them bitches faster its so god damn sexy. Name another metal that can do that.
>Protip: you can't.