What's your IQ Sup Forumsros?

What's your IQ Sup Forumsros?

I'm rocking a solid 142, I knows I'm smarts, but that says I'm border line genius. Doesn't feel that way though.



Gjigfg though hhjfghghh hghhxsz.
Bllkjrrfgg hbnnk play station

Hurr durr, fuck yeah. 'murica. I vote for Trump.


132 here
Know I can solve problems easier and spot flaws easier than most people but being weird and socially awkward seems to be packaged with that.

All we can infer from that number is that it's above average without the SD.

You see. This is why b is dying. All those with the slightest dollop of intelligence jumped ship right after the fappening, all I want to know is where did they go?

Exactly! Is it the autism that fuels my intelligence and tramples on my ability to put it to good and practical use, or is the intelligence the factor that inhibits my sociability?

If u was dumber maybe I would feel free to say whatever shit came into my head without fearing to appear awkward in grours?


128 here. I feel that the intelligence mostly hampers my social ability due to the inability to stay interested in small talk.

My IQ is 160

about 110 last time i checked. yeah, not the brightest bulb in the drawer.

wife is 153. scary intelligent. can figure people out quickly, solve problems, make complex plans, sees twists and turns before they happen. never did anything with her intelligence *(except marry me).

135-137. Something like that.

That dick has to be a shoop
My sides...I can't

>TFW people assume IQ is a valid measure of intelligence

High IQ is an indicator of problem-solving/quantitative/logical thinking, but not strictly intelligence. No use having an IQ of 200 if you're a sperg-lord who can't verbalise any of your thoughts.

>inb4 "low IQ detected"

I measured 132 back when I cared enough to find out what I was packing.

>except marry me
Haha good answer brosef

my IQ is around 100, but Iike being a bit retarded lol

That whole figuring people out thing, I can do that, I've often felt that made bullshit small talk with near strangers impossible as I presume to know what they're really thinking. It's actually a curse.

>tfw you can verbalize all of your thoughts but you have to bring it down to 5th grade level for your boss

If you can't explain something in a way a child can understand it, you don't understand it.

Also - if you're able to verbalise your thoughts, it's more to do with your EQ than IQ.

>Shit Tier: excessively high IQ *or* EQ
>Regular Tier: average IQ and EQ
>God Tier: excessively high IQ *and* EQ

If you can't comprehend the greentext, don't post in a bread for high IQ

never said I can't explain it fuckhat


I'm 85



Anyone who has to come to /b to brag about their IQ level must be a dipshit. Fuck off. Who cares how smart you are. Do something with you intelligence other than make shitty posts. Why don't you cure cancer you borderline genius...

I was tested as a child. Does that count?



140 here. Voting for trump.

Fucking faggots, if you would be intelligent you wouldn't be on Sup Forums boasting about an iq you dont have fucking cunts

I've never been tested but I'm such a fucking dumbass I know my IQ is shit. I'm too scared to find out lmao


this, I find it hard to believe anyone with high intelligence who is worth anything would be wasting it here

152. Got invited to multiple fancy clubs, but declined. I just wanna fuck my girlfriend, do manual labour and work in my hobby workshop and do some programming/digital stuff. I've been told I'm wasting my talent, but I think it would be stupid to do something that doesn't make you happy, just because some others might not be able to.

nig detected

125, not smarter than anyone.


I'm at least a 156. Multiple facebook IQ test have me in the 160s tho.


209 man i know im smartest man alive but i still feel very much stupid

Can you explain the connection between being intelligent and not wasting time?
Because I doubt there's reasonable evidence to support your claims.
Maybe you need to calm down and stop being jelly. High IQ isn't what will make you happy so there's no need to be salty.

Same, Im 476 but I feel retarded as shit sometimes.

>Facebook IQ tests

Is this bait? I've seen a lot of bait, but this is transcendent.....

Does this mean you get stuff 2 times faster than the average human?

i lost my IQ when i was 17.
She was prostitute, and i paid her from allowance i have saved for may months.

any accurate IQ tests online or are they all bullshit?


good thing i'm rich

Didn't say you couldn't - what I'm saying is you're making a point of how you have to 'dumb-down' for other people as if it's a bad thing.

Everyone has different skills/areas of expertise. Dumbing something down is something that has to happen in all walks of life - for all people.


No time for silly IQ tests cuz I am too busy watching Kubrick movies, reading Japanese literature in Japanese, listening to prog rock and reading tons of glorious 19 century German philosophy. Smell you later.

Maybe my post wasn't clear? I said highly intelligent people who have worth wouldn't waste their time posting about it on Sup Forums. There are highly intelligent people who are useless, like the ones here

144 - I'm really good at reading people and understanding problems, as well as how to solve them. Got a ton of flaws and weaknesses though, and honestly think I would be happier if I was not so 'aware' of things. Constantly depressed.

And banging my wife, I almost forgot.

The unexamined life is not worth living

Don't worry, I'm banging your wife too.

124, did a verified test with my university's psychology department for a research test and also came up borderline autistic (£10, wasn't worth it)

I do philosophy btw

that's the same with my wife here . advanced classes in high school, urged by her mother (two masters and PhD) to go on to college but she was just happy working in a pastry store and then raising our kids.

I demand nudes of your slut wife.

Top notch bait right here.

I can already tell you that its average by this post.

ok there smarty-pants let's lose the attitude before I hack your mainframe

You're so new. This place was always full of degenerates but at least the majority of them had intelligence and wit. Now that the masses have descended moat of them have left and all we have left are threads about what movie character best describes you, cuck threads and trap bait. This place is so old now it's almost sad, in fact most faggots that post have Facebook, real life human friends and aren't virgins. Just fuck off, all of you.

I wonder how many of the claims in this thread are based on legitimate IQ tests, and how many are based on you guys just googling "IQ TEST" and thinking that's even a remote indicator.

Also, IQ doesn't necessarily correlate to intelligence.

This post wins Sup Forums.

Nice Samefaging

I think you'll find that it does correlate to intelligence but not necessarily knowledge. So many knowledgeable people would like to have the world believe they're intelligent when in reality they're average to above average with the skills to learn facts on particular subjects. Knowledge and education do not mean a person is intelligent by default.

Im 145 actually.. feels more leuke 130 to me

In this other thread I rolled an IQ of 176! XD

I never took an iq test where do I take one?

>another oldfag whining about the glory days of Sup Forums and samefagging

im glad old Sup Forums is dead you're annoying

Im actually someone completely different. I just agree with the sentiment, you stupid cunt.

I think it's somewhere around 151 but it's been forever since I was told and I have to set up a meeting with my old school counsellors to find out again.

>That baby dick

164 is what i scored when they were trying to figure out why i wouldn't pay attention. paired with ADHD/ADD, op-positional defiance, dyslexia, borderline schizophrenia, and a couple other ones. the smarter you are the harder time you will have learning to use you brain. if your lucky enough you can figure it out before its too late.

i'm rocking a 134 but i've always been better than people with higher IQs at strategy games

Never mind just took one.
I got an iq of 144. Is that good?


110 is well ahead of the bell curve.

Good to know that there's a few high IQ moms who would rather be good mothers than corporate number crunchers with dead eggs.

>Herds of people repeat a dead man's supposed words endlessly
>They must therefore be true


Xbos Paysation kul rrr

218 here

Right so we should ignore history & it''s lessons.

Same here.

Are you literally me?

Depending on the Question set
creates the result.

Beliebing in IRQ TESTING

"wasting talent" means "we're giving you the chance to spend more than half of your waking hours working for us. You'll get lots of money and no time to enjoy or invest it. Give us your today, and we might give you your tomorrow."


I'm around 130 I'd say

I'm 27, and pretenses of OH LOOK HOW SMART I AM AND SPECIAL AND IM THE GREATEST are totally past me at this point

that being said, I am genuinely sharper than 65%-70% of the pop, but I'm no super genius

If anything, I'd say my best traits are my sincerity, and the strength of my will.

I have a big boy job in a line of work that very few people last in, and am rising through the ranks.

Chef at Wendy's

Fucking IQ tests the majority of the people that construct this shit can't even brew a Decent coffee or repeat a similar task without fucking it.


$27 an HR
Chronic Masturbator and Sarcasm Facilitator.

Is this true?
I think about becoming a lawyer but I hear they have no time for nothing and always work...
I don't know about the alternatives though. I mean what else can I do?
Have no job at all?

How are you supposed to find out? Idk if I'm "smart" or anything. I dropped out of college, but I do make a shitload of money reverse engineering malware and viruses and my side job pen testing makes even more.

I'm not good at math and don't know how much you work so how much is that in a month?

I make 20 an hour, I'm a technician, licensed and everything, yadda yadda yadda

this is me all over :L

you could be a poorfag and travel the world or something pretty easily. that would be fun, for a while. eventually you'd want to settle down though, and probably some security, which you would have none of. you'd also maybe want a mate, but what women would date or marry some bum with nothing? that guy is a fag and probably a dropout, get a job and contribute to society. You don't have to be a lawyer, you can have a career that also gives you time to enjoy life.

>hi im basically a genius
>but im humble about it
>anyway where do i go to get my validation?
eat a whole great big sack of dicks OP you talent-less fuck

the reason we're on this shithole is because were socially awkward as fuck the majority of 4 chan users were smart before it became mainstream. we were smart but socially inept and thus became a recluse and move into the internet to make up for our social failings and faggots from facebook and tumblr came flooding in who frankly dont belong here