Hey Sup Forums i found a stray kitten

hey Sup Forums i found a stray kitten
dubs decides the name
trips decides what i do with it

also caturday thread

Margret Scratcher

Hubert Cumberdale
Give it a loving home

It's not stray. Don't you see the collar?



>has a collar
It's not yours to name faggot and it has a home. Don't be a cat thief nigger

its a bracelet i was wearing that i put around its neck


>with a collar

dude just fucking let the kitten go or check for a cellphone number on the collar

Mirrors....mirrors are tough.


i dont have any more cats.
someone post cats

its friggen caturday dammit


well that was fast

Keep it safe


ill name her lucky


Scruffy, the janitor

moar of her




rerolling for trips



Take a seat



See what happens when you put it in the freezer kek (dont really 2edgey4me)

kekd as fuck


>trips decides what i do with it

he's too late

rest in spaghetti thread..

Is she okay?

i hope not

Give the cat a home, feed it, look after it.

shes alright

idk what kind of breed she is?

Buy catnip for it

Are foxes allowed?

It may very well have ran away from home or been abandoned.

i cant tell if he's scared or playing..



my 2 kittens.

that kitten is ugly OP, you should torture it and fuck it to death

Was anybody here for the thread where some dude shoved a dildo inside of a cat and killed it?

Don't want pics but that shit was pretty fucked up, even for Sup Forums

put a paper hat on the kitten

I'm leaning more towards playing


finger in the butt.



murder yourself with a spoon


rolling for this

Poke it on the nose with your dick.

This makes me sad


kitty is enjoying his or her self.
is okay though
kitty will learn

Love it
