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Talk about..blowing his mind


bye bye henry the nose shaker
thanks for the last shake



What gun would that be

Is this genuinely legit? fuck me


I've wondered that since I saw this last night.


It is


anyone got the one where the dude gets the rock to his head?

>genuinely legit


12 gauge. Slug I'd imagine

dayum son

top milkdude

All my milkdude

I fucking milkdude'd

Top milkdude


i got your back op

How do you know bruh?

i milkdindu

think you spelt rekt wrong

damn that sucks. not only do they blow your brains out they make sure you look dumb as fuck when they do

did he died?

Alright, what is this milkdude faggotry?

the shotgun made him look stoned


I think you spelt edgy middleschool douche wrong


Allahu akbar!

milkdude faggot

So basicly if u get shot into the head by a shotgun u end up looking like maisie williams

my new go-to reaction face

This was in the last thread you cuck

ruined a perfectly handsome face. what a waste. couldve made a great model

Im not sure looking dumb is much of his concern at that point in time kek

>doesn't know about milkdude

top milkdude

fucking milkdude



Please can you do the same to Just as his eyes pop with the text "Oh"

>get born into a country being taken over by subhumans
>get murdered for being in the wrong place at the wrong time
>autistic teenagers laugh at your face getting blown to bits on a 13 year old website

What a way to go!

you sickfuck

I never understood what the fuck is she having on her head

Can somebody confirm if he survived?


Not funny. Everyone uses that terminology. Try again summer fag.

its princess Lala taking care of the folks

>being this new kek


Now thats funny. I wonder if he's seen it?

He wanted to cosplay as Arya Stark, so they gave him right facial features.

Nutted but she still suckin

lelele super funny looool

he pulled the trigger

Look at it, think about how much it would cost to create something like that with special effects.

Now think how easy it is to goto a middle eastern country and shoot somebrown guy in the head.


how it feels to chew 5 gum

8/10 moderateley milkdude'd


fuck me m8

>Not knowing about milkdude.
Get out of Sup Forums you normie

I think you have too much sense to be allowed on Sup Forums.



Quite ironic isnt it

He did. He just cant feel anything from the top of his head down.

He's OK, he's brain damaged but running for president

first i thought, fine they will cut out the best part again. and then they showed the slomo.

but the first kill looked so fake. his fucking head just got bigger as a baloon

surprised the bullet didn't go straight through


it's a shotgun not a .50bmg

That's exactly what I was pondering


milkdude is a newfag meme

they think they made a thing

let them have their fun

I've actually been waiting for ISIS to do a good high-res slow-motion video of someone getting a shotgun to the face. Clearly I'm a horrible person.


now this is top milkdude!





>Uncomfortably Numb

I thought it was a guy who got shot, not a woman

Typical Sup Forums user

the shotgun blast styled his hair

Am i the only one that thinks these are fake?

i mean that. that looked so fake for me

No one gives a fuck who you are.



i came

I thought about that, but honestly it would be easier for them to do the real thing than it would be for them to fake it. I mean, I doubt that ISIS members have experience in special effects or complex movie make-up. It would be easier for them just to find some infidels and blast them for real.

You are all some sick motherfuckers!

>It's a good thing none of you will ever matter in the least in the bigger scheme of things.

>Enjoy your futures as homeless and/or prison inmates.
