ITT: We work in an office

ITT: We work in an office.

Anyone know the fucking printer's name?? And tell that Mexican fuck the shitters clogged again

Last minute staff meeting at 5 today. Most of you already know the topic

Yo i ordered a pizza anyone want some?

so i was fucking my wife in the ass last night

Where's boss man? I have that spread sheet with the contacts he wanted.

how many years does the sun work

Some of us are gluten free here, Chris

stop assuming my gender faggot

Your name is Chris and I didn't assume anything. Oh great another HR complaint?

you're always late on your reports, our clients are going to our competitors. keep this up and you're getting fired, asshat.

Someone give the intern something to do


Yo I just got the firewall to allow access to Facebook.
You millenials go have fun pretending your sorry lives matter. I'm gonna fuck up the root domain forest tree.

Sits at desk all day watching porn while pretending to work

I wouldn't be late if you assfucks could stop changing the printer name to inkshitoffice

just something stupid.
mmmm, let me think.
ah, let him clean filingcabinets.

I don't even know what to say.. that's why we're having the staff meeting at 5

then you shouldn't change it back everytime to a lame name like "4chanofficialoffice".

Marsha came in late again today.
I think she has been drinking again.

just don't say anything about it. remember last time when timothy told her she reeked like wodka?
he got messed up, and really we can't lose Marsha. she's the only who's nice enough to give us coffee under work time.

and the intern only does it when we ask him to, the jackass

Look Marsha is pretty much the hottest girl here. Well Kelsey might be next but we can't just fire them it's a sausage fest in here

So just a question...why is Tiffany fucking a goat behind the copier


Tomorrow, I'm really actually going to do it. Some of you are alright. Don't come to work tomorrow.

That's not a goat, thats just Tim. He has some kind of hormonal imbalance

Fuck you Kaleeb stop watching those Isis vids on company time


..please, someone.. the printer name. I'm balls deep in the new account

Jesus fucking Christ he looks like Chewbacca

Uhhhhhhh can somebody help the printer isn't working

Laugh at the new guy

Fuck the printer, Greg will by a new one

Hey, im the new intern, how are you?

You PC bro?


Fuck you man

No one told you to talk

No, fuck you

B-But, o-Ok


Fuck you for calling me hairy, i could fucking hear you highway teeth

Go suck Tim's hairy, sweaty dick

Alright look.. $50 bucks. See Kelsey over there? Ask her if she has a fish sandwich



sys admin here, everyone from now on say your name into the keyboard when logging in for security reasons

Kelsey's pussy is a fish sandwich

Go back to your cave, Norman!


That's the joke, Mike.. wtf??

I dont think he was joking

Anyone recording this?

Shitters clogged

Shitters clara . Cualquier necesidad corporal más cocaína ?

Is Carlos here? The fuck is he saying?

Dammit you flying faggot, John! That gluten allergy of yours is bullshit goddammit!

Carlos goddammit if you don't fix the fucking shitter I will fuck u

Mark calm down I'm on the fucking phone

Vete a la perra

Cayate tu boca


plays with paperclips, bending them into shapes
types nothing now and again , looks @ screen intently, seriously

What happened with the intern? He do it?

randy's last day. that fucker made it to 67! also attention staffers: cake, cookies, and soda in the break room for randy's retirement goodbye 11am-11:45am

Who the fuck is Randy?

I will....

Dammit that pizza better be there, Jeff.

Anyone want to smell my fingers? It's Marsha hue hue hue

Rmr the old shitmuncher that fucked your daughter up the ass at office party last Halloween

I've told y'all already. They just kissed. Done deal. Do I need to hear about it every week? No

Alright pendejos! Enough eez enough. Today iz de day you gringos die!


Carlos put the butter knives down. We're not calling you machete. Btw the other shitter is clogged

H-hey guys......I did it again!

Top kek @ kissed
The fuckers dick was so huge she shit herself one spot....Carlos was flipping shit for a week

Wassup nigga I'm Jamal I'm looking for Marsha..


Greg, Jones is on line 3 for you again. Something about the typewriter not working.

Guess we all need to get tested


Down the hall to the left, but you're late.... she's already fucking charles, and Tyrese

Hey guys, i'm new, how are all of you? i brought doughnuts!

I'm allergic to cinnamon

well.. you want gum or something instead?

ffs dave can you fucking not?

hey wagecucks i'm the boss's son, where the fuck is my old man?

fucking the secretary

hah, greg, you're funny man, shut up and get back to being a wageslave, faggot, now for real, where's daddy?

you heard me you stuck up faggot

hey fuck you greg, daddy will fire you, you fat balding loser, YOU CAN'T TALK TO ME LIKE THAT!

i dont give a damn about this shit job. so fuck it.
at the end of the day my dad isnt fucking the secretary wisihing that he had never banged your whore mom and had a mistake like you

Becky in accounting lost 300 pounds and is still on her diet to lose 200 more, that is really insensitive of you.

Im new how do i use Excel?

Umm, is it organic gum from that shop on fifth?

hola senor stevens
donde esta el clogged shitter?

organic? we cant afford that shit


Thank god now more than 2 peaple can get on the elevator for once

well fuck, does nobody want fucking doughnuts?!

Fuck you daniel
the last time you did that the whole fucking restroom stank for 10 days. ill tell mr. stevens this time