Best things to steal to make money?

best things to steal to make money?

her virginity

how would that make him money ?

Steal crack, sell crack, e-z

little girls
>high risk high reward

c'mon now

Steal my shit to get shot, lazy useless fuck.

Fuel truck

i don't want your useless shit

>kidnap a 10 year old girl
>sell her off to a human trafficker or local gang
>that is at least $10k USD you will receive


great tip, thanks a bunch



Your moms panties, go sell them at the gas station. Don't forget to include pic of mom!! Seems everyone forgets that !

>reward varies by age, race, location, how many guns citizens have
>younger is worth more, 18 is worthless
>safe suburbs are worth more than ghettos
>more guns citizens have, higher the bonus pay

kidneys,underaged kids,smart phones from faggots playing pokemon go late at night,the dose of crackheads,liquor.

>Go to rich neighborhood at night
>try every car door
>steal everything from cars with unlokcekd doors
>run like a nigger if a car alarm goes off
>wait a few weeks before you sell the loot

Your heart.

>younger is worth more, 18 is worthless
not really under 4 isn't interesting cause not that many buy that young so between 5-12 is best

a large bag full of uncut diamonds

Probably a high quality printing press and some books on counterfeiting bills.


perscription drugs

and fucking bitcoins apparently haha

>have you fucking heard diminishing returns?


a power plant

Rob drug dealers. Victimless crime, and the cops won't even get mad

how about books?

I dont really see how this applies right now ?
But thinking again i guess some may like younger ones to make a secret slave they educated , reminds me of an old post i lost , someone used young girls he bought and educated them to be sex slaves .

>Rob drug dealers. Victimless crime,

That's not what victimless crime means.
The drug dealer is the victim.
But yeah, they can't use the legal system for justice.

Victimless crime means prostitution or arguably selling the drugs themselves, where it's really society trying to fuck with two consenting adults.

>on Sup Forums
>not seeing the obvious retardation of the suggestion

Welcome newfriend

it would be cash

>covering his ass after a blatant mistake

A rich woman's heart. The uglier, the easier.

A money making machine

Wine of zamorak

>responding spitefully upon realization of going full potato

Guns and drugs

my fucken sides

steal from your plug and resale it.



A job. It will guarantee money every two weeks.


Well stealing copper is pretty easy.

Requires a photo DL and a thumb print in MI now. Get caught, go to jail.

Hair. Like the kind used for extensions and weaves. Beauty shops and beauty supply stores are pretty easy to knock over. Just make sure you have the right one, and case it out to make sure the owner is not armed.

what kind of money are we talking about here?

Power tools, high quality calculators(Especially Tex Instruments, can easily get $70 per on Craigslist), consoles or PCs obviously, if you aren't a pussy just a straight up mugging is good. Can typically get a few hundred from a decent marks wallet. Car stereos, car batteries can be sold to certain places for about $10-15. Copper wiring fetches a decent price too.