What would Sup Forums do if they won six million dollars?

What would Sup Forums do if they won six million dollars?

I'd quit my job and be a rich NEET.

I'm actually already wealthy, all I do is play games and jerk off all day.

How did you do it? Can it be replicated? Specifically by me?


>What would Sup Forums do if they won six million dollars?

Quit job
Buy Tesla
Buy DA-62

I'd buy the burger franchise you probavly work at, fuck your boss's wife and give you his job.

Trust fund?

Kek OP here. I have a "real job" but I hate it. But yes user I love you.

I wouldn't quit my job but I would drop down to part time so I don't get completely board. Then I would move into a nicer area then where I live and live out my days never having to worry about money again. My lifestyle wouldn't change so I could easily live off 6mil for the rest of my life.

>I wouldn't quit my job but I would drop down to part time so I don't get completely board
You lack imagination if you could get bored as a millionaire with no job.

any asshole in the world knows what to do: you get a house with a 25 year roof, an indestructible Jap-economy shitbox, you put the rest into the system at three to five percent to pay your taxes and that’s your base, get me? That’s your fortress of fucking solitude. That puts you, for the rest of your life, at a level of fuck you. Somebody wants you to do something, fuck you. Boss pisses you off, fuck you! Own your house. Have a couple bucks in the bank. Don’t drink. That’s all I have to say to anybody on any social level.

Why don't drink?

>Put the money in a bank
>Almost $10k/month interest
>Play games and jerk off all day
>What else?

Just beacuse I have money doesn't mean I'm gonna go do things. I'm a recluse I don't enjoy going out and doing things. It won't change my life except for the fact that I will always have my bills paid.

Drinking, at least drinking to excess, is an easy way to spend too much money and to impair your judgement to the point where you make bad decisions.

save 5, take 1m to the casino and play poker and make more.

You could very easily be earning 40k/yr on that $1M with super safe investments.

I'd build a sick ass house

I'd be an alcoholic

I'd have 4 attack dogs and 16 guns and 20 bitches

I'd buy a nicer home and spend my days aquiring college degrees in whatever interested me at the time.

That's a true American right there

Don't like going out to do things, unless that thing is work? Come on and fully embrace that shit bro.

i could also be making 40k a night at cash games, and i have another 5m to fall back on. i'd be fine

I work with dogs, so I don't have much human interaction at work. I would much rather hang out with a bunch of dogs then go out and be social with people.

Yea make 40k after losing 500k. That's definitely winning right?

In my local town 1m gets you around 65k from interest alone

I hope that works out for you. I'll be collecting dividend checks on my stock portfolio.

work part time doing some shitty customer service job and not really care. Do the bare minimum to keep the job.

Buy an electric car for commuting, and a fun car for fun. Build a custom house.

Put half in savings. Use 1m for an investment in a business I'd like to do, something fun that's already a hobby for me. Give some of my friends 100k each.

You mean on a bank account? In the US, you would earn less than 1% per year on a bank account, but inflation is basically zero.

4 to 5% is doable on very conservative stocks.

who said anything about losing 500k

New builds for my computer. A smooth razor mouse.
I'd buy a 2 floor house for my family and a maid for my mother. The house will have a built-in gym. I'd travel a lot with my friends and family. I would own a pet tiger.
Better hygiene
I could finally buy high quality clothes of my style.
I would also invite my relatives to live anywhere here in America because they're living in poverty in a 3rd world country.
Better car(s) and I'll probably turn vegan and help animals.
Since I'm rich I need to stay rich so I'll get into a school of medicine.
Before any schools though, I will enjoy spending my 3 million dollars and making art in a skyscraper because it's been my dream.

I'd open a restaurant.

Also I would definitely get fucked up on a lot of drugs. Best weed and some LSD.
Probably go to clubs and get off on ecstasy.

I was trying to make a joke. Most people don't win big when gambling and if they do there is a good chance they spent way more on the game then the amount they won. And then they still think they came out ahead.

I feel like you would go broke within a couple years from the way you wild
Spend your money.

I would go to school for mechanics and metal fabricating so I could build vehicles for wealthy people. Off road machines, drag cars, street cars, motor cycles and other motorized vehicles. I'd buy myself a couple hundred acres of land and have a farm as well. My house would be between 2,500 - 3k square feet and my garage would be 30k square fee

Probably. Well, it would be fun while it lasted, right?

if you really know what youre doing poker can be profitable easily. its not like youre rolling dice or putting everything on black and hoping you win

I'd also buy a nice aluminum fishing boat with a big enough outboard to pull a skier. I wouldn't buy any fancy cars until I started making income from my shop. I'd take the income from my farm and spend it to buy more land. Have family or friends working the farm, if that doesn't work then I'll hire immigrants

Very few people know what their doing when gambling. Every single person I have met that gambles has no money, yet the all have a system on how to gamble. When they do win big they either party all that money away or go right back to the table to lose it all.

>I'd be an alcoholic

Why? I would be able to stop drinking alcohol, and start back using marijuana. I wouldn't have to worry about drug tests anymore.

Not him but a lot of people love alcohol and have no interest in weed. I hate it, personally. Makes me extremely anxious.

thats why its easy to win when you know what youre doing, lol

I'd turn hermit. Find an old mine and fix it up, stock it with supplies. Then, add solar, wind and a rain collection system. Maybe then I can find some peace and quiet from all of you jabbering ninnies.