White boys mad?

White boys mad?

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Hahahaha, yeah you def. mad


why should we be mad?
animal sex is illigal in most countries anyway

nothing to see here lads

just another shitposter

move along

You mad you don't get hot white girls and instead post on Sup Forums in your spare time? Hahahaha


Black cuck suicide.exe





No not really

ITT Cucks and Autists argue about interracial porn

Stay tuned for the other 18 threads of the exact same garbage

And here you are in the middle of it all, kek


Im not mad. I prefer dark women

Big cock = more pleasure for the lady

If only life were that simple. It's kinda like saying:

Big engine = faster Nurburgring lap time.

nnnnyuuur....not neccesarily.

Mad of you dont wanna fuck your black landwhales? No at all. You have a good taste chosing white human being


Nah man I'm not mad I really enjoy the blacked stuff

Could care less about propaganda over hyped in a liberal raid bread trying to have outright statistical numbers ignored, if you must really know. What few abnormalities there are for this anomaly aren't worth fussing over. It's like dropping a penny into a portable latrine, nothing of real value was lost anyway.


sound so butthurt, that bish would probably take a bbc up the ass

I'd rather have dark women but most of you kind are so fucking ugly. There's only a couple that are hot and that's because there half white. So keep fucking are white women's so I CAN FUCK YOUR DAUGTHER

Not really. Its Darwinism. If a white woman chooses to fuck a nigger she isn't worthy to be with a white man ever again. That woman is a lost cause and should be killed

yeah, just give her half a dozen poppers and 4 litres of ky jelly.

Now that's romantic spontaneity!



looks like she made a man sized turd.

White boys disgusted by cum dumpster. I fucked a black bitch in my life too. No wonder you niggers go for whites.


We can achieve a good credit score without marrying a white girl.

But muh dik



Why would someone be mad about outdated farm equipment fucking women who are paid to humiliate themselves? I mean that's the whole point.

Mmm she love that white cock..










White whores paid to fuck niggers.




Who dat?

"Can you come back in a few minutes?
Yeah, I've got about 3/4s of a shit hangin'
outta my ass!"


Wait, hold the phone -- your penis is bigger when it's warm?!?!


haha you mad Jamal?


Mad, darkie?



ITT whores get paid money to take cock on film. They don't care what color it is.



Top kek user.










the procentage of apes living in israel is low you fucking idiot











nope. you keep her and pay for her now too :)








sometimes it looks like girls are being penatrated by big poopies. For peeps with a scat fetish, I guess that's fune, but Im not into scat



Not mad, just disappointed.





Show her penis already! Stop fucking teasing me!