Soy yo

>Soy yo
>soy un turista en Barcelona, España
>Compre Heroina de un camllo rumano
>inyecto en mis vienas
>De repente un policia musculado me detiene en la calle
>Muchacho pareces extraño, vamos a la estación
>El policia me parra por possesion de heroina
>muchacho os vamos a castigar, aunque se puede evitar
>Folla mi culo policiero con tu twink cock, quiero ser tu puta

Other urls found in this thread:

Sorry, I dont speak italian

It's Mexican

Sorry, I don't speak russian

Sorry, I don't speak Senegalese

Menos mal que to te detuvieron los GEO de la policia nacional

Arriba votado mi querido anonimo

Whatever, but I'll take a breakfast burrito with chorizo and eggs, add potatoes and cheese and I will have a medium horchata with that too.


Gracias, mi lindo español




Aprendan a hablar español hijos de puta.

Que tal de que aprendas ingles joto estupido

Putos sudaquillas, estais hechos unos betas, panda de mamones

Otro hilo que se va al carajo.

Ahora si estamos hablando el mismo idioma, mi querido camarada.

Siempre los Sudakas,entrando a todo lo que se hable de España...como no se habla de sus mierdas de paises...acomplejados

Its Spanish of Spain.

Sabes escribir, hijo puta?

Tampoco hace falta que te emociones, amigo

Quieres chupar mi polla, hijo puta?

This is now a spanish gay meeting thread

Colombiano aquí, manoletes hijos de su gran puta madre. Vayan a ser cuckeados mejor.

Finally! My years of spanish courses have paid off. I understand that this dude got arrested for possession of heroin and then got molested by an officer.


¿Cambias vuestra coca por americanadas ahora?

>got molested by an officer
tu español es malo

>forced himself upon the muscular officer
same shit

Yo tengo un gato en mis pantalones. Y yo quiero un hamburgesa con queso duespues de nos visite la biblioteca.

hows my spanish guys pls r8

No, in the second case your ass remains intact.

Practica el vocabulario y las conjugaciones.

also guys, your spanish is horrible

Lo me confudido

(it confuses me?) fuck I suck at conjugation. Eso es el parte mas dificil comprender espanol.

Me confunde.
Keep trying user. I understood everything, you just need some corrections.

Es suficiente sobrevivir en un pais que habla espanol. Es muy malo pero es algo.
yo se pero no tomo clases de espanol porque me gradué universidad. Necesito rosetta stone o algo

And what prise can you offer me for speaking perfect Spanish?

nigga stop pretending you're me

Search "interpals"
Thank me later!

All i see here is build wall.

Muchos gracias hombre. Intentaré aprender


Go back to mexico

So I made an account but its kinda creepy. Is there a group chat function? Or is it all private messages?

>private messages?

Sorry, i dont speak eurospic



It's called Castilian.

>me parra
Que asco con el honda vital

Spain is not white

Who cares if Spain is white or not, when it's so gergeous

Spaniards have the same blood than Moroccans and other Africans
Spain belongs to Africa



And France belong to Germany.


Ur a faggot


Este hilo otra vez?

Spaniards are Goth, Iberian, Celt, Roman and Moor rapebabies, they look neither like Nordic people nor like Arabs, but they're hot as fuck



i dont think anybody says they are


either you are a spaniard yourself, and lying
or you've never been to Spain

This is how the average Spaniard looks like



>either you are a spaniard yourself, and lying
sudaca, por favor

Spaniards have Berber blood, they're nor European nor white


No, la parte mas dificil es el vocabulario. Tememos palabras para cualquier mierda.

But, ur spanish its good enough


It has all the pros of the the Western Europe and lacks its cons

you're still inbred apes with unibrows and low IQ

that's me, but less hairy and not fat as NA men

Why is Spain so gay?

>Spaniards genocided Amerindians, not Englishmen
That's what they tell American children at school

El alma de Andalucía y los españoles queridos de García Lorca.

In a world map of human skin colour Spain is shown as dark as Northern Africans and Mexicans

>Australia and New Zealand darker than Turkey and China
Nice map, kek

it referes to the indigenous population, illiterate faggot

You base your conclusion on a chomolithograph from the nineteenth century? Yeah, that makes sense.

What about the millennia of Greek and Roman presence along the entire eastern coast? The isolated Basques? The Celts in the northwest?

>a la estación
>El policia me parra por possesion
>muchacho os vamos a castigar

¡Claro que hablas el puro castellano como si fuera tu lenga materna!

The Celts in the northwest are but a myth, compare your average Galician with a Scotsman, an Irishman or any real Celt. You're short, stocky and dark, those are not celtic features.

Is that what you derive from your map?
Then you had better work on your critical-thinking skills.


The highest frequency of haplotype 5 at the Y-chromosome-specific DNA polymorphism (p49/TaqI) (68.9%) was previously observed in Berbers from Morocco, and it has been established that this haplotype is a characteristic Berber haplotype in North Africa. The relative frequencies of haplotype 5 distribution show a geographical gradient of decreasing frequency according to latitude in Iberia: 40.8% in Andalusia, 36.2% in Portugal, 12.1% in Catalonia, and 11.3% in the Basque Country

The Firbolg were the mythical Irish Celts. They were chased into earthwork fortifications when the Tuatha de Danaan arrived from the northern sea. This is the origin of the leprechauns.

As any self-respecting leprechaun should be, the Firbolg were short, dark, and stocky. The Tuatha de Danaan were tall and fair. Both genotypes are present in Ireland today but simpleminded MuriKKKans with surnames beginning in O and Mac like to think the Irish are all red-headed and tall.

Another way to trace the dispersal of the Celts is to look for the presence of bagpipes in the folk music.

>indigenous population in Africa is whiter than Italy and Portugal

>Another way to trace the dispersal of the Celts is to look for the presence of bagpipes in the folk music
There are bagpipes in Albania and Bulgaria, (the gaida), the Cretan askomandoura, the Armenian parkapzuk, the Greek tsampouna... are those countries also Celtic?

map is from the Encyclopaedia Britannica, google it, but of course you know better, dark boy

That abstract is much more credible than is the map above. The Moorish Invasion entered Spain from Dar es-Maghreb and made its home in Andalucía. One would expect a correlation in the prevalence of the 'Berber gene' and Arabic place-names, which that map does not show.

>if Encyclopedia Britannica says nigs are whiter than Italians, then it's true

I have read two theories on the origin of the Celts. One holds they came from near Goa, in India; the other, that they came from the canton of St Gall, in Switzerland. That first theory postulated that the pattern of bagpipe-playing cultures reveals the route taken by the Celts in their wanderings.

This theory was first advanced back when science was still known as philology, so it would be nice if we could bring modern anthropology and genetics to bear on it. Meanwhile, we can enjoy its mild romanticism.

Tu español estar muy roto.
En el imperio español no se ponía el sol.
Los españoles hemos violado mujeres de todos los países.

aside from being a nigger you're discromatopsic, show me where in that fucking map is Italy darker than Africa, faggot

>Albania and Bulgaria, (the gaida)
That's interesting. The Galician bagpipes is called the gaita. DRAE (Spanish equivalent of OED) says the etymology is uncertain but suggests a proto-Germanic word for 'goat'.

El nivel de homosexualidad en esta publicación supera los límites, me voy a la mierda

>me voy a la mierda
>I'm going to fuck
Eres juguetón

El Google traductor es fuerte en ti