My poppy seeds from Walmart are starting to sprout. Will they contain opium?

My poppy seeds from Walmart are starting to sprout. Will they contain opium?

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no you fucking retard

Poppy seeds might contain trace amount of morphine sprouted or not.

And no it's not enough to have any noticeable effect.

Those are not poppy seeds you goose

seeds from the seed wart

no you retard. they're are several types of poppy plant.

which poppy plant do they harvest for opiates?

Search for soma tea

Opium poppies

yes, and hemp seeds at walmart will sprout OG Kush. you absolute retard

Popy Seeds are apaver somniferum, the opium gives the flavor. Now why they may not be selectively bred for the amount and quality of opium, but it will still make opium. Read a book sometimes, democrat.

Unless you make tea with a bunch

Yippee. I'm excited


Nigga, you stupid. Stop talking.

this. PST (Poppy Seed Tea). OTOH, you may probably grow somniferum from them (note that you should plant them first, and won't be able to replant poppy from tissue due to too thin roots) - be wary of fungi though (about 80%-90% poppy seeds have it). 3 months is usually enough to get flowers, add another couple of weeks for latex.

once its a poppy plant you slit the stalks and let the liquid ooze out and then it congeals/hardens in the sun and that's where you can get the opium from.

You have to let it bloom and close. Then take a razor and as lightly as possible make a slit and catch the blonde/red/black goo. depending on strain.

Don't listen to these guys, they are the "smoking weed and doing drugs makes you a smart little know it all empty headed faggots"

NB I tried to grow them myself in a box in winter twice, having a couple of years of experience in indoor plant cultivation, hemp included - and they got killed by either fungi (mold usually) or rot - unless you have >30C temperatures and low air humidity, they simply won't grow reliably. Poppy is best cultivated outdoor in hot, sunny and dry climates.

No, you just overwater.

Its called papaverum somniferum

Trips confirms